Nancy Sohler
Associate Medical Professor
Harris Hall
Nancy Sohler
Ph.D., 2000, Columbia University
M.P.H., 1995, Columbia University
B.A., 1991, Friends World College, Huntington, NY
Courses Taught
MED 33501 - Health, Medicine & Society IV - Fundamentals of Epidemiology - Course Director
Research Interests
Examination of barriers to accessing appropriate health care for underserved populations.
Evaluation of medical outreach for unstably housed people with HIV and a program which integrates opioid treatment into primary care settings.
Examination of how pharmaceutical marketing practices impact health care choices and disparities in treatment for chronic disease such as depression, hypertension and diabetes.
Cunningham CO, Sohler NL, Cooperman NA, Berg KM, Litwin AH, Arnsten JH. Strategies to improve access to and utilization of health care services and adherence to antiretroviral therapy among HIV-infected drug users. Journal of Substance Abuse and Misuse 2011; 46 (2-3):219-232.
Jerant A, Sohler N, Fiscella K, Franks B, Franks P. Tailored Interactive Multimedia Computer Programs to Reduce Health Disparities: Opportunities and Challenges. Patient Education and Counseling 2011; 85(2):323-330.
Cunningham CO, Giovanniello A, Li X, Kunins HV, Roose RJ, Sohler NL. A comparison of buprenorphine induction strategies: Patient-centered home-based inductions versus standard-of-care office-based inductions. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 2011 40(4):349-356.
Schackman BR, Leff JA, Botsko M, Fiellin DA, Altice FL, Korthuis PT, Sohler N, Weiss L, Egan JE, Netherland J, Gass J, Finkelstein R, BHIVES Collaborative. The cost of integrated HIV care and buprenorphine/naloxone treatment: results of a cross-site evaluation. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2011; 56 Suppl 1:S76-82.
Korthuis PT, Fiellin DA, Fu R, Lum PJ, Altice FL, Sohler N, Tozzi MJ, Asch SM, Botsko M, Fishl M, Flanigan TP, Boverman J, McCarty D, BHIVES Collaborative. Improving adherence to HIV quality of care indicators in persons with opioid dependence: the role of buprenorphine. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2011; 56 Suppl 1:S83-90.
Whitley SD, Sohler NL, Kunins HV, Giovanniello A, Li X, Sacajiu G, Cunningham CO. Factors associated with complicated buprenorphine inductions. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 2010; 39(1):51-57.
Sohler NL, Li X, Kunins HV, Sacajiu G, Giovanniello A, Whitley S, Cunningham CO. Home- vs. office-based buprenorphine inductions for opioid dependent patients. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 2010; 38(2):153-9.