Spring 2022 Syllabus Physics 31500

Physics 315 Medical Physics


Prof. Ronald Koder                                                                                                   


(212) 650-5583

1.308 CDI                                                                  

85 St. Nicholas Terrace


Tues and Thurs, 11-12:15 pm , 418N Marshak

Office hours Tues and Thurs 4-5 pm or by appt.


Course email list: medicalphysics315@gmail.com


Introduction to the structure, properties, and function the human body. In depth study of the physical laws which underlay human structure and function. Introduction to spectroscopic methods for physical examination including light absorption or scattering, ultrasound, magnetic resonance and positron emission tomography. Prereq.: 1 yr. of Math, 1 yr. of Physics 3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.


Required Text:  Physics of the Human Body, 2nd edition.  Irving P. Herman

(a pdf of this book is available for free through the CCNY library site)


Course Objectives:

  1. To understand the physical laws which underlie the structure and function of the human body
  2. To use these laws to understand and predict the effects of deleterious changes in body structure and function
  3. Become familiar with the techniques with which human structures are interrogated



  • 30% Homework, class participation, quizzes
  • 20% Class project
  • 30% Midterms
  • 20% Final


Homework will be distributed every Thursday – Due at the start of class Tues.  No late homework will be accepted.


Class Project

Groups of 3-4 students will perform an experiment related to some aspect of the course and make a 5-minute video which:


  • Fully explains the physics of the experiment
  • Presents the results
  • Calculates the difference between the experimental results and literature values



Week of                      Topic


2/1                   Course intro, Scaling in biology


Section I:  Biomechanics       

2/8                   Biostatics (no class 2/8, Friday schedule)

2/15                 Biomaterial properties of the body

2/22                 Biomaterial properties of the body

3/1                   Biomaterial properties of the body   

3/8                   Fluids and circulation  (cumulative midterm #1 3/5)

3/15                 Fluids and circulation  (teams and experiment plans picked)

3/22                 Heart function, EKG

3/29                 Lungs and Breathing

4/5                   Lungs and Breathing  


Section II:  Physics of the Senses       

4/12                 Sound and hearing (cumulative midterm #2 4/21)


Spring Break 4/15 – 04/22


4/26                 Optics and Vision

5/3                   Nerve Function (video drafts turned in)


Section III:  Spectroscopic methods

5/10                 X-ray, MRI, EEG


5/17                 Class Video Screening


TBD                FINAL EXAM – Cumulative



The AccessAbility Center/Student Disability Services ensures equal access and full participation to all of City College's programs, services, and activities by coordinating and implementing appropriate accommodations. If you are a student with a disability who requires accommodations and services, please visit the office in NAC 1/218, or contact AAC/SDS via email ( disabilityservices@ccny.cuny.edu ), or phone (212-650-5913 or TTY/TTD 212-650-8441).   


Students who find themselves experiencing difficulties obtaining food every day or who lack a stable and safe place to live are urged to come to Benny’s pantry for assistance (https://www.ccny.cuny.edu/bennysfoodpantry). Benny’s pantry is located on the ground floor of the North Academic Center (NAC) and is open to anyone within the CUNY community (students, staff, faculty) in need of support. The pantry is open from 10am to 6pm and is self-serve. Additional emergency support for financial, health and housing needs are also available through Benny’s. Please contact Dee Dee Mozeleski at  dmozeleski@ccny.CUNY.edu  or Charles Ramirez @ c%72%61mire%7a@ccny.CUNY .%65%64u" rel="nofollow"> cramirez@ccny.CUNY.edu  for additional details.


Last Updated: 02/01/2022 09:06