Irina Gladkova
Associate Prof., Computer Science
North Academic Center

Irina Gladkova
Website Irina Gladkova received a B.Sc. degree in mathematics from Donetsk State University, Ukraine, in 1989, a Ph.D. in physical/mathematical sciences from the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in 1993, and a Ph.D. In Mathematics from The Graduate Center of the City University of New York in 1998. She has been a faculty member of City College of New York since 1998, where she is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science. She works extensively with engineers and scientists on a variety of applied problems in the area of signal processing. Her main present interests are radar waveform design and satellite data analysis/compression.
- B.S. (Mathematics), Donetsk State University, 1989.
- Kandidat Nauk (Mathematics), Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1992.
- Ph.D. (Mathematics), CUNY , 1998.
Courses Taught
CSc 10200 Introduction to Computing
CSc 10400 Discrete Mathematical Structures
CSc 21700 Probability and Statistics for Computer Science
CSc 30100 Numerical Issues in Scientific Programming
CSc 44000 Computational Methods in Numerical Analysis
CSc 59955 Satellite Image Processing
CSc 59866 Senior Capstone Course
CSc I6730 Data Reduction in the Physical Sciences
Research Interests
Waveform design, Signal processing,
Data Compression,
Statistical Data Analysis,
Numerical Methods.
- I. Gladkova, M. Grossberg, G. Bonev, P. Romanov, F. Shahriar, Increasing the Accuracy of MODIS/Aqua Snow Product using Quantitative Image Restoration Technique, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol.9, no.4, pp.740-743, July 2012
- I. Gladkova, M. Grossberg, F. Shahriar, G. Bonev, P. Romanov, Quantitative Restoration for MODIS Band 6 on Aqua, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol.50, no.6, pp.2409-2416, June 2012
- I. Gladkova, Analysis of Stepped-Frequency Pulse Train Design, IEEE Transaction on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, AES-45(4): p. 1251 - 1261, 2009
- I.Gladkova, D.Chebanov, Grating Lobes Suppression in Stepped-Frequency Pulse Train, IEEE Transaction on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, AES-44(4): p.1265-1275, Oct. 2008.
- I.Gladkova, D.Chebanov, On a new extension of Wilcox's Method, WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, Vol.3, p.244--249, April 2004
- I. Gladkova, Design of Frequency Modulated Waveforms via the Zak Transform, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, AES-40(1): p.355--359, January 2004
- I. Gladkova, The Zak Transform and a new Approach to Waveform Design, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, AES-37(6): 1458--1464, October 2001
- J. Manassah, I. Gladkova, Correlated Superradiant Emission from Electromagnetically-Coupled Pressure-Induced 1-d Cavities, Laser Physics, 11(12), Jun 2001
- J. Manassah, I. Gladkova, Superradiant amplification from two coupled optically dense two-level slabs, Optics Communications, 196 (2001), p.221-228
- J. Manassah, I. Gladkova, Density Matrix Computation of Light Slowing and Light Storage in a Lambda Vapor System, Laser Physics, 11(6), Jun 2001, p.801-806
- J. Manassah, I. Gladkova, Spatial Periodicity Enhanced Superradiance from an optically dense two-level medium, Optics Communications, 189 (2001) p.87-96
- J. Manassah, I. Gladkova, Modifications due to local field corrections of the electromagnetically induced transparency propagation parameters in a driven optically dense three-level cascade system, Optics Communications, 185 (2000) p.125--132
- J. Manassah, I. Gladkova, Superradiant amplification in an optically dense three-level cascade system, Optics Communications, 179 (2000) p.51--61