Issa Salame

Associate Professor

Additional Departments/Affiliated Programs

Science Education

Areas of Expertise/Research

  • Chemistry Education
  • Science Education


Marshak Science Building





Issa Salame


Issa Salame holds a PhD in en­vironmental analytical chemistry from CUNY where he studied adsorption of organic molecules onto activated carbons and the removal of toxins from the envi­ronment. After graduate school, he became interested in science education and the understanding of how students learn chemis­try through the various methods of teaching. Over the past several years, Prof. Salame has been involved in the teacher preparation programs at CCNY that attracts students to science and mathematics and guides and facilitates their teacher certification process. He is passion­ate about teaching and believes that his job is to reach each student, relate the subject to the student, and make the con­cepts, not only comprehendible, but also meaningful.

Prof. Salame is working on research that improves understanding of how students learn chemistry through various methods of teaching. His research focuses on identifying common chemistry misconceptions, addressing misconceptions and improving students' conceptual understanding of chemistry. Of special interests are the student-centered instructional reform and pre-service and in-service teacher training. His current projects include examining students’ and secondary school teachers’ interpretations of atomic representations, and students’ misconceptions about atomic sizes and periodic properties.  


Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D., Analytical Chemistry, The Graduate School and University Center of The City University of New York. Thesis: “Effect of Surface Chemistry and Porosity of Activated Carbons on the Adsorption of Water and Organic Pollutants”.

Date Conferred: 2002 

Master of Philosophy, M.Ph. Chemistry, The Graduate School and University Center of The City University of New York

Date Conferred: 2001 

Bachelor of Science B.S., Chemistry, The City College of New York of the City University of New York

Date Conferred: 1997 

Courses Taught

CHEM 10301: General Chemistry Lecture-Laboratory I

CHEM 10401: General Chemistry Lecture-Laboratory II

CHEM 310: General Chemistry for Engineers

CHEM 26200: Organic Chemistry Laboratory Techniques I

CHEM 26100: Organic Chemistry I

CHEM 24300: Analytical Chemistry

CHEM 1100: Environmental Chemistry

“Inquiry Approach to Science Teaching”

“Methods of Teaching Secondary School Science”

“Introduction to Modern Concepts in Organic Chemistry”

“Principles of Atomic Theory”

SCI 10300: Science 1” – science for non-science majors

SCI 10400: Science 2” – science for non-science majors

“Chemistry of the Environment”

“Molecular Modeling”

“Principles of Atomic Theory”

“Chemistry Education Practicum”

Research Interests

Science education: understanding how students learn science through the various methods of teaching; exploring how students construct scientific knowledge; optimizing conceptual understanding; improving problem solving and critical thinking skills of chemistry students; identifying misconceptions students possess about science; utilizing technology to improve student learning and performance.  




Salame, I. I., Fadipe, O., & Akter, S. (2025). Examining difficulties, challenges, and alternative conceptions students exhibit while learning about heat and temperature concepts. Interdisciplinary Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 21(2), e2510.

Salame, I. I., Abdul Satter, S., & Warda, F. (2024). Examining students’ problem-solving approaches in organic chemistry and its impact on performance and learning. Interdisciplinary Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 20(2), e2407.

Salame, I. I., and Azmoudeh, Y. (2023). The effect of musical intelligence on students’ academic achievement in science. Journal of Academic Perspectives, 1, 16-30.

Salame, I. I., and Khalil, A. Y. (2023). Examining some of the challenges students face in learning about rearrangement reactions in organic chemistry. Interdisciplinary Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 19(3), e2310.

Salame, I. I., Gomes, V., Moreira, M. K., and Jihad, H. (2023). Impact of the digitization of teaching on undergraduate students as the result of the Covid-19 pandemic and transitioning to online learning. International Journal of Instruction, 16(3), 343-362.

Salame, I. I., Abid, M., and Simms, S. (2022). Examining some of the challenges that students face in learning about metabolic pathways in a traditional biochemistry course. International Journal of Instruction, 15(4), 277-292. 

Salame, I. I., and Kabir, S. A. (2022). Examining Students’ Spatial Ability and Its Impact on the Learning of Stereochemistry. Interdisciplinary Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 18(4), e2288.

Salame, I. I., Etwaroo, N., Khalil, A., and Kolozian, T. (2022). Examining some of students’ challenges and use of algorithmic problem-solving approaches in electrochemical titrations. International Journal of Instruction, 15(3), 465-482.

Salame, I. I., Montero, A., and Eschweiler, D. (2022). Examining some of the students’ challenges and alternative conceptions in learning about acid-base titrations. International Journal of Chemistry Education Research, 6(1), 1-10.

Salame, I. I., Ramirez, L., Nikolic, D., and Krauss, D. (2022). Investigating students’ difficulties and approaches to solving buffer related problems. International Journal of Instruction, 15(1), 911-926. 

Salame, I. I., and Dong, S. (2021).  Examining some of students’ views on the nature of science (NOS) in traditional lecture format teaching environment, International Journal of Chemistry Education Research, 5(2), 69-77.

Salame, I. I., and Casino, P. (2021). Using chemistry concepts inventory to identify alternative conceptions and their persistence in general chemistry courses. International Journal of Instruction, 14(3), 787-806.

Salame, I. I., and Makki, J. (2021). Examining the use of PhET simulations on student’s attitudes and learning in general chemistry II. Interdisciplinary Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 17(4), e2247.

Salame, I. I., and Nikolic, D. (2021). Examining some of the challenges students face in learning about solubility and the dissolution process. Interdisciplinary Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 17(3), e2237. 10.21601/ijese/9333

Salame, I. I. (2021). The impact of supplemental instruction on the learning achievements and attitudes of organic chemistry students. Interdisciplinary Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 17(2), e2232. 10.21601/ijese/9330

Salame, I. I., and Hanna, E. (2020). Studying the impact of online homework on the perceptions, attitudes, study habits, and learning experiences of chemistry students. Interdisciplinary Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 16(4), e2221.

Salame, I. I., and Soliman, A. (2020). Examining Students’ Perceptions About an Adaptive-Responsive Online Homework System and its Influence on Motivation and Learning, International Journal of Educational Technology and Learning, 9(1), 1-9.

Salame, I. I., Casino, P., and Hodges, N. (2020). Examining Challenges that Students Face in Learning Organic Chemistry Synthesis, International Journal of Chemistry Education Research, 4(1), 1-9.

Salame, I. I., Sabi, S., and Hamid, S. (2020). A Study of the Globe Program and its Impact on Public School Teachers and Their Students, Journal of Academic Perspectives, 1, 1-19. 

Salame, I. I., and Thompson, A. (2020). Students’ Views on Strategic Note-taking and its Impact on Performance, Achievement, and Learning, International Journal of Instruction, 13(2), 1-16.

Salame, I. I., and Nazir, S. (2019). The Impact of Supplemental Instruction on the Performance and Attitudes of General Chemistry Students, International Journal of Chemistry Education Research, 3(2), 53-59.

Salame, I. I., and Samson, D. (2019). Examining the Implementation of PhET Simulations into General Chemistry Laboratory, International Journal of Environmental & Science Education, 14(4), 207-2017.

Salame, I. I., Patel, S., and Suleman, S. (2019). Examining Some of the Students’ Challenges in Learning Organic Chemistry, International Journal of Chemistry Education Research, 3(1), 6-14.

Salame, I. I., Kodra, A., and Murugesan, B. G. (2018). Multiple Intelligence Theory in a Science Classroom: A Study to Understand Student Preferences in Relating and Understanding Fundamental Concepts in a General Chemistry Classroom, Journal of Academic Perspectives, 2, 1-16.

Steinberg, R., Wyner, Y., Borman, G., Salame, I. I. (2015). Targeted Courses in Inquiry Science for Future Elementary School Teachers, Journal of College Science Teaching. 44, 51-56.

Salame, I. I., Sarowar, S., Begum, S., and Steinberg, R. (2014). Making Sense of How Students Interpret Atomic Representations, Journal of Academic Perspectives, 4, 1-17.

Salame, I. I., and Hershberger, N. (2013). Studying the Impact of Online-Homework on Students’ Attitudes and performance in General Chemistry, Journal of Academic Perspectives, 2, 1-18.

Krauss, D. A., and Salame, I. I. (2012). Interspecific Killing of a Brant by a Male Canada Goose at a Nest Site, Northeastern Naturalist, 19, 701-704.

Krauss, D. A., Goodwynn, L., and Salame. I. I. (2012). A Case of a Warbler Eating Berries, EcoEd Digital Library, 1, 1.

Salame, I. I., Sarowar, S., Begum, S., and Krauss, D. A. (2011). Students’ Alternative Conceptions about Atomic Properties and the Periodic Table, Chemical Educator, 16, 190-194.

Krauss, D. A., Salame, I. I., and Goodwynn, L. (2010). Using Photographs as Case Studies to Promote Active Learning in Biology, Journal of College Science Teaching, 40, 72-76.

Salame, I. I., and Bandosz, T. J. (2003). Role of Surface Chemistry in Adsorption of Phenol on Activated Carbons, Journal of Colloid Interface Science, 264, 307-312.

Salame, I. I., and Bandosz, T. J. (2002). Interactions of Water, Methanol and Diethyl Ether Molecules with the Surface of Oxidized Activated Carbon, Journal of Molecular Physics, 100, 2041-2048.

Salame, I. I., and Bandosz, T. J. (2001). Study of Diethyl Ether Adsorption on Activated Carbons Using IGC at Finite Concentration, Langmuir, 17, 4967-4972.

Salame, I. I., and Bandosz, T. J. (2001). Surface Chemistry of Activated Carbons: Combining the Results of Temperature Programmed Desorption, Boehm and Potentiometric Titration. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 240, 252-258.

Salame, I. I., and Bandosz, T. J. (2000). Adsorption of Water and Methanol on Micro- and Mesoporous Wood-Based Activated Carbons, Langmuir, 16, 5435-5440.

Salame, I. I., and Bandosz, T. J. (2000). Comparison of the Surface Features of Two Wood-Based Activated Carbons, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 39, 301-306.

Salame, I. I., Bagreev, A., and Bandosz, T. J. (1999). Revisiting the Effect of Surface Chemistry on Adsorption of Water on Activated Carbons. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B., 103, 3877-3884.

Salame, I. I., and Bandosz, T. J. (1999). Experimental Study of Water Adsorption on Activated Carbons, Langmuir, 15, 587-593.

Salame, I. I., and Bandosz, T. J. (1999). Study of Water Adsorption on Activated Carbons with Different Degrees of Surface Oxidation, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 210, 367-374.

Awards and Honors

2019: Teacher of the Year, City College Academy for Professional Preparation (CCAPP), The Division of Science, City College of New York

2018: Alumni Association Faculty Service Award, The City College of New York

2016: Teacher of the Year, City College Academy for Professional Preparation (CCAPP), The Division of Science, City College of New York

2015: Teacher of the Year, City College Academy for Professional Preparation (CCAPP), The Division of Science, City College of New York

2013: Teacher of the Year, City College Academy for Professional Preparation (CCAPP), The Division of Science, City College of New York

2012: Provost’s Award for Innovations in Educational Pedagogies, City College of New York

2011: Teacher of the Year, City College Academy for Professional Preparation (CCAPP), The Division of Science, City College of New York

2007: Outstanding Teacher, presented by Phi Theta Kappa, Borough of Manhattan Community College

2005: Outstanding Teacher of the Year, City College of New York