Angel Estévez
Assistant Professor
North Academic Center

Angel Estévez
Angel L. Estévez, Ph.D. Graduate Center, CUNY. Assistant Professor. Served as Director of Master’s Program in Spanish 2005-2010. His area of research centers on 20th Century Spanish-American and Caribbean Literatures, including Magic Realism and the Fantastic. His most recent publications are: El español y su estructura (coauthored with Silvia Burunat and Aleksín Ortega) New York: Peter Lang, 2012); El español y su sintaxis (coauthored with Silvia Burunat and Aleksín Ortega) New York: Peter Lang, 2010); “Lo neofantástico en el relato dominicano del siglo XX (la significación de las manchas)” Rumbos de lo fantástico: Actualidad e historia. Ed. Ana María Morales, José Miguel Sardiñas, and José Cardona López. Palencia: Cálamo, 2007; and La modalidad fantástica en el cuento dominicano del siglo xx. New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2005. Dr. Estévez has taught at Lehman College and Fordham University at Lincoln Center Campus.
Angel L. Estévez, Ph.D. Graduate Center, CUNY. Assistant Professor. Served as Director of Master’s Program in Spanish 2005-2010. His area of research centers on 20th Century Spanish-American and Caribbean Literatures, including Magic Realism and the Fantastic. His most recent publications are: El español y su estructura (coauthored with Silvia Burunat and Aleksín Ortega) New York: Peter Lang, 2012); El español y su sintaxis (coauthored with Silvia Burunat and Aleksín Ortega) New York: Peter Lang, 2010); “Lo neofantástico en el relato dominicano del siglo XX (la significación de las manchas)” Rumbos de lo fantástico: Actualidad e historia. Ed. Ana María Morales, José Miguel Sardiñas, and José Cardona López. Palencia: Cálamo, 2007; and La modalidad fantástica en el cuento dominicano del siglo xx. New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2005. Dr. Estévez has taught at Lehman College and Fordham University at Lincoln Center Campus.