Majoring in Physics

The B.S. degree in Physics focuses on undergraduate training in basic physics with unique opportunities for students to work closely with world renown research faculty. 


The Department of Physics provides a comprehensive program designed to enable students to acquire a basic understanding of the laws of nature and their application, and to prepare them for a career either in physics or in one of the many science and technology oriented professions for which physics is a basic component. The various introductory courses are therefore designed to meet a variety of student needs, including general knowledge, preparation for professional work (engineering, materials science, photonics, premedical, biomedical physics, architecture, teaching, etc.) and preparation for advanced work in physics. A sequence of advanced courses is provided primarily for Physics majors but is also open to other interested students. The aim of these courses is to train students for technical employment in industry or government and for graduate work. 

Requirements for Majors

All Physics majors must complete "Basic Courses for Physics Majors" and either the "Standard Physics (Concentration Code 194)" or one of the "Alternative Concentrations" (Materials Science, Optics/Photonics, Biomedical, or Secondary Education).

These courses are in addition to the Science core curriculum requirements:

Basic Courses for Physics Majors

Note: Physics 20900 has been approved for Physics Majors and will be offered in Spring 2015.  During Fall 2014 the equivalent course is Physics 31110.

35300: Electricity and Magnetism I 3
37100: Advanced Physics Laboratory I  2
45100: Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics 3

Total Credits for Basic Courses 8

Concentrations within the Physics Major 4DC:

Standard Physics (194)

Materials Science (190)

Optics/Photonice (191)

Biomedical (192)

Secondary Education (193)

Comparison of all concentrations

4-Year Plans, overviews in pop-up windows for comparison

Last Updated: 07/06/2015 14:07