Erica Bailey
Lab Technician, Sculpture
Compton-Goethals Hall

Erica Bailey
Erica Bailey is a Bronx-based installation and video artist. Originally from a small-town, working-class family in Ohio, she moved to New York in 2012 after accepting a position with The City College of New York managing the sculpture facilities.
Her work explores perceptions of time and space through installations that combine dioramas and video. It embodies a fascination with spatial oppositions–inside/outside, close/remote–and with events that unfold over unfathomable expanses and realities that are beyond natural means of perception. Frequently turning to vernacular architecture for subject matter, she provides the viewer both an overview and a detail of the spaces she represents. These alternating acts of pulling back and closing in express a longing to get at, through the creative act, something elusive about our existence within various and bewildering scales of time and space.
Exhibitions include: In the Space of a Breath, Roswell Museum and Art Center, NM; So Close, Cuchifritos Gallery + Project Space, Manhattan; Its memory, the memory of its ribs, its knees, its shoulders, Smack Mellon, Brooklyn; and Bronx Calling: The Third AIM Biennial, Bronx Museum of the Arts. Participation in residencies include: Roswell Artist in Residence Program, the LES Studio Program, a program of Artists Alliance, Inc., and BronxArtSpace Summer Residency.
Photo of artist by Tamara Zibners, courtesy of The RAiR Foundation