Gabriel Tardos
Steinman Hall, 310
(212) 650-6665
(212) 650-6672

Gabriel Tardos
1987-present Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, The City College of New York
1987-1990 Chairman, Department of Chemical Engineering
1985-1986 Sabbatical: General Electric Company, Corporate Research and Development Center, Information Systems Laboratory, Schenectady, NY 12301
1992-1993 Sabbatical: Unilever Research Inc., Corporate Research Center Process Technology Department, Edgewater, NJ 07010
1996-1999; 2001, 2002 Visiting Engineer (summer month), Procter&Gamble and Co., Este Research Laboratory, Cincinnati, Oh.
2001-2002; 2003-2004 Sabbatical and Visiting Engineer: Merck and Co. Inc., Physical Chemical Manufacturing Laboratory (PCML), Merck Manufacturing Division, West Point, Pa, 19486.
1969: Dipl.- Eng. in Energy Engineering, Polytechnic Institute, Bucharest, Romania
1975: M. Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology (IIT), Haifa, Israel
1978: D. Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa/Technion-IIT, Haifa, Israel
Courses Taught
Powder Science and Technology, Granulation (size increase) of fine powders, Caking of powders, Theory and practice of powder flows, Fluid-particle Systems.
Research Interests
Powder processing in the pharmaceutical industry
Binder granulation of fine powders
Moisture ingress into powders and the study of caking
Study of slow, frictional powder flows
Detecting sticking, sintering and caking properties of powders
a. Chapters in Books
Tardos, G.I., L. Farber, D. Bika and J. N. Michaels, “Morphology and Strength development in solid and solidifying inter-particle bridges in granules of pharmaceutical powders”, Chapter in “Granulation and coating of fine particles”, A. Salman, M. Hunslow and J.K.S. Seville, editors, Elsevier, (2005).
Tardos G.I. and P.J. Mort, “Dry Powder Flows”, Chapter 9 in “Multiphase Flow Handbook”, C. Crowe, (Ed.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, October (2005).
Tardos G.I. and P.J. Mort, “Fluidization: Applications for Coating and Granulation”, Chapter 17 in “Handbook of Fluidization and Fluid-particle Systems”, W.C. Yang, (Ed.), Marcel Dekker, New York, Basel, pp. 445-468, (2003).
b. Journals edited
Tardos, G.I., (Guest Editor), “Granulation and Coating of Fine Powders”, Special issue of Powder Technology, Vol. 117, No. 1-2, (2001).
c. Educational papers
Tardos, G. I., "Development of a Powder Technology Option at CCNY", J. Chem. Eng. Ed., pp. 172-181, (1995).
d. Technical Publications
M. Kheiripour Langroudi, S. Turek, A. Ouazzi and G. I. Tardos, "An investigation of frictional and collisional powder flows using a unified constitutive equation", Vol. 197, pp. 91-101, Powder Technology, (2010).
M. Kheiripour Langroudi, G. I. Tardos, J. N. Michaels and P. Mort, "Effect of Material Properties, Boundary Conditions and Flow Fields on the Rheology of Dense Granular Matter", June, Powders& Grains, (2009).
M. Gentzler and G. I Tardos, "Measurement of Velocity and Density profiles in discharging conical Hoppers by NMR imaging", Chem. Eng. Sci., Special Issue in Honor of Professor Morton Denn's 70-th Birthday, August, (2009).
J. N. Michaels, L Farber, G. S. Wong, K. Hapgood, S. J. Heidel, J Farabaugh, Jun-Hong Chou and G. I. Tardos, "Steady states in granulation of pharmaceutical powders with application to scale-up", Vol. 178, pp.21, Powder Technology, (2008).
Farber, L., G.I., Tardos and J.N. Michaels, "Micro-mechanical properties of drying material bridges of pharmaceutical excipients", International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Vol. 306, pp. 41-55, (2005).
Purutyan, H., G. I. Tardos and B. H. Pittenger, "Understanding and Avoiding Caking of Bulk Powders", pp. 22-29, Chemical Engineering Progress (CEP), May, (2005).
Tardos, G.I., "Wet-Granulation Research with Application to Scale-up – a review", Vol. 3, #3, pp. 191-195, China Particuology – Science and Technology of Particles, (2005).
Kalman H. and G.I. Tardos, "Elements of Particle Technology in the Chemical Industry", Particulate Science and Technology, (PS&T), Vol. 23, pp. 1-19, (2005).
Bika, D., G.I. Tardos, S. Panmai, L. Farber and J.N. Michaels, "Strength and morphology of solid bridges in dry granules of pharmaceutical powders", Vol. 150, pp. 104-116, Powder Technology, (2005).
Tardos, G.I., K. P. Hapgood, O. O. Ipadeola and J. N. Michaels, "Stress measurements in High Shear Granulators using calibrated "test" Particles: application to Scale-up", Vol. 140, pp. 217-227, Powder Technology, (2004).
Additional Information
Professor Tardos introduced the first "Powder Technology" option into an undergraduate Chemical Engineering curriculum. The course is given every year since 1993 during the Spring semester of each academic year.