Faculty and staff profiles

Faculty and Staff

Muaad Alody

Assistant Director

o: 503 Steinman Hall

Omar Alrawi

Adjunct Associate Professor

Jacob Alspector

Associate Professor

o: 3M07 Spitzer School of Architecture
p: 212-650-5406

Marvia Alston

Clerkship Coordinator

o: 301-6B Townsend Harris Hall

Annita Alting

Director of Planning, Reporting & Assessment

o: 142 / 2M15 Steinman Hall

Stan M. Altman


o: 218H H E Wille Administration Bldg

Andrea Alu

Founding Director of the Photonics Initiative


Daniela E. Alulema Hidalgo

Project Director

o: 6/204 North Academic Center
p: 212-650-6440

José D. Alvarado Silva

Communications Associate

o: 6/287C North Academic Center

Carlo Alvaro

Adjunct Associate Professor

o: 5/111 NAC

Rene Alvino

College Assistant

Eric Amachee

CUNY Office Assistant

o: 301-4 Townsend Harris Hall
p: 212-650-7716

Asohan Amarasingham

Associate Professor

o: 209 Marshak Science Building

Abraham Amare

Sign Shop-College Graphic Designer

o: 1227 Marshak Science Building

Margaret Ambrosino

Director of Dev. Operations

o: 111 Townsend Harris Hall

Nehal Amer

Adjunct Lecturer

Muhammad Amin

College Accountant

o: 315F Baskerville Hall

Eli Amzallag


o: 6/289 NAC
p: 2126505113

Arsh Anand

College Assistant