Physics Majors
Physics Month Events
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Current Physics Faculty Advisors
All Physics majors can now find their advisors on CunyFirst.
September 2018
The City College of New York Physics Club, a chapter of the Society of Physics Students, received the Blake Lily Prize and was cited as an Outstanding Chapter for its outreach activities. For more information on the Blake Lily Prize. For more information on their outreach activities.
December 12, 2017 The City College of New York chapter has earned the designation of a Society of Physics Students Notable Chapter! Mentor and Students' combined efforts supported the department, helped further student development, and strengthened the community.
Major Declaration in the Division of Science
(Note: All Departments Require Grades of C or Higher in the Required Courses.)
- One year of General Physics with lab: PHYS 207, PHYS 208
- Three semesters Calculus sequence (Calculus I, II, & III): MATH 201, MATH 212, & MATH 213
Program Sheets
Download a program sheet here:
Standard Physics
Materials Science
Biomedical Physics
Secondary Education
Research Opportunities
Other links of interest:
Physics Club
The physics club puts on outreach events for local organizations. Interesting in taking your skills for a test drive?
Each episode explores something surprising or really interesting related to physics. Basically, things that make you go, “What The Physics?!”
Last Updated: 07/08/2019 11:35