Jackie Jie J. Li
Associate Professor
Steinman Hall

Jackie Jie J. Li
Dr. Jackie Li is interested in nano/micro-mechanics of materials. She is a recipient of NSF CAREER award and a member of Frontier of Engineering, National Academy of Engineering. Her current research interests include nano-micromechanics; electro-mechanical coupling behaviors of piezo/ferroelectrics and their composites; mechanical and electrical properties of CNT and CNT composites; nanocomposites; nanoferroelectrics; self-sensing and self-health monitoring technology of structural materials and composites; Nanodielectric composites for energy storage applications. Prior to her appointment at CCNY in 2002, she was an Assistant Professor at The Cooper Union for four years.
- Ph.D Mechanical and Aerospace of Engineering, Rutgers University, 1995
- M.E. Applied Mechanics, Beijing Institute of Technology, China, 1989
- B.S. Mechanics, Peking University, China, 1986
Courses Taught
- ME 461 – Materials Science
- ME 247 – Dynamics
- ME 330 – Mechanics of Materials
- ME G4200 – Continuum Mechanics
- ME G4400 – Nano/Micromechanics
- ME G4700 – Physical Properties of Materials
Research Interests
Micro/nano-mechanics, Ferroelectric ceramics and composites, Nano-grained materials, Nanotubes, Nanotechnology, Self-sensing and self-health monitoring technology of structural materials and composites, Nanodielectric composites for energy storage applications, Multiferroic materials, Magnetocaloric & electrocaloric materials.
- J. Li and G.J. Weng, Strain-Rate Sensitivity, Relaxation Behavior and Complex Moduli of a Class of Isotropic Viscoelastic Composites, ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology Vol. 116, No.4, 495-504 (1994).
- J. Li and G.J. Weng, Anisotropic Stress-strain Relations and Complex Moduli of a Viscoelastic Composite with Aligned Inclusions, Composites Engineering Vol. 4, No.11, 1073-1097 (1994).
- J. Li and G.J. Weng, Effective Creep Behavior and Complex Moduli of Fiber and Ribbon Reinforced Polymer-Matrix Composites, Composites Science and Technology Vol. 52, 615-629 (1994).
- J. Li and G.J. Weng, A Unified Micromechanical Theory for the High-Temperature Creep of Particle-Reinforced Metal-Matrix Composites, Key Engineering Materials Vol. 104-107, 749-756 (1995).
- J. Li and G.J. Weng, Void Growth and Stress-Strain Relations of a Class of Viscoelastic Porous Materials, Mechanics of Materials Vol. 22, 179-188 (1996).
- J. Li and G.J. Weng, Orthotropic Creep and Complex Moduli of a Viscoelastic Composite Reinforced with Aligned Elliptic Fibers, Journal of Composite Materials Vol. 30, 1042-1066 (1996).
- J. Li and G.J. Weng, Effect of a Viscoelastic Interphase on the Creep and Stress-Strain Behavior of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites, Composites Part B Vol.27, 589-598 (1996).
- J. Li and G.J. Weng, Stress-Strain Relations of a Viscoelastic Composite Reinforced with Elliptic Cylinders, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials Vol.10, 19-30 (1997).
- J. Li and G.J. Weng, A Secant-Viscosity Approach to the Elastic-Viscoplastic Behavior of Particle-Reinforced Solids, J. Mech. Phys. Solids Vol. 45, 1069-1083 (1997).
- J. Li and G.J. Weng, Influence of Inclusion Microgeometry on Some Thermomechanical Properties of Isotropic Polymer-Matrix Composites, ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology Vol. 119, No.3, 242-250 (1997).
- J. Li and T.-W. Chou, Elastic Field of a Thin-Film/Substrate System under an Axisymmetric Loading, International Journal of Solids and Structures Vol. 34, Nos. 35-36, 4463-4478 (1997).
- J. Li and G.J. Weng, A Homogenization Theory for the Overall Creep of Isotropic Viscoplastic Composites, Acta Mechanica Vol. 125, 141-153 (1997).
- J. Li and G.J. Weng, A Unified Approach from Elasticity to Viscoelasticity to Viscoplasticity of Particle-Reinforced Solids, International Journal of Plasticity Vol. 14, 193-208 (1998).
- J. Li and G.J. Weng, Time-Dependent Creep of a Dual-Phase Viscoplastic Material with Lamellar structure, International Journal of Plasticity Vol.14, No.8, 755-770, (1998).
- J. Li, E.T. Thostenson, T.-W. Chou and L. Riester, An Investigation of Thin-Film Coating/Substrate Systems by Nanoindentation, ASME-Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology Vol.120, No.2, 154-162, (1998).
- J. Li and G.J. Weng, Creep of a Composite with Dual Viscoplastic Phases, Composites Science and Technology Vol.58, 1803-1810, (1998).
- J. Li and G.J. Weng, A Theory of Domain Switch for the Nonlinear Behavior of Ferroelectrics, The Royal Society, Proceedings A Vol.455, 3493-3511 (1999).
- J. Li and G.J. Weng, A Micromechanics-Based Hysteresis Model for Ferroelectric Ceramics, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures Vol. 12, 79-91 (2001).
- L. Shen and J. Li, Effect of a Minimal Spacing between Inhomogeneities on Effective Moduli of Isotropic Plates with Circular Inhomogeneities, International Journal of Fracture Vol.117, L35-40 (2002).
- L. Shen and J. Li, Effective Elastic Moduli of Composites Reinforced by Particle or Fiber with an Inhomogeneous Interphase, International Journal of Solids and Structures Vol. 40, 1393-1409 (2003).
- J. Li, Orientation-dependent piezoelectric Eshelby S-tensor for a lamellar structure in a transversely isotropic medium, Acta Mechanica Vol. 162, 69-81 (2003).
- L. Shen and J. Li, Number of Inhomogeneities at Which Effective Moduli of the Heterogeneous Material Stabilize, International Journal of Fracture Vol. 119, L67-70 (2003).
- J. Li, Electro-mechanical Coupling Behavior of Ferroelectric Ceramics under Multi-axial Electric Switching, Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 94, No.5, 3326-3332 (2003).
- L. Shen and J. Li, Transversely Isotropic Elastic Properties of a Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube, Physics Review B Vol.69, 045414 (2004), and Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, Feb. 9, vol. 9, issue 5 (2004).
- L. Shen and J. Li, A Numerical Simulation for Effective Moduli of Plates with Various Distributions and Sizes of Cracks, International Journal of Solids and Structures Vol. 41/26 pp 7471-7492 (2004).
- L. Shen and J. Li, Transversely Isotropic Elastic Properties of a Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube, Physics Review B, Vol. 71, 035412 (2005), and Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, January 31, vol. 11, issue 4 (2005).
- L. Shen and J. Li, Homogenization of a fiber/sphere with an inhomogeneous interphase for the effective elastic moduli of composites, The Royal Society, Proceedings A Vol. 461, 1475-1504 (2005).
- L. Shen and J. Li, Equilibrium Structure and Strain Energy of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes, Physics Review B, vol.71, 165427 (2005), and Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, May 2, vol.11, issue 17 (2005).
- L. Shen, J. Li, B. Liaw, F. Delale and J. H. Chung: Modeling and Analysis of the Electrical Resistance Measurement of Carbon Fiber Polymer-Matrix Composites, Composites Science and Technology, vol. 67, 2513-2520 (2007).
- J. Li and G.J. Weng, A Secant-Viscosity Composite Model for the Strain-Rate Sensitivity of Nanocrystalline Materials, International Journal of Plasticity vol.23, 2115-2133 (2007).
- E. Sevkat, J. Li, B. Liaw, and F. Delale, A statistical model of electrical resistance of carbon-fiber reinforced composites under tensile loading, Composites Science and Technology, vol.68/10-11, 2214-2219 (2008).
- P. Zhao and J. Li, Orientation dependence on electro-mechanical coupling Behavior of ferroelectrics under compression, Journal of Applied Physics, v 103, n 10, p 104104 (2008).
- Y. Cao and J. Li, A Micromechanics-Based Model for Temperature Effect on Piezoelectric and Dielectric Constants of Ferroelectric Crystals, Journal of Applied Physics, v105, 064101 (2009).
- P. Zhao and J. Li, Orientation Dependence on Electro-Mechanical Coupling Behavior of 1-3 Piezoelectric Composites under Compression, Smart Material and Structures, v18, 104011 (2009).
- Y. Ngabonziza, H. Ergun, R. Kuznetsova, B. Liaw, J. Li, F. Delale and J.H. Chung, An Experimental Study of Self-Diagnosis of Interlaminar Damage in Carbon-Fiber Composites, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, v21, 233-242 (2010).
- S.Y. Liu, H.N. Zhang,L.M. Huang, X.H. Liu, J. Samson, D. Akins, J. Li and S. O'Brien, Comprehensive Dielectric Performance of Bismuth Acceptor Doped BaTiO3 Based Nanocrystal Film Capacitors, Journal of Materials Chemistry 22, 21862 (2012) (doi: 10.1039/C2JM34044E)
- S.Y. Liu, L.M. Huang, J. Li and S. O'Brien, Intrinsic dielectric frequency dependent spectrum of a single domain BaTiO3, Journal of Applied Physics 112, 014108 (2012) (doi: 10.1063/1.4734004).
- Y. Su, H.T. Chen, J. Li, A.K. Soh and G.J. Weng, Effects of surface tension on the size-dependent ferroelectric characteristics of free-standing BaTiO3 nano-thin films, Journal of Applied Physics 110, 084108 (2011); doi: 10.1063/1.3652906.
- P. Zhao, Y. Cao and J. Li, Nonlinear electromechanical coupling behavior of 1-3 piezoelectric composites, Acta Materialia, v59, 5534-5543 (2011) (doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2011.05.026).
- Y. Ngabonziza and J. Li, Electrical Percolation Effect on Electromechanical Behavior of CNT Nanocomposites. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, v9, n6, 15-19 (2011)
- Y. Ngabonziza, J. Li, and C. F. Barry, Electrical Conductivity and Elastic Properties of MWCNT/PP Nanocomposites, Acta Mechanica, v220, 289-298. (2011) (DOI 10.1007/s00707-011-0486-y).
- Y. Ngabonziza, H. Ergun,R. Kuznetsova, B. Liaw, J. Li, F. Delale and J.H. Chung, An Experimental Study of Self-Diagnosis of Interlaminar Damage in Carbon-Fiber Composites, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, v21, 233-242 (2010). DOI: 10.1177/1045389X09347019
- Y. Cao and J. Li, A Micromechanics-Based Model for Temperature Effect on Piezoelectric and Dielectric Constants of Ferroelectric Crystals, Journal of Applied Physics, v105, 064101 (2009). DOI: 10.1063/1.3086633
- P. Zhao and J. Li, Orientation Dependence on Electro-Mechanical Coupling Behavior of 1-3 Piezoelectric Composites under Compression, Smart Material and Structures, v18, 104011 (2009).
- E. Sevkat, J. Li, B. Liaw, and F. Delale, A statistical model of electrical resistance of carbon-fiber reinforced composites under tensile loading, Composites Science and Technology, vol.68/10-11, 2214-2219 (2008). DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2008.04.011
- P. Zhao and J. Li, Orientation dependence on electro-mechanical coupling Behavior of ferroelectrics under compression, Journal of Applied Physics, v 103, n 10, p 104104 (2008). DOI: 10.1063/1.2925795
- J. Li and G.J. Weng, A Secant-Viscosity Composite Model for the Strain-Rate Sensitivity of Nanocrystalline Materials, International Journal of Plasticity vol.23, 2115-2133 (2007). DOI: 10.1016/j.ijplas.2007.03.016
- L. Shen, J. Li, B. Liaw, F. Delale and J. H. Chung: Modeling and Analysis of the Electrical Resistance Measurement of Carbon Fiber Polymer-Matrix Composites, Composites Science and Technology, vol. 67, 2513-2520 (2007). DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2006.12.020
- L. Shen and J. Li, Transversely Isotropic Elastic Properties of a Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube, Physics Review B, Vol. 71, 035412 (2005), and Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, January 31, vol. 11, issue 4 (2005). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.71.035412
- L. Shen and J. Li, Homogenization of a fiber/sphere with an inhomogeneous interphase for the effective elastic moduli of composites, The Royal Society, Proceedings A Vol. 461, 1475-1504 (2005). DOI: 10.1098/rspa.2005.1447
- L. Shen and J. Li, Equilibrium Structure and Strain Energy of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes, Physics Review B, vol.71, 165427 (2005), and Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, May 2, vol.11, issue 17 (2005). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.71.165427
- L. Shen and J. Li, Transversely Isotropic Elastic Properties of a Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube, Physics Review B Vol.69, 045414 (2004), and Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, Feb. 9, vol. 9, issue 5 (2004). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.69.045414
- L. Shen and J. Li, A Numerical Simulation for Effective Moduli of Plates with Various Distributions and Sizes of Cracks, International Journal of Solids and Structures Vol. 41/26 pp 7471-7492 (2004). DOI: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2004.02.016