Jing Fan
Associate Professor
Steinman Hall

Jing Fan
Jing Fan joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering at CCNY as a tenure-track assistant professor in January 2016. Before that, she was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University working on microfluidics for material production, multiphase flow in porous media, and many other topics related to the dynamics of complex fluids. Jing Fan is launching a new research lab at CCNY on complex fluids and soft materials. Her current research interests include the transport phenomena in biological tissues, design and fabrication of functional porous structures, enhanced oil recovery and flood conformance control, physics and applications of microfluidics, foam and emulsion physics, and development of functional particulate materials. Jing Fan has received recognition of her work and services through a number of awards, including the ASME Journal of Heat Transfer Outstanding Reviewer Award and the Hong Kong Young Scientist Award.
Ph.D. 2012, The University of Hong Kong
B.E. 2005 & M.E. 2007, Shandong University
Courses Taught
- Heat Transfer (ME43300, CCNY, 2016-Spring 2018, Fall 2019-Spring 2020)
- Fluid Mechanics (ME35600, CCNY, Fall 2018, Spring 2019, Fall 2019)
- Fundamentals and Applications of Microfluidics (ME59910/G5910, CCNY, Spring 2019)
Research Interests
Transport phenomena in biological tissues
Design and fabrication of functional porous structures
Enhanced oil recovery and flood conformance control
Physics and applications of microfluidics
Flow of deformable particles through narrow channels
Foam and emulsion physics
Advanced materials for biomedical and optical applications
Chemical and physical synthesis of functional particulate materials
Bioheat transfer
Selected publications
(Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/
S. Li, H. Yu, T.-D. Li, Z. Chen, W. Deng, A. Anbari, and J. Fan* (2020), Understanding transport of an elasticspherical particle through a confining channel, Applied Physics Letters, 116103705. (Featured and Highlighted in Scilight)
L. Wang, M. Wang, G. Wan, X. Guo, X. Xie, W. Liu, Y. Zhang, J. Fan, X. Hou, Z. Chen (2020), Porosity-tunable structures with “fossilized” bubbles, ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2(2)497-504.
C. Zeng, W. Deng*, J. Fan*, and Y. Zhang (2020), Effect of flow profiles on the flow subjected to oscillation forcing: an example of droplet mobilization in constricted tubes, Journal of Hydrology, 583124295.
G. Zhou, G. Yang, X. Li, B. Chen, J. Fan, X. Hou, and S. Zhou (2018), A flexible polymer ultra-fine fiber with extreme toughness, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10(17)14276-14280.
A. Anbari, H.-T. Chien, S. S. Datta, W. Deng, D. A. Weitz, and J. Fan* (2018), Microfluidic model porous media: fabrication and applications , Small, 14(18)1703575.
X. Guo, L. Wang, K. Duval, J. Fan, S. Zhou, and Z. Chen (2018), Dimeric drug polymeric micelles with acid-active tumor targeting and FRET-indicated drug release, Advanced Materials, 30(3)1705436.
D. Chen, E. Amstad, C. X. Zhao, L. Cai, J. Fan, Q. Chen, M. Hai, S. Koehler, H. Zhang, F. Liang, Z. Yang, and D. A. Weitz (2017), Biocompatible amphiphilic hydrogel-solid dimer particles as colloidal surfactants, ACS Nano, 11(12)11978-11985.
J. Fan^, S.-H. Kim^, Z. Chen, S. Zhou, E. Amstad, T. Lin, and D. A. Weitz (2017), Creation of faceted polyhedral microgels from compressed emulsions, Small, 131701256.
J. Fan^, Y. Li^, H. H. Bisoyi, R. S. Zola, D. Yang, T. J. Bunning, D. A. Weitz, and Q. Li (2014), Light-directing omnidirectional circularly polarized reflection from liquid crystal droplets, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 54(7): 2160-2164. (selected as Very Important Paper "VIP" of the journal)
S. B. Zhou^, J. Fan^, S. Datta, M. Guo, X. Guo, and D. A. Weitz (2013), Thermally switched release from nanoparticle colloidosomes, Advanced Functional Materials, 23: 5925-5929.
J. Fan, and L. Q. Wang (2011), Review of heat conduction in nanofluids, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 133(4): 040801.
J. Fan, and L. Q. Wang (2011), Heat conduction in nanofluids: structure-property correlation, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 54: 4349-4359.