Benjamin Steinberg
Areas of Expertise/Research
- Algebraic Combinatorics
- Geometric Group Theory
- Representation Theory
- Semigroups
North Academic Center
Benjamin Steinberg
I had an NSF-NATO postdoc at the University of Porto, Portugal, where I also taught for 2 years. I spent 9 years at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada before coming to CCNY. I'm originally from NYC, so this is a bit of a homecoming for me.
I received my Ph.D. at the University of California at Berkeley in 1998 where I was a student of John Rhodes
Research Interests
I am an algebraist interested in a vast array of subjects including finite semigroup theory, geometric group theory, algebraic combinatorics, representation theory and automata theory. Another fascinating subject for me is the interconnections between etale groupoids, inverse semigroups and operator algebras. Recently I have been focusing on applications of finite semigroups to the analysis of finite state Markov chains.
Don't forget to check out my sporadically updatedblog.