John M. Tarbell
Wallace Coulter Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Steinman Hall

John M. Tarbell
B.S., Chemical Engineering, 1969, Rutgers University
M.S., Chemical Engineering, 1972, University of Delaware
Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, 1974, University of Delaware
Research Interests
Dr. Tarbell's research interests fall into four basic areas: (1) effects of fluid mechanical forces on endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells, (2) in vitro studies of endothelial permeability, (3) mass transfer in the artery wall, and (4) cardiovascular fluid mechanics.
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Awards & Honors
Tau Beta Pi (1969), Phi Lambda Upsilon (1969), Sigma Xi (1979), National Research Service Award PHS (1983), Outstanding Teacher Award (College of Engineering 1987), Outstanding Research Award (College of Engineering 1988), Teacher of the Year (Department of Chemical Engineering, 1992), Editorial Boards: Journal of Biomechanical Engineering (1989-1995), Annals of Biomedical Engineering (1999-), Chairman of Biofluid Mechanics National Program Committee (ASME), 1989-1992, NIH Surgery and Bioengineering Study Section Member 1995-1999, Fellow of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering (1996), Premier Research Award (College of Engineering, 1996), Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering (PSU, 1998), AIMBE Board of Directors (1999), Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2001), President of the Biomedical Engineering Society (2002-2003), CUNY and Wallace Coulter Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering (CCNY, 2003), Lissner Award from the Bioengineering Division of ASME (2004), Fellow of the Biomedical Engineering Society (2005).