Faculty and staff profiles

Faculty and Staff

Abby Grosslein

Administrative Assistant

o: 301B Shepard Hall

Christopher G. Grove


o: 7th Floor 25 Broadway
p: 212-925-6625

Michael Grumet

Academic Program Coordinator/SPP

o: 301-5 Townsend Harris Hall
p: 212-650-5763

Di Gu

College Assistant

Diana Guerra Silva

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Ana I. Guerrero

Administrative Specialist

o: 4/121 North Academic Center
p: 212-650-5230

Eric Guerrero

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Jaime Guerrero

Network Engineer

o: 1/510 North Academic Center
p: 212-650-5628

Amber Guevara Ferrer

Institutional Research Analyst

o: 212-650-7525 The Howard E. Wille Administration Building, Rm. 213

Bernice Guillaume

College Assistant Timekeeper (M-Z)

o: 92 Shepard Hall
p: 212-650-7673

Dashler Guillaume

Administrative Assistant

o: 4/150 North Academic Center
p: 212-650-8116

Martha Guillorn

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Fabiha Gul

College Assistant

Farley Gulston

Facilities Coordinator

o: H-106 Harris Hall
p: 212-650-5287

Busra Gunduz

Continuing Ed Teacher-Hourly

Marilyn Gunner


o: 1-306 Center for Discovery and Innovation
p: 212-650-5557

Scott Gurba

Senior Vice President & Chief Operating Officer

o: 306 Administration Building
p: 212-650-7323

Leonid Gurvits


o: 279 Shepard Hall
p: 212-650-6178

Daniel Gustafson

Associate Professor

o: 6/240 North Academic Center
p: 212-650-6327

Maya Gutierrez

Director, Public Service Career Hub

o: Room 6/145 North Academic Center
p: 347.339.0608

Marta Gutman


o: SSA 122 The Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture
p: 212-650-7284

Arlene Guzman

Office Coordinator

o: 1/218 North Academic Center
p: 212-650-5913

Francisco Guzman

Campus Pub Safety Sergeant