The CCNY Physics Club received the Society of Physics Students (SPS) award and title of Outstanding Chapter. This recognition comes from the following club activities.
Our chapter’s dedication to physics outreach is a growing tradition with each year aiming to be better than the last. This year our chapter set out to have more long-term impacts, engaging underprivileged 8th graders in math and science tutoring sessions. This was in addition to our usual outreach, where we host various Harlem youth organizations and engage them in hands-on physics demonstrations. The goal of our work is to inspire and nurture young minds, while inherently providing an opportunity for our members to strengthen their expertise in teaching and science popularization.
Latest Developments: Tutoring and Mentoring with 8th graders
Latest Developments: Physics Outreach Events
Closing Remarks and Supplementary Information
Together, our joint passion for physics is manifested through our chapter’s outreach activities. Our work delivers knowledge to an underserved, underrepresented community with the intention of making a difference. Our tutor-mentor sessions help elevate mentees to more equal footing with their more affluent counterparts, while our demonstration sessions invoke curiosity towards physics within young minds. All of this work proves to be just as beneficial to our mentors as well, where many have gone on to positions teaching STEM.
List of organizations chapter has engaged in outreach or partnered with since 2015
- Hamilton Grange Middle School (HGMS)
- The Bridge Golf Foundation (BGF)
- Eagle Academy of Harlem (EAH)
- Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE)
- Material Research Society-City University of New York Chapter (MRS CUNY)
- Other various youth organizations from SASE and NOAA-CREST events.
- New York Math Academy and Coaching Services (NYMA)
- America Scores
- Public School 325 (PS 325)
Approximate number of unique outside individuals engaged by our chapter’s outreach since 2015
| 355 |
Outreach contact hours since 2015 | 28.5 |
Approximate number of unique chapter members involved since 2015 | 30 |
CCNY Physics Faculty Involved in outreach since 2015 | 7 (Robert Alfano, Sebastian Franco, Swapan Gayen, Pouyan Ghaemi, James Hedberg, Vinod Menon, Brian Tiburzi) |
Approximate number of members who continued into teaching positions | 8 |
Figure 4 Club officers Michael Gaziani, Peter Fields, and Lisa Chan present physics demonstrations at NOAA-CREST day to various youth organizations in New York City
Figure 5 Undergraduate students Lisa Chan and Luis Sanchez present a superconductor train demonstration to various NYC elementary students at the SASE Tinker Fair
Figure 6 PhD student Veeshan Narinesingh speaks to students from Hamilton Grange Middle School about the path to becoming a scientist
Last Updated: 12/19/2018 16:34