Ilona Kretzschmar
Steinman Hall
(212) 650-6769
(212) 650-6660

Ilona Kretzschmar
- Diploma (Chemistry), 1996, Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany
- Ph.D. (Chemistry) 1999, Technical University of Berlin, Berlin Germany
- Fedeor-Lynen Fellow (Chemistry), 2000-01, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
- Postdoctoral Associate (Electrical Engineering) 2002-04, Yale University, New Haven, CT
Research Interests
Our group is interested in nano and microparticles in general and more specifically in their modification and assembly. We combine our knowledge of Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Material and Surface Science, and Molecular Electronics to discover new materials and applications for asymmetric particles.
Major Reserach Areas:
• Janus and Patchy Particles at Interfaces
• Dye-sensitized Solar Cells
• Two- and Three-dimensional Particle Assembly
• Patchy Particle Swimmers
• Asymmetric Modification of Particle Surfaces
• Nano- and Microparticle Films
• Nano- and Microparticles as Templates
Keywords: Molecular and field directed particle assembly, chemical and material modification of particle surfaces, two- and three-dimensional particle assembly, vacuum technology, surface and material science, nanoparticle synthesis for DSSC
Courses Taught
For the most updated list of publications, please see my GoogleScholar and ResearchGate pages.
"Experimental study of the motion of patchy particle swimmers near a wall" Z Jalilvand, AB Pawar, I Kretzschmar Langmuir 34, 15593-15599.
"Investigation on electrical surface modification of waste to energy ash for possible use as an electrode material in microbial fuel cells" M Webster, HY Lee, K Pepa, N Winkler, I Kretzschmar, MJ Castaldi Waste Management & Research 36, 259-268.
“Janus particle-based microprobes: Determination of object orientation” Jingqin Cui, Deng Long, Pavel Shapturenka, Ilona Kretzschmar, Xinyi Chen, and Taihong Wang Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2017, 513 452-462.
“Directed motion of metallodielectric particles by contact charge electrophoresis” Yong Dou, Charles A. Cartier, Wenjie Fei, Shashank Pandey, Sepideh Razavi, Ilona Kretzschmar, and Kyle J.M. Bishop Langmuir, 2016, 32 13167-13173.
“Control of photo-induced voltages in plasmonic crystals via spin-orbit interactions” Nicholas V. Proscia, Matthew Moocarme, Roger Chang, Ilona Kretzschmar, Vinod M. Menon, and Luat T. Vuong Optics Express, 2016, 24 10402-10411.
“Impact of particle shape on electron transport and lifetime in zinc oxide nanorod-based dye-sensitized solar cells” Roger Chang, Kemakorn Ithisuphalap and Ilona Kretzschmar* AIMS Materials Science, 2016, 3 51-65.
“Mechanical Stability of Polystyrene and Janus Particle Monolayers at the Air/Water Interface” Jessica Lenis, Sepideh Razavi, Kathleen D. Cao, Binhua Lin, Ka Yee C. Lee, Raymond S. Tu and Ilona Kretzschmar* J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, 137 15370-15373.
“Collapse of Particle-laden Interfaces under Compression: Buckling vs. Particle Expulsion” Sepideh Razavi, Kathleen D. Cao, Binhua Lin, Ka Yee C. Lee, Raymond S. Tu and Ilona Kretzschmar* Langmuir, 2015, 31 7764-7775.
“Two-Dimensional Array of Silica Particles as a SERS Substrate” Dane Christie, John Lombardi, and Ilona Kretzschmar* J. Phys. Chem. C, 2014, 118 9114–9118.
“Molecular Dynamics Simulations: Insight into Molecular Phenomena at Interfaces” Sepideh Razavi, Joel Koplik, and Ilona Kretzschmar* Langmuir, 2014, 30 11272-11283.
“Using the discrete dipole approximation and holographic microscopy to measure rotational dynamics of non-spherical colloidal particles” Anna Wang, Thomas G. Dimiduk, Jerome Fung, Sepideh Razavi, Ilona Kretzschmar, Kundan Chaudhary, and Vinothan N. Manoharan J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 2014, 146 499-509.
"Nanoparticles at liquid interfaces: rotational dynamics and angular locking" Sepideh Razavi, Ilona Kretzschmar, Joel Koplik, and Carlos E. Colosqui J. Chem. Phys., 2014, 140 014904.
"Template-Assisted GLAD: Approach to Single and Multi-patch Patchy Particles with Controlled Patch Shape" Zhenping He and Ilona Kretzschmar Langmuir, 2013, 29, 15755-15761.
"Viscosity-Dependent Janus Particle Chain Dynamics" Bin Ren and Ilona Kretzschmar Langmuir, 2013, 29, 14779-14786.
"Behaviour of iron oxide (Fe3O4) Janus particles in overlapping external AC electric and static magnetic fields" Aleksey Ruditskiy, Bin Ren, and Ilona Kretzschmar Soft Matter, 2013, 9, 9174-9181.
"Molecular dynamics simulations of the evaporation of particle-laden droplets" Weikang Chen, Joel Koplik, and Ilona Kretzschmar Phys. Rev. E, 2013, 87, 052404.
"The Effect of Capillary Bridging on Janus Particle Stability at the Interface of Two Immiscible Liquids" Sepideh Razavi, Joel Koplik, and Ilona Kretzschmar* Soft Matter, 2013, 9, 4585-4589.
"3DOM TiO2 Electrodes: Fabrication of inverse TiO2 opals for pore-size dependent characterization" Sonia Mathew, Stephen Ma, and Ilona Kretzschmar* J. Mater. Res., 2013, 28, 369-377.
"Template-Assisted Fabrication of Patchy Particles with Uniform Patches" Zhenping He and Ilona Kretzschmar* Langmuir, 2012, 28, 9915-9919.
"Topological Transitions in Metamaterials" Harish N. S. Krishnamoorthy, Zubin Jacob, Evgenii Narimanov, Ilona Kretzschmar, and Vinod M. Menon Science, 2012, 336, 205-209.
"The effect of Janus particles as filler materials for acrylate-based dielectric elastomers" Hsin-yu Chen, Ashok J. Maliakal, and Ilona Kretzschmar* Proc. SPIE 8340, 2012, 83402W.
"Assembly Behavior of Iron Oxide-Capped Janus Particles in a Magnetic Field" Bin Ren, Aleksey Ruditsjiy, Jung Hun (Kevin) Song, and Ilona Kretzschmar Langmuir, 2012, 28, 1149–1156.
"Coalescence of particle-laden drops with a planar oil–water interface" David Harbottle, Pablo Bueno, Rebecka Isaksson, and Ilona Kretzschmar J. Colloid Interface Sci., 2011, 362, 235–241.
"Surface-anisotropic spherical colloids in geometric and field confinement" I. Kretzschmar* and J. H. (Kevin) Song Curr. Opin. Colloid Interface Sci., 2011, 16, 84-95.
"Programmed Assembly of Metallodielectric Patchy Particles in External AC Electric Fields" S. Gangwal, A. B. Pawar, I. Kretzschmar, and O. D. Velev Soft Matter, 2010, 6, 1413 - 1418.
"Fabrication, Assembly, and Application of Patchy Particles" A. B. Pawar and I. Kretzschmar* Macromolec. Rapid Comm., 2010, 31, 150-168.
Featured on Frontispiece
"Guided ion beam and theoretical studies of the reaction of Ag+ with CS2: Gas-phase thermochemistry of AgS+ and AgCS+ and insight into spin-forbidden reactions" P. B. Armentrout and I. Kretzschmar J. Chem. Phys, 2010, 132, 024306.
"Guided ion beam and theoretical studies of the reaction of Ru+ with CS2 in the gas-phase: thermochemistry of RuC+, RuS+, and RuCS+" P. B. Armentrout and I. Kretzschmar PCCP, 2010, 12, 4078–4091.