Jan Valle
Professor, Childhood Education and Educational Theatre
Areas of Expertise/Research
- Disability Studies
- Disability Studies in Education
- Disability and the Arts
- Families and Disabilities
- Inclusive Education
- Neurodiversity
North Academic Center
5/207 B

Jan Valle
Office Hours
Tuesday and Wednesday: 3:30-4:30 pm and by appointment
2005 Teachers College, Columbia University, Department of Curriculum and Teaching, Disability
Studies/Learning Disabilities, Ed.D.
2018 School for Professional Studies (CUNY), Applied Theatre, M.A.
1984 Furman University, Transitional Issues in Special Education, M.A.
1978 Furman University, Special Education, B.A.
Courses Taught
EDCE 2900F Inclusive Practices for the General Education Classroom (grades 1-6) EDCE 4500K Inclusive Practices for the Arts
EDCE 2209I Ethnodrama I
EDCE 2210I Ethnodrama II
SPED 5200K Inclusive Practices for the STEM Classroom
Research Interests
My research interests include the intersectionality of race, class, gender, language, culture, and disability; parent and professional collaboration in schools; disability studies in education (implications for classrooms, policy, research); parents/families of children with disabilities; inclusive classroom practices; disability and the arts.
Current Projects
Director of Accessibility and Inclusion; CCNY federal grant, Translational Research Excellence Across Disciplines (TREAD) project, U.S. Department of Education. 2024-2029
STEM Experiential Learning Self-Study. Experiential Learning Program (CCNY). 2024-2025
Research fellowship from the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute (CUNY) Spring 2025
Third edition of Rethinking Disability: A Disability Studies Approach to Inclusive Practices (Valle & Connor) is in development. The final manuscript will be submitted to Routledge in May 2025.
Publications (Last 5 years only)
Borges, A., Camargo, S., & Valle, J. (2024). (Eds.) PEI: Plano educacional individualizado para alunos com deficiēncia. Ampla. (Brazil)
Refereed articles
Valle, J., & Borges, A. (2024). Entrevista com a Professora Jan Valle: Estudos da deficiêcia na educaço. Revista Brasileira de Educaço Especial (30)4, 1-13.
Connor, D. J., & Valle, J. (2024). Disability Studies in Education: Past, present & future?
Educação & Realidade, Porto Alegre (49), 1-28.
Stern, N., Padia, L., & Valle, J. (2023). Stories of dual isolation and confinement: Disability under occupation in Palestine. Spectator: Journal of Film and Television Criticism, 43(2), 8-17.
Refereed Book Chapters
Valle, J. (in press). Disability diagnosis: Gender disparities across disability categories in schools. Handbook of Gender Studies.
Valle, J., & Bess, A. (in press). Discrit and gender. Handbook of Gender Studies.
Almash, F., & Valle, J. (in press). Recovering the past to understand the present: Cripping school segregation in New York City. In J. Barclay & S. Hunt-Kennedy (Eds.) Cripping the Archive: Disability, History, and Power.
Valle, J. (2022). Incluindo alunos com deficiência intellectual em comunidades de sala de aula. In A.A.P. Borges & M.D. Pletsch (Eds.) Toda criança pode aprender: o aluno com deficiência intellectual na escola. Campinas: Mercado de Letras, pp. 15-45.
Sander da Silva, J., & Valle, J. (2021). Arte e deficiencia: potencias do (in)visivel. In A. A. Cardoso & M. L. Nogueira (Eds.). Autismo. Ampla, pp. 19-31.
Valle, J. (2021). How I got here from there.: The road to disability studies in education. In
D. Connor & B. Ferri (Eds.) How teaching shapes our thinking about disability: Stories from the field.
Peter Lang, pp. 19-34.
Peer Reviewed
Padia, L., & Valle, J. (September 2024). Disability in Palestine: A research journey. British Educational Research Association (BERA), Manchester, England.
Valle, J. (October 2021). Using applied theatre to interrogate disability with an integrated theatre company. Third International Conference on Disability Studies, Arts, & Education.
Helsinki (Aalto University) and Pennsylvania (Penn State). (Virtual presentation; COVID restrictions.)
Valle, J. (July 2021). Interrogating disability with a cast of nondisabled and disabled actors.
Disability Studies in Education Conference. Auckland, New Zealand. (Virtual presentation;
COVID restrictions).
Padia, L, Stern, N. & Valle, J. (April 2024). Navigating scholarship on Palestine: Resisting suppression of marginalized narratives in the academy. American Educational Research Association (AERA). Philadelphia, PA.
Almash, F., & Valle, J. (November 2023). Not those children: “Disruptive” students in the fight to desegregate New York City. History of Education Society. Atlanta, GA.
Padia, L, Stern, N., & Valle, J. (April 2023). Stories of dual isolation and confinement: Disability under occupation in Palestine. American Educational Research Association (AERA). Chicago, IL.
Valle, J. (April 2020). Using applied theatre to interrogate disability with an integrated theatre
company. American Educational Research Association (AERA). San Francisco, CA.
(Conference cancelled because of COVID-19.)