Joyce Gelb
Professor Emeritus
North Academic Center

Joyce Gelb
Professor Gelb retired at the end of the spring 2009 semester. She has amply earned her Emeritus status after over forty years of distinguished service to the Department, City College, and the Graduate Center. Professor Gelb remains an active scholar, however, and recently published:Women and Politics around the World: A Comparative History and Survey (ABC-CLIO). Professor Gelb also recently participated in a global conference at the University of Venice. A paper on women and politics in Japan and Taiwan is in press in a Palgrave Macmillian publication. She has also recently appeared on Al Jazeera, the Japanese Kyodo News and Japan Times, in each case discussing issues related to women in Japan, including stalking and sexual harassment. She is currently on a fellowship form the Taiwan government to research women in the executive branch of the Taiwanese government.
Research Interests
Additional Information
Ph.D. New York University, 1969