M. Felice Ghilardi
Associate Medical Professor
Additional Departments/Affiliated Programs
Molecular, Cellular and Biomedical Sciences
Areas of Expertise/Research
- Parkinson's
Harris Hall

M. Felice Ghilardi
M.D., 1983, Universita' degli Studi di MILANO, Italy
Neurology 1987, Universita' degli Studi di MILANO, Italy
Course Taught
Research Interests
Motor control and motor learning
Neural plasticity and learning
Parkinson's disease and basal ganglia disorders
Peer Reviewed Articles
Argyelan M, Carbon M, Ghilardi MF, Feigin A, Mattis P, Tang C, Dhawan V, Eidelberg D. Dopaminergic suppression of brain deactivation responses during sequence learning. J Neurosci. 2008 Oct 15;28(42):10687-95.
Hill S, Tononi G, Ghilardi MF. Sleep improves the variability of motor performance. Brain Res Bull. 2008 Aug 15;76(6):605-11.
Marinelli L, Crupi D, Di Rocco A, Bove M, Eidelberg D, Abbruzzese G, Ghilardi MF. Learning and consolidation of visuo-motor adaptation in Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism & Rel. Disorders. 2008 Apr 17. [Epub ahead of print]
Moisello C, Bove M, Huber R, Abbruzzese G, Battaglia F, Tononi G, Ghilardi MF. Short-term limb immobilization affects motor performance. J Motor Behavior, 2008 Mar;40(2):165-76.
Ghilardi MF, Silvestri G, Feigin A, Mattis P, Zgaljardic D, Moisello C, Crupi D, Marinelli L, DiRocco A, Eidelberg D. Implicit and explicit aspects of sequence learning in pre-symptomatic Huntington's disease. Parkinsonism & Rel. Disorders. 2008 Aug;14(6):457-64.
Crupi D, Ghilardi MF, Moisello C, Di Rocco A, Quartarone A, Battaglia F. Cortical and brainstem LTP-like plasticity in Huntington's disease. Brain Res Bull. 2008 Jan 31;75(1):107-14.
Carbon M, Ghilardi MF, Dhawan V, Eidelberg D. Correlates of movement initiation and velocity in Parkinson's disease: A longitudinal PET study. Neuroimage. 2007 Jan 1;34(1):361-70.
Bove M, Tacchino A, Novellino A,, Trompetto C, Abbruzzese G, Ghilardi MF. The effects of rate and sequence complexity on repetitive finger movements. Brain Res. 2007 Jun 11;1153:84-91.
Ghilardi MF, Feigin AS, Battaglia F, Silvestri G, Mattis P, Eidelberg D, Di Rocco A. L-Dopa infusion does not improve explicit sequence learning in Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism & Rel. Disorders. 2007 Apr;13(3):146-51.
Huber R, Ghilardi MF, Massimini M, Ferrarelli F, Riedner BA, Peterson MJ, Tononi G, Arm immobilization, cortical plasticity, and local sleep homeostasis. Nature Neurosci., 2006;9:1169-76.
Feigin A, Ghilardi MF, Huang C, Ma Y, Carbon M, Guttman M, Paulsen JS, Ghez CP, Eidelberg D. Huntington's disease: compensatory brain responses during learning. Ann Neurol. 2006 Jan;59(1):53-9.
Krakauer JW, Ghez C, Ghilardi MF. Adaptation to visuomotor transformations: consolidation, interference, and forgetting. J Neurosci. 2005; 25:473-8.
Huber R, Ghilardi MF, Massimini M, Tononi G. Local sleep and learning. Nature, 2004, 430:78-81.
Krakauer JW, Ghilardi MF, Mentis M, Barnes A, Veytsman M, Eidelberg D, Ghez C. Differential cortical and subcortical activations in the learning of visuomotor transformations for reaching: A PET study. J Neuroscience, 2004, 91:924-33.
Ghilardi M.F., Eidelberg A, Silvestri G, Ghez C. The differential effects of aging and Parkinson's disease on early explicit sequence learning. Neurology, 2003, 60:1313-1319.
Carbon M, Ghilardi MF, Feigin A, Fukuda M, Silvestri G, Dhawan V, Mentis M, Ghez C, Moeller J, Eidelberg E. Learning Networks in Health and Parkinson's Disease: Reproducibility and Treatment Effects, Human Brain Mapping, 2003, 11:197-211.
Mentis M, Dhawan V, Nakamura T, Ghilardi MF, Feigin A, Edwards C, Ghez C, Eidelberg D. Enhancement of brain activation during trial-and-error sequence learning in early Parkinson's Disease. Neurology, 2003, 60:612-619.
Ghilardi MF, Carbon M, Silvestri G, Dhawan V, Tagliati M, Bressman S, Ghez C, Eidelberg D. Impaired Sequence Learning in Carriers of the DYT1 Dystonia Mutation. Annals Neurology, 2003, 54:102-109.
Feigin A, Ghilardi MF, Carbon M, Edwards C, Fukuda M, Dhawan V, MargouleffC, Ghez C, Eidelberg D. Effects of levodopa on motor sequence learning in Parkinson's disease. Neurology, 2003, 60:1744-1749.
Feigin A, Ghilardi MF, Fukuda M, Mentis M, Dhawan V, Ghez C, Eidelberg D. Effects of Levodopa Infusion on Motor Activation Responses in Parkinson's Disease. Neurology, 2002, 59:220-226.
Fukuda M, Ghilardi MF, Feigin A, Dhawan V, Ma Y, Carbon M., Mentis M, Moeller J, Ghez C, Eidelberg D. Pallidal stimulation for parkinsonism: Improved brain activation during sequence learning. Annals Neurol, 2002, 52:144-52.
Nakamura T, MF Ghilardi, M. Mentis, V Dhawan, JR Moeller, C Ghez, D Eidelberg. Functional networks in motor sequence learning: Abnormal topographies in Parkinson's Disease. Human Brain Mapping, 2001, 12: 42-60.
Fukuda M, Mentis MJ, Ghilardi MF,Nakamura T, Dhawan V, Antonini A, Hammerstad J, Koller WC, Ghez CP, Eidelberg D. Brain activation responses with internal pallidal stimulation for Parkinson's disease. Ann. Neurology, 2001, 49: 155-164.
Ghilardi MF, Ghez C, Dhawan V, Moeller J., Eidelberg D et al. . Pattern of regional brain activation associated with different forms of learning. Brain Res., 2000: 871: 127-145.
Ghilardi MF, Alberoni M, Rossi M, Franceschi M. Visual feedback has differential effects on reaching movements in Parkinson's Disease. Brain Res., 2000, 876: 112-123.
Krakauer J, Z.M. Pine, Ghilardi MF, Ghez C. Learning of scaling factors and reference axes for vectorial planning of reaching trajectories. J. Neuroscience, 2000: 20: 8916-8924.
Ghilardi MF, Alberoni M, Marelli S, Rossi M, Franceschi M, Ghez C, Fazio F. Impaired Movement Control in Alzheimer's disease. Neurosci. Letters 1999, 260:45-48.
Krakauer J, Ghilardi MF, Ghez C. Independent learning of models for kinematic and dynamic control of reaching. Nature Neurosci. 1999, 11:1026-1031.
Book Chapters
Moeller JR, Ghez C, Antonini A, Ghilardi MF, et al. Brain networks of motor behavior assessed by principal component analysis. In: Quantitative functional brain imaging with Positron Emission Tomography. Carson R, Daube-Witherspoon M, Herscovitch P. Eds, Academic Press, San Diego, 1998, pp.165-172.
Ghez C, Krakauer J, Sainburg R, Ghilardi MF. Spatial representations and internal models of limb Dynamics in motor learning. In: The Cognitive Neurosciences. MS Gazzaniga, Ed, MIT Press, 1999,501-514.