Katherine Reynoso
Academic Counselor
North Academic Center

Katherine Reynoso
Katherine’s admiration for the Sciences began in high school when she learned how every cell in our body works together to provide a greater function, creating life. Consequently, she obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Forensic Science from John Jay College. Katherine’s fascination with how genetic mutations lead to diseases and disorders guided her to pursue a Doctoral Degree in Molecular Biology at the CUNY Graduate Center. While conducting breast cancer research and having to teach undergraduates, Katherine realized that her greatest passion stemmed from the instant gratification she felt as she interacted and taught her undergraduate students how to appreciate the sciences. Katherine has a Master’s in Biology from Hunter College. She is currently a counselor for SSSP and an adjunct lecturer. During her spare time, Katherine enjoys traveling, taking long walks and prac-ticing meditation. Katherine hopes to continue to provide the guidance and care her students need for them to succeed.