Isabel Estrada
Professor of Iberian and Latin American Cultures
NAC 5/223

Isabel Estrada
Ph.D., Columbia University; M.A., University of Michigan; B.A., Universidad de Sevilla, Spain. Dr. Estrada is the author of El documental cinematográfico y televisivo contemporáneo: memoria, representación y formación de la identidad democrática española (Tamesis 2013), which examines how a selected group of documentaries made since 1995 for both film and television inform the debate centered on the so-called “recuperation of memory” of the Spanish Civil War and dictatorship. She is currently working on a book manuscript entitled Expanding Spanish Cinema: New Forms of Social Life in the Twenty-First Century. This research project addresses the 2008 financial and political crisis in Spain in order to explain both how the situation has been portrayed by a new generation of filmmakers, and how their practices attempt to create new forms of social life
Prof. Estrada has published articles in refereed journals such as Modern Language Notes, Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, Studies in Hispanic Cinemas, Hispanic Review, Bulletin of Spanish Studies, España Contemporánea, Catalan Review, and Revista Hispánica Moderna. She has also contributed to the volumes Approaches to Teaching the Works of Carmen Martín Gaite (2013), Perceptions of the Holocaust in Modern Spanish Culture (Leipzig Studies on Jewish History and Culture, 2009), and Historias de la pequeña pantalla: Representaciones históricas en la televisión de la España democrática (2008).
Columbia University, New York, NY
PhD in Modern Peninsular Literature
M.Phil. in Peninsular Literature
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
M.A. in Romance Languages and Literatures (Spanish),
Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain
B.A. in English Literature (Licenciada en Filología Inglesa)
Research Interests
Memory Studies
Twentieth-century Spanish Literature
Film and Media
The Spanish Civil War
- Democrazy in Spain: Cinema and New Forms of Social Life (1968-2008) [Liverpool University Press, 2024].
- Let My People Know: The Story of Wilfred Mendelson (“Mendy”), Student, Leader, Organizer, Journalist, Anti-Fascist Soldier Who Fell in Spain July 28, 1938. 2022. Digital Annotated Edition.
- El documental cinematográfico y televisivo contemporáneo: memoria, sujeto y formación de la identidad democrática Española [Tamesis Book 2013]
- Reviewed in:
- Revista de Estudios Hispánicos XLIX. 2, 2015, pp. 181-183
- Bulletin of Spanish Studies XCII. 6, 2015, pp. 1035-1036
- Studies in Spanish and Latin American Cinemas 12.3, 2015, pp. 311-316
- Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, 16.1, 2015, pp. 199-122
- ALCES XXI: Journal of Contemporary Spanish Literature and Film 2 (2014-2015), pp. 409-417
Articles in peer-reviewed edited collections:
- “Audiovisual Production on the Republican Deportation and Spain as Haven of the Nazis,” World War II and the Holocaust: History and Representation, edited by Gina Herrmann and Sara Brenneis. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020. 519-535.
- "Re-politicizing documentary footage from the Transición in Spain: images, representation and the digital age." Bulletin of Spanish Visual Studies II. 2 (2018):267-283.
- "Con mucho arte: la supermodernidad barroca en los videodelirios de María Cañas." La retórica del sur: Representaciones y discursos sobre Andalucía en el periodo democrático. Eds. José M. del Pino and Antonio Gómez L-Quiñones (Alfar: Sevilla, 2015). 327-353.
- "Victimhood in Contemporary Spanish Documentary: The Politics of Agency in Jaime Camino's La vieja memoria (1978) and Los niños de Rusia (2001)." With Melissa González. (Re)viewing Creative, Critical and Commercial Practices in Contemporary Spanish Cinema, Eds. Fernando J. Canet and Duncan Wheeler. Bristol UK: Intellect Books 2014. 165-176.
- "Analyzing Los parentescos (2001) and Preparing Students for Creative Writing." Approaches to Teaching the Works of Carmen Martín Gaite. Ed. Joan L. Brown. New York: The Modern Language Association of America, 2013. 173-180.
- "Residuos y memoria en el palimpsesto urbano del siglo XXI: En construcción de José Luis Guerín (2001)." Literatura y Comunicación. Ed. Miguel Nieto Nuño. Madrid: Castalia, 2010. 387-402.
- "To Mauthausen and Back: The Holocaust as a Reference in Spanish Civil War Memory Studies." The Holocaust in Spanish Memory. Historical Perceptions and Cultural Discourse. Eds. Antonio Gómez L-Quiñones and Susanne Zepp. Leipzig: Leipziger Universistatsverlag, 2010. 37-50.
- "Casas Viejas: el grito del sur (1995) de Basilio Martín Patino: memoria, televisión y documental." Historias de la pequeña pantalla. Representaciones históricas en la televisión de la España democrática. Cueto, George, López, eds. Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoamericana/Vervuert (2009) 197-216.
Articles in peer-reviewed journals:
- "'Democrazy' in Spain: Cinema and New Forms of Social Life in the Twntieth-First Century." MLN 132.2 (2017): 386-406.
- "El cine español en la era de la reproducibilidad tecnológica: María Cañas y la d-generación." Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos. 38.2 (Winter 2014): 295-313.
- "The Recuperation of Memory in Regional and National Television Documentaries: The Epistemology of Les fosses del silenci (2003) and Las fosas del olvido (2004)." Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies 11.2, 191-209.
- "Catalan Television Documentaries and the Negotiation of Memory in Democratic Spain: The Works of Dolors Genovès." Catalan Review vol. 20.1&2 (2006) 117-130.
- 'Transitional Masculinities in a Labyrinth of Solitude: Replacing Patriarchy in Spanish Film (1977-1987)." Bulletin of Spanish Studies. LXXXIII, no 2 (2006) 265-280.
- "Gender and Political Transitions: José Luis Garci's Solos en la madrugada." Studies in Hispanic Cinema 1.3. (2004) 137-150.
- "Cuéntame cómo pasó o la revisión televisiva de la historia española reciente." Hispanic Review. (October 2004): 547-564.
- "Victimismo y violencia en la ficción de la Generación X: Matando dinasaurios con tirachinas de Pedro Maestre." Ciberletras: Journal of Literary Criticism and Culture. January 2002.
- "En el estado de Juan Benet: humor y postmodernidad." España contemporánea XIV-2 (otoño 2001): 7-30.
- "(Re)configuraciones de la identidad masculina en "Nunca llegarás a nada" y "Por los suelos" de Juan Benet". Romance Languages Annual (1998): 548-555.
- "Subversión y conservadurismo: el discurso gótico femenino en El caballero de las botas azules de Rosalía de Castro". Letras Femeninas XIV (1998):81-94.
- "'Sopla y adivina': En la penumbra como parodia del deseo". Revista Hispánica Moderna XLIX-1 (Junio 1996):121-135.