Araceli Tinajero
Professor of Spanish
North Academic Center

Araceli Tinajero
Araceli Tinajero was born and raised in Mexico City. Before joining CUNY, she taught Japanese at the University of Wales in Great Britain and Spanish at Middlebury and Yale. She teaches at the Graduate Center and is the co-founder of the Mexican Study Group at the Bildner Center for Western Hemisphere Studies and the founder of The Mexican Collection / La Colección Mexicana/ at CCNY Libraries. Tinajero is the Book Review Editor of the journal Asia/América Latina Araceli is the author of Orientalismo en el modernismo hispanoamericano; El lector de tabaquería (Eng. El Lector: A History of the Cigar Factory Reader); Kokoro, una mexicana en Japón (Eng. Kokoro: A Mexican Woman in Japan); and Historia cultural de los hipanohablantes en Japón (Eng. A Cultural History of Spanish Speakers in Japan). Tinajero is the editor of Cultura y letras cubanas en el siglo XXI; Exilio y cosmopolitismo en el arte y la literatura hispánica, and Orientalisms of the Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian World. She has co-edited two volumes: Technology and Culture in Twentieth Century México [with J. Brian Freeman] and Handbook on Cuban History, Literature, and the Arts: New Perspectives on Historical and Contemporary Social Change [with Mauricio Font].
Ph.D., Rutgers University.
Courses Taught
- Orientalisms of the Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian World
- Race and Ethnicity in Latin American Literature
- Latin American Society & Literature
- Literature and Exile
- Caribbean Literature
- Introduction to Methods of Research
- Contemporary Spanish Drama
- Romanticism in Spanish-American Literature
- Spanish-American Theater
- Modernism in Spanish-American Poetry
- Spanish American Literature of the 19th Century
- Contemporary Latin American Poetry and Theater
- Gender issues in Hispanic Letters
- Spanish for the Medical Professions
- Spanish in the Business World
- Gender and Sexuality in the Hispanic World
- Orientalism in Hispanic Literatures
- Latino Culture and Literature in the USA
- Literature of Protest
- Topics in Spanish American Civilization I
- Topics in Spanish American Civilization II
- Independent Study
- Spanish Literature of the 18th and 19th Centuries
- Orientalism in Spanish American Modernism
- Spanish American Essay
- Spanish American Colonial Literature
- Studies in Spanish American Literature
- Practice in Writing Spanish
- Problems of Spanish Grammar
- Spanish for the Health Professions
- Conversational Spanish
- Spanish for Heritage Speakers and Listeners II
- Spanish for Heritage Speakers and Listeners I
- Intermediate Spanish
- Introductory Spanish I & II
- A Cultural History of Spanish Speakers in Japan. Trans. Veronica Karpoich Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. (Spanish version: Historia cultural de los hispanohablantes en Japón. Escribana, 2019.)
- Kokoro: A Mexican Woman in Japan. Trans. Daniel Shapiro. Escribana, 2017. (Spanish version: Kokoro, una mexicana en Japón. Verbum, 2012.)
- Handbook on Cuban History, Literature, and the Arts: New Perspectives on Historical and Contemporary Social Change. Paradigm Press, 2014. Co-editor, with Mauricio Font.
- Orientalisms of the Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian World. Escribana Books, 2014. Editor.
- Technology and Culture in Twentieth Century Mexico. The University of Alabama Press, (August 2013). Co-editor, with J. Brian Freeman.
- Exilio y cosmopolitismo en el arte y la literatura hispánica. Verbum, 2013. Editor.
- Cultura y letras cubanas en el siglo XXI. Iberoamericana, 2010. Editor.
- El lector: A History of the Cigar Factory Reader. Trans. Judith E. Grasberg
University of Texas Press, 2010. (Spanish version: El lector de tabaquería: Historia de una tradición cubana. Verbum, 2007. Honorable Mention – Casa de las Américas Prize, 2006).
- Orientalismo en el modernismo hispanoamericano. Purdue University Press, 2004.
- Asia en el Caribe / El Caribe en Asia. (100 pages completed); expected completion: fall 2024.
"Martí’s Letters to the Tobacco Workers in Tampa and Key West" in José Martí in Context, edited by Laura Lomas and Lourdes Ocampo Andino. Cambridge University Press (2024) – Under contract.
“¿Qué leen y escriben los hispanohablantes en Japón? Letras Libres, May 1st, 2022
“El artista Freddy Rodríguez, el dolor humano y su creación destructiva en su Serie Tsunami”. Transmodernity: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World, Vol. 9, Issue 7, 2021. On-line
“Cigar Factory Readers in Cuba” <o> future <o>, Feb. 23, 2020. On-line
“Las cartas de José Martí y los tabaqueros de Tampa y Cayo Hueso”. Ciberletras No. 40, July 2018. 76-86.
“La lectura et l’usage ou l’abus de la technologie” in Olmos, Miguel A., ed. Traces et projections de la voix. Douze etudes. Presses Universitaires de Rouen et du Havre, 2015. 119-136. Print.
“Fashion in Twentieth-First-Century Havana” in Handbook on Cuban History, Literature, and the Arts: New Perspectives on Historical and Contemporary Social Change. Paradigm Press, 2014. 223-229. Print.
“Ortega el humanista” in Idas y retornos de una aventura literaria. Homenaje a Julio Ortega. FCE/Cátedra Alfonso Reyes, 2012. pp. 93-101. Print.
“Reyes y el cine y la radio” in Reyes, Borges, Gómez de la Serna. Rutas trasatlánticas en el Madrid de los años veinte. Ed. Julio Ortega. Tecnológico de Monterrey/Orfila, 2011. 97-113. Print.
“Cuba” [Fashions of] Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion. Vol. 2, pp. 285-290. Berg, 2010. Print.
“Los antípodas de ida y vuelta.” Studi Ispanici, Vol. XXXIII, 2008, pp. 205-215.Print.
“Hiroshigue. La pintura japonesa como fuente de inspiración modernista”in Diplomacia y orientalismo. Fuentes modernistas.Ed. Jorge Ruedas de la Serna. UNAM, 2007. Print.
“The Manila Galleon in Spanish American Poetry” in Alternative Orientalisms in Latin America and Beyond. Ed. Ignacio López Calvo. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007. Print.
“El Siglo, La Aurora y la lectura en voz alta en Cuba, 1865-1868.” Revista Iberoamericana, Vol. LXXII, No.. 214, Jan-Mar, 2006, Pp. 171-183. Print.
"Far Eastern Influences in Latin American Fashions" in The Latin American Fashion Reader, Ed. Regina A. Root. Berg, 2005. Pp. 66-75. Print.
“¡Pagar por oír hablar, pagar por oír leer! El lector de tabaquería desde sus orígenes hasta Las hermanas Agüero de Cristina García” in Cuba: Un siglo de literatura: 1902-2002. Eds. Anke Birkenmaier and Roberto González Echevarría. Colibrí, 2004. Pp. 313-327. Print.
“Asian Representations in Spanish American Modernism” Review: Literature and Arts of the Americas, Issue 72, Vol. 39, No. 1, 2006, Pp. 145-149. Print.
"José Martí y los chinos en Estados Unidos" in La Habana Elegante - Segunda Época, No. 24. Spring, 2004. Web.
"Haiku in Twentieth Century Latin America" World Haiku Review, Vol. 3, November 2002. Web.
“Viajeros modernistas en Asia” Ciberletras. Revista de Crítica literaria y cultura. Vol. 4. January, 2001. Web.
“La China Poblana. Multiculturalism in Costume.” Yale Latin America Review. Vol. 2. Winter, 2000. Print.
Oshima, Tana. De lo errante y aberrante. Tana Oshima: Conversación con Legna Rodríguez Iglesias. Rialta Ediciones, 2022. Asia/América Latina, vol. 7, Nº 13, (2022), pp. 78-80.
Ota, Seiko. José Juan Tablada: su haikú y su japonismo. FCE, 2015. Asia/América Latina Vol. 3, No. 5, June 2018, pp. 105-108.
Solares Martín. The Black Minutes. Trans. Aura Estrada and John Pluecker. Black Cat/Grove Atlantic, 2010. Review: Literature and Arts of the Americas. Issue 82, Vol. 44, No. 1, 2011, 178-179.
Lopez-Calvo, Ignacio, ed. One World Periphery Reads the Other: Knowing
the ‘Oriental’ in the Americas and the Iberian Peninsula.Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010. Revista de Estudios Hispánicos. Vol. 46,
No. 2, (2012), 366-367.
“El modernismo y la conquista del lenguaje” on Alejandro Mejías-López’ The Inverted Conquest. The Myth of Modernity and the Transatlantic Onset of Modernism. Vanderbilt University Press, 2009. A Contracorriente: A Journal on Social History and Literature in Latin America, Vol. 8, No. 2, Winter 2011, 364-368.
Tomás Harris, Cipango. Translated by Daniel Shapiro. Lewisburg: Bucknell
University Press, 2010. A Contracorriente. Vol. 8, No. 1, Fall 2010
Sierra, Verónica. Palabras huérfanas. Los niños y la Guerra Civil. Madrid: Santillana, 2009. 434 Pp. Ciberletras, July, 2010. Num. 23.
Nagy-Zekmi, Silvia, ed. Moros en la costa: Orientalismo en Latinoamérica. Madrid: Iberoamericana, 2008. 237 pp. Revista de Estudios Hispánicos. Vol. 44, No. 3, (2010): 733-734
Ignacio López-Calvo. Imagining the Chinese in Cuban Literature and Culture. Gainesville, UP of Florida, 2008. 227 pp. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research, 15:2, December 2009, 168-171.
Contreras, Gloria. What I Learned from Balanchine. Diary of a Choreographer. Jorge Pinto Inc., 2008. Trad. K. Mitchell Snow, Lucinda Gutiérrez y Roberto Mata. Ed. Daniel Shapiro. Pp. 144. Ciberletras, Vol. 22, December, 2009.
“El esclavo y sus amanuenses.” Autobiografía de un esclavo poeta y otros escritos. Edición, introducción y notas de William Luis. Iberoamericana, 2007.”In Ciberletras Vol. 18. December, 2007.
“La nueva edición de En el país del sol de José Juan Tablada. Obras VIII – En el país del sol. Edición crítica, prólogo y notas de Jorge Ruedas de la Serna. UNAM, 2006. Pp. 294. Ciberletras. Revista de Crítica literaria y cultura. Vol. 16. January, 2007.
“Haiku by Tablada” Review: Literature and Arts of the Americas, Issue 72, Vol. 39, No. 1, 2006. Pp. 97-99.
Ignacio López-Calvo’s The Mexican Transpacific, 2022
Axel Gasquet and Gorica Majstorovic’s Cultural and Literary Dialogues Between Asia and Latin America, 2021.
Ignacio López-Calvo’s Dragons in the Land of the Condor: Writing Tusán in Peru, 2014.
Floyd Merrell’s The Afro-Brazilian Art of Coping, 2014.
Rebecca Riger Tsurumi’s The Closed Hand: Images of the Japanese in Modern Peruvian
Literature, 2012.