Kimberly Huppert
Assistant Professor
Additional Departments/Affiliated Programs
Areas of Expertise/Research
- Geodynamics
- Geomorphology
Marshak Science Building

Kimberly Huppert
2017: PhD Earth, Atmospheric,& Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2011: BS Civil Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2022 - present: Assistant Professor of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, City College of New York
2022 - present: Assistant Professor, Earth & Environmental Sciences, City University of New York Graduate Center
2019 - 2022: Senior Research Scientist, Earth Surface Process Modeling, GFZ German Research Center for Geoscience
2017 - 2018: Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Earth Surface Process Modeling, GFZ German Research Center for Geoscience
EAS 330: Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
EAS 410: Geomorphology
Research Interests
I study how the Earth's surface changes over time and how it is shaped by erosion, tectonics, and climate. I use numerical modeling, field observations, geochemistry, and remote sensing data to understand the dynamics of these processes and how they interact to shape mountain ranges and coasts over different spatial and temporal scales. I am particularly interested in quantifying the influence of climate on erosion rates and landscape evolution, with the goal of learning about past climatic conditions and future change from the topographic and sedimentary record.
Research Group
Graduate students
- Hayley Hunt, The University of Hong Kong PhD student (main advisor: A. Webb)
- Project: Linking mantle dynamics and landscape evolution in the Himalaya
- Jingtao Lai, GFZ Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow 2021-2024 - Now research scientist at University of Glasgow
- Katrina Gelwick, ETH Zürich PhD student (co-advisor: S. Willett), PhD 2024 - Now postdoctoral researcher at Utrecht University
- Kaminie Persaud, CCNY masters student researcher, MS 2024
- Memphis Washington, CCNY undergraduate researcher, BS 2024
- Maria Castillo, CCNY undergraduate researcher, BS 2023
In review/revision (* = student or postdoctoral research advisee)
- Ott, R.F., Huppert, K.L., Scherler, D., Bermudez, M., Braun, J. (in review). Hillslope-controlled incision thresholds shape mountain range topography.
- *Lai, J., Huppert, K.L., Braun, J. (in revision). Sediment dynamics control transient fluvial incision - Comparison of sediment conservation schemes in models of bedrock-alluvial river channel evolution. [Preprint]
- *Lai, J., Huppert, K.L. (2024). Climate-driven topographic asymmetry enhanced by glaciers: Implications for drainage reorganization in glacial landscapes. Geophysical Research Letters 51, e2024GL109087, doi:10.1029/2024GL109087
- Ott, R.F., Pérez-Consuegra, N., Scherler, D., Mora, A., Huppert, K.L., Braun, J., Hoke, G.D., Ruiz, J.R.S. (2023). Erosion rate maps highlight spatio-temporal patterns of uplift and quantify sediment export of the Northern Andes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 621, 118354, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118354
- *Lai, J., Huppert, K.L. (2023). Asymmetric glaciation, divide migration, and postglacial fluvial response times in the Qilian Shan. Geology, 51(9), 860-864, doi:10.1130/G51086.1 [Press:]
- Chan, N.-H., Langer, M., Juhls, B., Rettelbach, S.T., Overduin, P., Huppert, K.L., Braun, J. (2023). Arctic delta reduced complexity model and its reproduction of key geomorphological structures. Earth Surface Dynamics, 11(2), 259-285, doi:10.5194/esurf-11-259-2023
- Malatesta, L.C., Finnegan, N.J., Huppert, K.L., Carreño, E.I. (2022). The influence of rock uplift rate on the formation and preservation of individual marine terraces during multiple sea level stands. Geology 50 (1), 101-105, doi: 10.1130/G49245.1
- Yuan, X.P., Huppert, K.L., Braun, J., Shen, X.M., Liu-Zeng, J., Guerit, L., Wolf, S., Zhang, J.F., Jolivet, M. (2022). Propagating uplift controls on high-elevation, low-relief landscape formation on the Southeast Tibetan Plateau. Geology 50 (1), 60-65, doi: 10.1130/G49022.1
- Jin, C., Coco, G., Tinoco, R.O., Perron, T., Myrow, P.M., Huppert, K.L., Friedrich, H., Goldstein, E.B., Gong, Z. (2020). Investigating the response of wave-generated ripples to changes in wave forcing. Geomorphology 363, 107229, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2020.107229.
- Huppert, K.L., Perron, J.T., Ashton, A.D. (2020). The influence of wave power on bedrock sea-cliff erosion in the Hawaiian Islands. Geology 48 (5), 499-503, doi:10.1130/G47113.1. [Press: MIT News]
- Huppert, K.L., Perron, J.T., Royden, L.H. (2020). Hotspot swells and the lifespan of volcanic ocean islands. Science Advances 6 (1), doi:10.1126/sciadv.aaw6906. [Press: MIT News]
- Perron, J.T., Myrow, P.M., Huppert, K.L., Koss, A.R., Wickert, A.D. (2018). Ancient record of changing flows from wave ripple defects. Geology 46 (10), 875-878, doi:10.1130/G45463.1. [Press: MIT News, Atlas Obscura]
- Huppert, K.L., Royden, L.H., Perron, J.T. (2015). Dominant influence of volcanic loading on vertical motions of the Hawaiian Islands. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 418, 149 - 171, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2015.02.027.
- Ferrier, K.L., Perron, J.T., Mukhopadhyay, S., Rosener, M., Stock, J.D., Huppert, K.L., Slosberg, M. (2013). Covariation of climate and long-term erosion rates across a steep rainfall gradient on Kaua'i. Geological Society of America Bulletin 125(7-8), 1146-1163, doi:10.1130/B30726.1.
- Ferrier, K.L., Huppert, K.L., Perron, J.T. (2013). Climatic control of bedrock river incision. Nature 496 (7444), 206-209, doi:10.1038/nature11982. [Press: MIT News]
I am always looking for enthusiastic undergraduate researchers, graduate students, and postdoctoral scientists to join my research group. Please get in touch to discuss opportunities!