Carol Steiner
Areas of Expertise/Research
- Polymeric hydrogels; amphiphilic polymers; drug delivery
Steinman Hall
(212) 650-7230
(212) 650-6660

Carol Steiner
S.B., Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MSE, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania
PhD, Chemical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania
Courses Taught
Analysis of Chemical Engineering Processes, Separations and Control Laboratory, Materials Science, Polymer Science and Engineering, Pharmaceutical Applications of Chemical Engineering, Thermodynamics I and II
Research Interests
Novel hydrogels, soft biomaterials.
Yang, Y., Schulz, D. and Steiner, C.A. 1999 Physical Gelation of Hydrophobically Modified Polyelectrolytes I.Homogeneous Gelation of Alkylated poly[acrylamide-co-sodium acrylate], Langmuir 15 4335-4343
Kumar, V. and Steiner, C.A. 1999 Surfactant-Mediated Gelation of Hydrophobically Modified Hydroxyethyl Cellulose: Effects of Polymer and Surfactant Structure, Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 147 27-38
Kikkinides, E.S., Charalambopoulou, G.Ch., Stubos, A.K., Kanellopoulos, N.K., Varelas, C.G., and Steiner, C.A. 1998 A Two-Phase Model for Controlled Drug Release from Biphasic Polymer Hydrogels, J., Controlled Release 51 313-325
Wu, S.-Y., Varadaraj, R., and Steiner, C.A. 1996 Effects of Temperature and Shear History on the Network Properties of Amphiphilic Hydrogels, J. Phys. Chem. 100 17316-17322
Varelas, C.G., Dixon, D.G. and Steiner, C.A. 1995 A Mathematical Model of Mass Transfer through Two-Phase Hydrogels, AIChE J. 41 805-811
Varelas, C.G., Dixon, D.G., Steiner, C.A. 1995 Zero-Order Release through Biphasic Polymer Networks, J. Controlled Release 34 185-192
Varelas, C.G. and Steiner, C.A. 1992 Bulk and microscopic properties of copolymer networks in mixed aqueous solvents, J. Polymer Sci. B:Polymer Phys. ed. 30 1233
Steiner, C.A. 1991 Polymer/Surfactant Interactions in Graft Copolymer Solutions, J. Appl. Polymer Sci. 42 1493
Dualeh, A.J. and Steiner, C.A. 1991 Bulk and microscopic properties of surfactant-bridged hydrogels made from an amphiphilic graft copolymer, Macromolecules 24 112
Dualeh, A.J. and Steiner, C.A. 1990 Hydrophobic Microphase Formation in Surfactant Solutions Containing an Amphiphilic Graft Copolymer, Macromolecules 23 251
Steiner, C.A., Litt, M., and Nossal, R. 1984 Effect of Ca++ on the Structure and Rheology of Canine Tracheal Mucin, Biorheology 21 235-252
Steiner, C.A., Litt, M., and Nossal, R. 1984 Studies of Rheologically Active Biological Macromolecules by Quasielastic Laser Light Scattering, Biorheology Suppl. 1 335-344
Steiner, C.A. 1981 Mass Transfer of Urea Through Blood, Annals Biomed. Eng. 9 217-225