Joshua Wilner
Professor, emeritus
North Academic Center
Joshua Wilner
A specialist in Romanticism and critical theory, Professor Wilner joined the City College Department of English in 1985 and the faculty of the CUNY Graduate Center in 2000. A former Chair of the Department and Director of the Program in Comparative Literature, he also served as the College's Senior Faculty Advisor for Undergraduate Education. He is a former President of the International Conference on Romanticism.
A.B. in French Literature, Cornell University, 1969
Ph.D. in Comparative Literature, Yale University, 1980
Courses Taught
Introduction to Literary Study
Representative Writers of the Romantic Period
The Freudian Text
City Texts
Problems in Contemporary Theory
The Industrial Revolution and its Discontents
Interpretation, Evidence and Authority
Thinking in Pieces: Pascal, Dickinson, Wittgenstein
Wordsworth's Prelude: Origins and Afterlife
Lyric, Prose, Modernity
Critical Reading and Writing
Historical Introduction to Literary Theory
Freshman Composition
Freshman Inquiry Writing Seminar: Literature and Psychoanalysis
Research Interests
Feeding on Infinity: Readings in the Romantic Rhetoric of Internalization (recipient of Jean-Pierre Barricelli book award of the American Conference on Romanticism). Hopkins, 2000.
Selected recent publications:
Wordworth's Poetry: 1964-2014;commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the publication of Geoffrey Hartman's Wordsworth Poetry: 1878-1814. A special issue of, Essays in Romanticism. Ed. Andrzej Warminski and Joshua Wilner. Spring, 2015.
"Pitching Apocalypse," in Wordworth's Poetry: 1964-2014 (v. supra).
[On Geoffrey Hartman on Christopher Smart], in About Geoffrey Hartman: Materials for a Study of Influence. A special issue of Philological Quarterly. Ed. Frances Ferguson and Kevis Goodman. Spring, 2015.
"Autobiography," in William Wordsworth in Context. Ed. Andrew Bennett. Cambridge, 2015.
"The Mathematization of Nature: Galileo, Husserl, and Mandelbrot," in Protocols for a New Nature. A special issue of The Yearbook of Comparative Literature, ed. Eyal Peretz and Paul North. 2014.
"Migrations of the Bohemian" in Messianic Thought Outside Theology. Ed. Anna Glazova and Paul North. Fordham, 2014.
"'Communicating with Objects': Romanticism, Skepticism, and the 'Specter of Animism,' in Cavell and Wordsworth," in Stanley Cavell and Literary Studies: Consequences of Skepticism. Ed. Richard Eldrige and Bernard Rhie. Continuum, 2011
"Wordsworth's Cliff-hanger," in Romantic Autobiography in England. Ed. Eugene Stelzig. Ashgate, 2009
Jacques Derrida. Shibboleth: for Paul Celan, in Word Traces: Readings of Paul Celan. Ed. Aris Fioretos. Hopkins, 1994.