

Victoria Frye and Jeremy Fagan in front of PEPTALK ad

CCNY’s CUNY School of Medicine launches HIV prevention ad campaign

Researchers from the CUNY School of Medicine at The City College of New York are making strides in HIV prevention with the launch of their bus shelter ad campaign “ PEPTALK” in Upper Manhattan and the Bronx. The campaign focuses on increasing awareness and access to Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP), a medication that prevents HIV infection if taken within 72-hours of exposure to the virus and consistently for 28 days. The campaign is part of a two-year NIH-funded research study, which was awarded to Dr. Victoria Frye, principal investigator and associate medical professor at the CUNY School of
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CCNY study breaks Förster resonant energy transfer (FRET) distance limit

Using engineered nanocomposite structures called metamaterials, a City College of New York-led research team reports the ability to measure a significant increase in the energy transfer between molecules. Reported in the journal ACS Photonics, this breakthrough breaks the Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) distance limit of ~10-20 nanometers, and leads to the possibility of measuring larger molecular assemblies. And since FRET is a staple technique in many biological and biophysical fields, this new development could benefit pharmaceuticals, for instance. “Energy transfer between
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Daisy Expósito-Ulla

Latina Ad trailblazer Daisy Expósito-Ulla in Hispanic Heritage Month talk at CCNY

Communications guru Daisy Expósito-Ulla joins the American Advertising Federation (AAF) chapter at The City College of New York for a conversation on Oct. 25 about her dynamic, high-profile career at the cross sections of marketing and social equity. The event, 12:30 – 2 p.m. in Shepard Hall room 250, is part of City College’s Lunch with Leaders Ad/PR Lecture Series and commemorates Hispanic Heritage Month. Expósito’s talk is free and open to the public. Click here to register and receive complimentary admission. Expósito’s marketing agency, d expósito & Partners, prides itself on producing
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Clinton Fellows_2018

CCNY’s eight Clinton Fellows tackle education at Clinton Global Initiative

This year’s Clinton Global Initiative University meeting at the University of Chicago, Oct. 19-21, attracts more than 1,000 innovative student leaders from around the world for a conference themed “Turning Ideas into Action.” The participants include eight of The City College of New York’s best and brightest – all but one from the Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership -- invited to attend after earning Clinton Fellowships in the spring. CCNY’s eight Clinton Fellows -- three of them from the Class of 2018 -- and their majors are: Khandker Ahamed, CUNY BA, Division of Humanities
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David Rumschitzki_GAANN Grant

U.S. Dept. of Ed GAANN grant expands CCNY chemical engineering PhD program

Bolstering the expertise in a U.S. Department of Education identified area of national need and three of its sub-areas, City College of New York chemical engineer David Rumschitzki is the recipient of more than $1million to train seven PhDs in the field over three years. The funding comprises a $900K Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) grant from the U.S. Department of Education and $150K in supplementary support from CUNY. The GAANN award sets up an integrated research and pedagogical program headed by Rumschitzki in City College’s Grove School of Engineering. Running
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World Food Day Panel

CCNY goes healthy for World Food Day event on Oct. 16 with author of “The Plan”

The City College of New York celebrates “CCNY Goes Healthy” on World Food Day opening a dialogue about healthy lifestyle changes and combating low food security issues on campus and within the Harlem community. The inaugural event welcomes three culinary and nutritional experts to engage in a food talk with President Vince Boudreau as moderator. World Food Day takes place on October 16 and is a day that strives to bring awareness to low food security issues that affect areas all over the world and strives to achieve a more sustainable future. Panelists include: Lyn Genet Recitas, nutritionist
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CCNY engineering and computer science professors at Kyutech Institute in Japan

Grove School receives NSF grant to ensure Internet safety from cyber attacks

Researchers from The City College of New York’s Grove School of Engineering are working to safeguard the Internet from cyber attacks and are receiving a boost that could lead to more trustworthy networks. The boost comes in the form of a grant from the National Science Foundation to explore advanced resilient Internet architectures. The $450,000 grant is in partnership with the Kuytech Institute in Japan and additional support from the Japanese Science Foundation. It will be used to address research challenges associated with enabling trustworthy networks supporting the Internet of Things (IoT
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“The Manhattan Nobody Knows” and other CCNY titles

In a sequel to his award-winning “ The New York Nobody Knows,” noted Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership sociologist William B. Helmreich returns with “ The Manhattan Nobody Knows: An Urban Walking Guide” (Princeton University Press, November 2018). The book is one of the latest titles from City College of New York faculty. While crafting his first New York tome required him to walk every block of the Big Apple (6,000 miles in all), Helmreich retraced 721 of those miles in Manhattan to pen this walking guide of one of the world’s greatest cities. The result is a book by the
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Robert Alfano

Robert Alfano wins Inventor of the Year and SPIE Gold Medal

Robert R. Alfano’s decades-long contribution to the field of ultrafast laser science and photonics is legendary with more than 120 patents and 700 publications. In further recognition of his pioneering research, the Distinguished Professor of Science and Engineering at The City College of New York is the recipient of two more major honors: ENYIPLA’s 2018 Inventor of Year award and SPIE’s 2019 Gold Medal. The Inventor of the Year accolade from the Eastern New York Intellectual Property Law Association is for his patent that defines the application of supercontinuum light for medical and
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BIC at CCNY kicks off its fifth anniversary with @BIC Lecture, Sept. 27

BIC, the forward-thinking, culture-shifting Branding + Integrated Communications graduate program, is celebrating its fifth anniversary at The City College of New York. The innovative two-year Master of Professional Studies was the brainchild of Nancy Tag, an award winning educator and influential ad professional. As BIC’s director, Tag crafted the curriculum, enlisted professionals to teach, and assembled an illustrious board of industry leaders to advise. The silo smashing program has been a raging success, with grads going on to work at companies like Y&R, Apple, BBDO, Droga5, Cohn & Wolfe
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