Jacqueline A. Braveboy-Wagner

Professor Emeritus

Main Affiliation

Political Science


North Academic Center





Jacqueline A. Braveboy-Wagner


Professor Jacqueline Braveboy-Wagner is a specialist in foreign policy, diplomacy and development, particularly with respect to small states (and specifically Caribbean states) as well as the nations of the global south (which includes the former "third world") in general. Prof. Braveboy-Wagner taught at Bowling Green State University in Ohio before coming to CUNY as an assistant professor in 1984, rising to full professor in 1991-2. Apart from her scholarly work which include 11 books (see some Publications below), she was the first Caribbean woman to serve as president of the Caribbean Studies Association (1992-3), the main association for scholars interested in the Caribbean region. Before that she served as the CSA's newsletter editor and then as Vice President, and received several awards over the years from the CSA. From 1995 to 2010, she served as the United Nations-NGO representative of the International Studies Association (www.isanet.org). She has served on the Governing Council, on the Executive Committee, the Committee on Ethics and Responsibilities and other committees of ISA. In 2011, she was awarded the Ladd Hollist award for significant service to the association.. She then went on to found the Global South Caucus of the ISA (GSCIS) in 2012, a grouping aimed at bringing often-marginalized African, Asian (including Central Asian) and Latin American scholars and scholarship into the mainstream of IR. She served as the Chair of the GSCIS until 2015 and co-chair through 2016. She continues to advise the caucus on various issues. Under her watch, the caucus held outreach conferences in Menton (France), Singapore and Havana. In 2019 she was honored via a special convention panel by ISA for her contributions to scholarship on, and activities concerning, the global south .In 2020 she was chosen as GSCIS Distinguished Scholar  for 2020-1.

 Prof. Braveboy-Wagner has been a fellow at, and assistant to, the director of training of the UN Institute for Training and Research. She has also been a Visiting Professor at Tokyo Metropolitan University under CCNY’s Japan initiative, having become familiar with japan through research conducted there in Japan in the late 1970s.. She served as Director of the MA program in international relations at the City College from January 1999-2002. She has been a consultant  for  the United Nations/Caribbean Community, United States agencies, and Caribbean and Latin American government/intergovernmental organizations, and has been a member/participated in the activities of various Washington think tanks. Prof. Braveboy-Wagner chaired a government-appointed committee to review the foreign policy of Trinidad and Tobago between 2007 and 2009 and later, a committee to establish a diplomatic academy to serve that government and neighboring states. Among other awards, in April 2011 she was honored as one of 50 "distinguished alumni" chosen for their outstanding accomplishments and community service by the University of the West Indies Alumni Association, at their inaugural Hall of Fame award ceremony held to mark the 50th anniversary of UWI, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago. Her interview for the University of Sussex's .Leverhulme-funded project, Women in the History of International Thought is archived on the Oxford University site of the project. 

See also CUNY Graduate School,http://www.gc.cuny.edu/Page-Elements/Academics-Research-Centers-Initiatives/Doctoral-Programs/Political-Science/Faculty-Bios/Jacqueline-Braveboy-Wagner  


B.A., University of the West Indies (Jamaica)

M.S., Institute of International Relations, UWI, Trinidad and Tobago

Ph.D., The University of Arizona, Tucson.

Courses Taught


B6100: Theories of International Relations (MA)

B6902: Contemporary Conflict (MA)

B6933: Foreign Policy (MA) and Ph.D courses at 7000 and 8000 level at CUNY Graduate School)

Thesis and dissertation mentorship




PSC 256: Contemporary International Conflict

PSC 247: Foreign Policy

PSC 250: Contemporary International Relations


Research Interests

Foreign policy/development/diplomacy of small powers/states

Foreign policy/international relations of the global south (or Global South International Relations)

Institutionalization in the Global South

Theorizing the Global Soutn/Non-West



Latest completed project:

Co-guest editor with Sebastian Haug and Gunther Maihold, Special edition of Third World Quarterly, "The 'Global South' in the Study of World Politics." With Sebastian Haug and Gunther Maihold, TWQ 42 (9), September 2021. 


The Historical Dictionary of United States-Caribbean Relations. With Clifford Griffin. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2017 https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781538102237/Historical-Dictionary-of-United-States-Caribbean-Relations

Diplomatic Strategies of Nations in the Global South: The Search for Leadership. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan 2016. http://www.palgrave.com/us/book/9781137452252

Institutions of the Global South (London/New York: Routledge, 2009/2010). http://www.routledgepolitics.com/books/Institutions-of-the-Global-South-isbn9780415365918

Small States in Global Affairs: The Foreign Policies of the Caribbean Community (New York: Palgrave/Macmillan 2008). http://www.palgrave-usa.com/catalog/product.aspx?isbn=1403980012

The Foreign Policies of the Global South: Re-Thinking Conceptual Frameworks. .ed. (Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 2003)

Caribbean Public Policy: Regional, Cultural, and Socioeconomic Issues for the 2lst Century (Boulder, CO: Westview 1997). Co-edited with Dennis J. Gayle.

Caribbean Diplomacy (New York: CUNY Caribbean Research Center  1995).(Compilation of workshop papers from presentations at ISA-Acapulco, Center for Strategic Studies-Washington, and Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington/INVESP, Caracas/Center for the Study of America, Havana)

The Caribbean in the Pacific Century: Prospects for Caribbean--Pacific Cooperation (Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 1993). With W. Marvin Will, Dennis J, Gayle, and Ivelaw L. Griffith., 

The Caribbean in World Affairs: The Foreign Policy of the English-speaking Caribbean (Boulder, Colorado: Westview, 1989) Special Series on Latin America. .

Interpreting the Third World: Politics, Economics and Social Issues (New York: Praeger/CBS, 1986).

The Venezuela-Guyana Border Dispute: Britain's Colonial Legacy in Latin America (Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1984).


Articles and Chapters (2010-2019)

Sebastian Haug, Jacqueline Braveboy-Wagner & Günther Maihold. The ‘Global South’ in the study of world politics: examining a meta category, Third World Quarterly, 42:9, 1923-1944, DOI: 10.1080/01436597.2021.1948831 (2021)

"Institutionalization and Operationalization of South-South Cooperation." Cooperation Beyond Convention Independent Report on South-South and Triangular Cooperation. United Nations Office of South-South Cooperation, 2019, pp. 63-84. Full report of UN at: https://www.unsouthsouth.org/2019/03/18/cooperation-beyond-convention-i…

"Caribbean Foreign Policy," Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studieshttps://oxfordre.com/internationalstudies/view/10.1093/acrefore/9780190846626.001.0001/acrefore-9780190846626-e-378, December 2020.

"Caribbean Foreign Policies in the 21st Century: From Activism to Improvisation in Diplomacy." In Nickolaos Karagiannis and Debbie Mohammed, eds., Caribbean Realities and Endogenous Sustainability. (Jamaica: University of the West Indies Press, 2017), pp. 161-190.

"The Non-Aligned Movement: Collective Diplomacy of the Global South." In B.J. Kercher, ed. Handbook of Diplomacy and Statecraft. London/NY: Routledge 2012, pp.274-89.

"The English-speaking Caribbean." Joel Krieger, ed., Oxford Companion to Comparative Politics. Oxford University Press, 2013, pp. 145-149.

"Opportunities and Limitations of the Exercise of Foreign Policy Power by a Very Small State: The Case of Trinidad and Tobago." Cambridge Review of International Affairs, September 2010, pp.408-427.

"Caribbean Foreign Policy" in Robert A. Denemark, ed. The International Studies Encyclopedia. West Sussex and Oxford: Blackwell 2010, pp. 187-3213. 

"The Diplomacy of Caribbean Community States: Searching for Resilience." In Andrew F. Cooper and Timothy M. Shaw, eds. The Diplomacies of Small States: Between Vulnerability and Resilience (New York: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2009/2010): 96-115.  

"International Relations" Chapter 6 of Richard S. Hillman and Thomas J. D'Agostino, eds. Understanding the Contemporary Caribbean (Lynne Rienner 2009). 

Additional Information- Recent Papers (2010-2021)

Selected recent presentations:


Keynote speaker, “Reimagining IR: Assessing Current Efforts to Counter the Marginalization of the Global South.” “6th Encounter, Brazilian Association of International Relations, Belo Horizonte, July 25, 2017.

Keynote address (in absentia; presented by Eric Degila) “The Idea of the Global South: The Limits of the Material and the Need for Imagination.” Conference on “The ‘global South’ in the 21st century: Rhetoric, political realities and cooperation perspectives.” Thursday 14th June 2018. Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP)/the German Institute for International and Security Affairs

Some recent paper presentations (more than 125 papers presented) 

Global South IR: Assessing North-South and South-South Encounters. (roundtable with presentations, International Studies Association Convention, Las Vegas [online], April 2021.

The Utility of Locating IR/FPA within Global South Area Studies. International Studies Association Annual Convention, Las Vegas (online) April 2021.

New Thinking, New Issues in Caribbean International Relations, (roundtable with presentations) Caribbean Studies Association, Guyana (online), June 2021.

The Future of the CSA Through the Lenses of the Past." CSA Guyana, Plenary of Past Presidents

Re-envisioning the Foundations of International Relations: Innovation, Progress, Inclusivity, and Commonality. (roundtable), International Studies Association,,Annual Convention,. Toronto, March 2019.

Seeing IR Uniquely: Small States ADVANCING International Relations and Foreign Policy Approaches. (roundtable) International Studies Association, Annual Convention, Toronto, March 2019.

Seeking Power: Influence Strategies of Global South States (roundtable), Joint International Studies Association-FLACSO, Ecuador Meeting, July 2018.

Perspectives on Power in a World in Redefinition (roundtable). 6th Encounter of the Brazilian Association of International Relations (ABRI), July 2017. (See also Keynote address below)

Constructing the Caribbean: Changing Identities, Institutionalization and Policy. International Studies Association, Annual Convention, Atlanta, February 2017.

On Disciplining International Relations: Race, Gender, and Eurocentricism in International Relations. (roundtable). International Studies Association, Annual Convention, Atlanta, February 2017.

Efforts to Combat the Marginalization of the Global South in IR: A Scholar's Perspective. Political Transformations Conference, Goethe-Universitat, Frankfurt, October 2016.

Caribbean International relations: Current and Future Trends. Caribbean Studies Association, Annual Convention, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, June 2016.

"Winding Down, Revving Up: Strategizing for Late Career Moves." International Studies Association (ISA) Innovative Panel, Atlanta, March 2016.

“Problematizing the Global South.” Transformations in the Global South, Global South Studies Center, Cologne, Germany, May 2015.

"Living Globalization: Female Academics at Home and Abroad." International Studies Association Convention, New Orleans, February 2015.

"The United Nations and Development: The View from the Global South." Presidential Theme Panel, ISA Convention, New Orleans, February 2015., 

"G-77 and the Nonaligned Group: The Relevance of Tricontinental Multilateralism." UACES (Academic Association for Contemporary European Studies), Cork, Ireland, September 2014.

"Spaces and Places: The Impact of Geopolitics on Caribbean International Relations and Foreign Policy." International Studies Association, Toronto, March 2014.

"Global South Institutionalism: Bandung to B[R]ICS." International Studies Association Convention, San Francisco, April 2013.

"Adaptation in the Non-Aligned Movement." Joint British International Studies Association-ISA conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 2012.

"Reading/Writing/Theorizing the Global South in International Relations/Foreign Policy." Center for International Studies, University of Southern California, January 2012.

"Strategic Culture of Trinidad and Tobago." Strategic Culture Workshop, Florida International University Applied Research Center, August 2011.

"Regional Integration and the Role of the International Community." Conflict Prevention and Peace Forum Meeting on Democratic Governance in the English-speaking Caribbean, Social Science Research Council, Curacao, June 2011.

"Foreign Policy Analysis and the Global South: Unfulfilled Potential." International Studies Association Convention, Montreal, March 2011.

"Inclusivity in IR? Themes and Practices in Caribbean Foreign Policy." Brazilian Association of International Relations-ISA, Rio de Janeiro, July 2009.

"Teaching about the Global South: Choosing Marginalization?" International Studies Association, New York, March 2009.