Norma E. Fuentes-Mayorga
Program Director, Latin American and Latino Studies
Associate Professor of Sociology
Additional Departments/Affiliated Programs
Areas of Expertise/Research
- International Migration, Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Latino/a/x Studies, Public Health, Housing and Education
- Latin American and Latino Studies
North Academic Center

Norma E. Fuentes-Mayorga
Norma Fuentes-Mayorga is an Associate Professor in Sociology and Latin American and Latina/o Studies at The City College of New York (CUNY). Before coming to City College, she was a Visiting Fellow at the Center for Migration and Development at Princeton University; an Assistant Professor at Fordham University’s Department of Sociology and Anthropology; and a Visiting Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Amsterdam. Her Postdoctoral research has culminated in the publication of a first book manuscript, documenting the migration that is led by Afro-Caribbean and Indigenous women, paradoxically, after joining the middle class in the Dominican Republic and Mexico. Dr. Fuentes-Mayorga has authored a number of articles and chapters on the immigrant and labor market experiences of non-white Latinas/os in New York City. She is currently working on a second book project comparing the educational mobility of daughters of immigrants in the cities of Asmterdam and New York and how the access to higher education and the digitalization of society impact their social mobility and ethno-racial identities.
2005 Ph.D. Sociology, Columbia University, GSAS. Thesis: “Dominicans and Mexicans in New York City: Gender, Racialization and Work Incorporation.” Professors Her- bert J. Gans, Robert C. Smith co-mentors.
1999 MPhil Sociology, Columbia University, GSAS.
1995 MA, Sociology and Latin American Studies. Columbia University, GSAS.
1989 BA, Sociology and Economics. Columbia University, School of General Studies.
Research Interests and Scholarship
International Migration and Education, US Latina/o and Latin American Studies; Work and Occupations; Housing, Racialization, Mental Health. Postdoctoral specializations in international migration, comparative international education, race, ethnicity, and gender inequality, and Latin America and the Spanish-speaking Caribbean.
Fuentes-Mayorga, N., From Homemakers to Breadwinners to Community Leaders: Migrating Women, Class and Color. Book manuscript. Rutgers University Press. May, 2023
Fuentes-Mayorga, N., & Cuecuecha Mendoza, A. (2023). The Most Vulnerable Hispanic Im-
migrants in New York City: Structural Racism and Gendered Differences in Covid-19
Deaths. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(10),
Fuentes-Mayorga, N., “Migraciones Sin Hombres Y en Contextos Racializados: La migra-
ción y contribuciones de mujeres dominicanas a la comunidad de origen y Albergue,” in,
Migraciones Internacionales. Proyecto Revista Cultural. Centro Internacional Para la
Promoción de Los Derechos Humanos. UNESCO. May 2023.
Baranik de Alarcón, S. E., Secor, D. H., & Fuentes-Mayorga, N. (2021). “We Are Asking
Why You Treat Us This Way. Is It Because We Are Negroes?” A Reparations-Based Ap-
proach to Remedying the Trump Administration’s Cancellation of TPS Protections for
Haitians. Michigan Journal of Race and Law, 26(1), 1-48. (Equal Contribution).
García-Carmona, M., Fuentes-Mayorga, N., & Rodríguez-García, A. M. (2021). Educa-
tional Leadership for Social Justice in Multicultural Contexts: The Case of Melilla, Spain.
Leadership and Policy in Schools,20(1), 76-94. (Equal contribution).
Fuentes-Mayorga, N., & Burgos, G. (2017). “Generation X and the Future Health of Lati-
nos.” Generations, 41(3), 58-67. (Major contribution).
Tienda, Marta and Norma Fuentes. “Hispanics in Metropolitan America: New Realities and Old Debates,” Annual Review of Sociology (forthcoming August 2014).
Crul, M., J. Holdaway, H. De Valk, N. Fuentes and M. Zaal (2013) ”Educating the Children of Immigrants in Amsterdam and New York,” in Richard Alba and Jennifer Holdaway (editors), The Children of Immigrants at School: A Comparative Look at Integration in the United States and Western Europe (Social Science Research Council). New York City: New York University Press.
Fuentes-Mayorga, N. (2011) “Sorting Brown and Black Latino service workers in gentrifying New York neighborhoods. Latino Studies. Vol. 9, 1, 106-125.
Fuentes, N. (2007). "The Immigrant Experiences of Dominican and Mexican Women in the 1990s: Crossing Class, Racial and Gender Boundaries or Temporary Work Spaces in New York City," in Caroline Brettel (editor), Crossing Borders/Crossing Boundaries: Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration. New York: Lexington Books.