John Fillos
Steinman Hall
212- 650-6965

John Fillos
My research efforts for the last fifteen years have been in the area of treatment of municipal wastewater to remove nitrogen typically present in the form of ammonia and organic-nitrogen. Nitrogen has been identified as the limiting nutrient in the Long Island Sound and the Upper East River. Our involvement has been to assist the NYC Department of Environmental Protection, (DEP), to identify, develop, and demonstrate technologies that can be implemented in the existing water pollution control plants, (WPCPs), to comply with the more stringent nitrogen discharge limits imposed by the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation. Our research encompasses bench scale studies conducted at City College, full-scale demonstrations of treatment processes at several WPCPs, computational fluid dynamic modeling of the final settling tanks, and assessment of microbial population dynamics in the biological wastewater treatment processes. Our research team includes research associates, graduate and undergraduate students.
- The City College, BCE, 1966
- New York University, MS (Environmental Engineering), 1967
- New York University, Ph.D., 1970
- Registered Professional Engineer, New York State, 1976
Courses Taught
Research Interests
- Environmental Engineering
- Biological Treatment Processes
- Biological Nitrogen Removal
- Sludge Stabilization.
Ramalingam, K., Fillos, J., Martin, M., Beckmann, K., Deur,: Nitrogen Removal Process Optimization in New York City WPCPs: A Case Study of Wards Island WPCP, 2nd IWA Specialized Conference on Nutrient Management in Wastewater Treatment Processes, Krakow, Poland, 2009
Gong, M., Ramalingam, K., Xanthos, S., Fillos, J., Beckmann, K., Deur, A., McCorquodale, J.A.,: Development of a Flocculation Sub-Model for a 3-D CFD Model Based on Rectangular Settling Tanks, WEFTEC, Orlando, Fl., 2009
Fillos, J., Rosenthal, A., H. Park, A. Deur, K. Beckmann, J. Fillos, K. Chandran, and Ramalingam, K,: Anammox Studies Using New York City Centrate: Performance, Population Dynamics and Impact of Toxins: WEFTEC, Orlando, Fl., 2009
Rosenthal, A., H. Park, A. Deur, K. Beckmann, J. Fillos, K. Chandran, and Ramalingam, K,: Anammox Studies Using New York City Centrate to Correlate Performance, Population Dynamics and Impact of Toxins: Specialized Conference on Microbial Population Dynamics in Biological Wastewater Treatment, Aalborg, Denmark, 2009
Rosenthal, A., Ramalingam, K, Fillos, J, Nitrogen Removal Using a Partial Nitritation/Anammox Reactor System, New York Water Environment Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY, February 2009
Pho, K., Ramalingam, K, Fillos, J, The Impact of Ground Food Waste on Municipal Water Pollution Control Plants: New York Water Environment Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY, February 2009
Jezek, R., Ramalingam, K, Fillos, J, Enrichment of Ammonia Oxidizing Bacteria (AOBs) and Nitrite Oxidizing Bacteria (NOBs) in Separate Reactors: New York Water Environment Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY, February 2009
Ramalingam, K, Fillos, J, Xanthos, S., Gong, M, Deur, A., Beckmann, K., McCorquodale, J., : Investigating the Effect of Baffles on the Performance of Rectangular (Gould II Type) Settling Tanks Using a 3-D CFD Model: WEFTEC, Chicago, Illinois, October, 2008
Xanthos, S, McCorquodale, A, Gong, M, Ramalingam, K, Fillos, J, Deur, A., Beckmann, K.,: Inlet Baffle Sensitivity Study based on a 3-D CFD Model for Rectangular (Gould II Type) Settling Tanks in New York City Water Pollution Control Plants:, 1st IWA/WEF Wastewater Treatment Modelling Seminar, Mont-Sainte-Anne QC, Canada, June 1-3, 2008
¨ Gong, M, Xanthos, S, McCorquodale, A, Ramalingam, K, Fillos, J, Deur, A., Beckmann, K.,: Flocculation Workshop in Rectangular Final Settling Tanks at the Wards Island WPCP:, 1st IWA/WEF Wastewater Treatment Modelling Seminar, Mont-Sainte-Anne QC, Canada, June 1-3, 2008
Fillos, J., Ramalingam, K, Xanthos, S., Gong, M, Deur, A., Beckmann, K.,: Development of a 3-Dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Model for Battery ”E”, Final Settling Tanks at the Wards Island WPCP: Proposed Recommendations being Implemented in the Current Upgrade, New York Water Environment Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY, February 2008
Xanthos, S, Fillos, J, Ramalingam, K,., Gong, M., Deur, A., Beckmann, K.,: Flocculation and its impact on 3-D Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Model for Rectangular Settling Tanks in New York City Water Pollution Control Plants, APS, Atlanta, Ga, November 2007
Ramalingam, K, Fillos, J, McCorquodale, A., Xanthos, S., Gong, M., Deur A., Beckmann K.,: Development and Validation of a 3-Dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Model for Rectangular Settling Tanks in New York City Water Pollution Control Plants, IWA - Large Wastewater Treatment Plant Conference, Vienna, Austria, September, 2007
Fillos, J, Ramalingam, K, Deur, A., Beckmann, K.,: Specific Denitrification Rates with Alternate Sources of Organic Carbon, 10th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Kos, Greece: September 5-7,2007
Ramalingam, K, Fillos, J, Xanthos, S., Gong, M., Deur, A., Beckmann, K.,: In-Situ Data Collection/Monitoring for Modeling the Final Settling Tank (FSTs) at Wards Island WPCP-Battery “E”, Nutrient Removal 2007, The State of the Art, Speciality Conference, Baltimore, March 2007
Fillos, J, Ramalingam, K, Bowden, G., Deur, A., Beckmann, K,: SpecificDenitrification Rates with Ethanol and Methanol as Sources of OrganicCarbon, Nutrient Removal 2007, The State of the Art, Speciality Conference, Baltimore, March 2007
Fillos, J, Ramalingam, K,, Deur, A, Beckmann, K.,: In-Situ Data Collection / Monitoring for Modeling the Final Settling Tank (FSTs) At Wards Island WPCP-Battery “E”, New York Water Environment Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY, February, 2007
Ramalingam, K, Fillos, J, Xanthos S, , Gong M, Deur A., Beckmann K.,: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Modeling of the Final Settling Tanks at Battery “E” Wards Island WPCP Data, New York Water Environment Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY, February 2007