

CCNY's Concrete Canoe club with Ringgold

CCNY concrete canoe club’s “Ringgold” a solid third

Going back more than two decades now, student engineers from The City College of New York have proven adept at helping debunk the common belief that concrete always sinks in water. CCNY’s third place overall finish at the 2019 Concrete Canoe Metropolitan regional competition at Cook's Pond in Denville, New Jersey, is another testimony. Debuting “Ringgold,” the latest concrete canoe to roll off the Grove School of Engineering assembly line, the CCNY team competed against 10 institutions. New York University took first place. At 304 pounds, “Ringgold” came in 30 pounds lighter than its 2018
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Saxophonist Rich Perry

Saxophonist Rich Perry headlines CUNY jazz fest at CCNY

The 21st annual CUNY Jazz Festival, a gathering of bands and ensembles university-wide, takes place May 9-10 in Aaron Davis Hall Theatre B at The City College of New York. Tenor saxophonist Rich Perry, whose artistic voice is hailed by “Jazz Times” “as sophisticated and disciplined as post-modern jazz gets,” will be the guest artist. The festival is free and open to the public. “Rich Perry is among the most influential and expressive modern voices on tenor saxophone; he is an artist of true historical significance, and I am thrilled to have him as our guest artist at the festival,” said Mike
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Mathiu Perez 2019 Goldwater Scholar

Junior Mathiu Perez Rodriguez wins Goldwater Scholarship

Mathiu Perez Rodriguez, a junior majoring in biochemistry in the Honors Program at The City College of New York, has been awarded a 2019 Barry Goldwater Scholarship. The federally funded scholarship is America’s premiere award for undergraduates majoring in math, science and engineering. Its goal is to provide a continuing source of highly qualified scientists, mathematicians, and engineers by awarding scholarships to college students who intend to pursue research careers in these fields. Perez Rodriguez is City College’s fourth Goldwater recipient in four years. As a Goldwater Scholar, he
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Darren Lin_R. Rahman win NYS engineering scholarship

Grove School juniors win top NYS engineering scholarship

Two juniors in The City College of New York’s Grove School of Engineering are co-winners of this year’s American Council of Engineering Companies of New York (ACEC) scholarship for excellence. Darren Lin and Reaz Rahman will receive $7,500 each for their studies. ACEC presents the awards annually to outstanding engineering students statewide to promote the profession to the next generation and help New York retain promising young talent. Since the program’s inception in 2002, the council has awarded $830,500 collectively to 301 high-achieving engineering students attending New York State
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Grove School_Kyutech Internet Reserch Team

Grove School-Kyutech collaboration seeks to improve Internet

The City College of New York’s Grove School of Engineering and Japan’s Kyushu Institute of Technology (Kyutech) are working together on a unique project to make the future Internet more secure and resilient. A joint team from the two schools is working on a $450,000 National Science Foundation (NSF) funded project entitled: “ JUNO2: Resilient Edge Cloud Designed Networks” to define the future of the Internet. “The grant focuses on addressing research challenges associated with enabling trustworthy networks supporting the Internet of Things (IoT), which encompasses everything connected to the
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David Rumschitzki_Chemical Engineering

Cancer recurrence study earns CCNY’s David Rumschitzki Fulbright award

Why some cancers reappear years after chemotherapy or surgery remains a medical mystery that researchers like The City College of New York’s David S. Rumschitzki are trying to unravel. In a boost to his work, the chemical engineering professor in CCNY’s Grove School of Engineering is the recipient of a 2019-2020 Fulbright U.S. Scholar Grant for his proposal “Theory & experiment for breast cancer dormancy & recurrence.” The Fulbright will support Rumschitzki’s work at the Rappaport Faculty of Medicine at the Technion in Haifa, Israel. “Two human cancers that are known to recur are skin
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CSTEP Winners 2019

CCNY students triumph at CSTEP Conference

Three students from The City College of New York’s CCAPP program took first place in their research categories at this year’s 27 th Annual CSTEP Conference at upstate Bolton Landing. The Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program aims to increase the number of historically underrepresented and economically disadvantaged students pursuing careers in STEM-related fields. The theme of the conference, "Journeys Beyond Excellence," encompasses the mission and purpose of CSTEP, which is to provide guidance for students on their journey of academic excellence while preparing for careers in
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Brianna Naizir Salk Scholar_2019

Brianna Naizir, Macaulay Honors grad at CCNY, is 2019 Salk Scholar

Brianna Naizir, a magna cum laude graduate of the Macaulay Honors Program at The City College of New York, is the recipient of a 2019 Jonas E. Salk Scholarship. Awarded by The City University of New York, the scholarships recognize exceptional students who plan careers in medicine and the biological sciences. As a Salk Scholar, Naizir, who earned a B.S. degree in biology in 2018, will receive a stipend of $8,000 to be allocated over three or four years of medical studies. She plans on pursuing a PhD in cancer biology at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center this fall. “Ultimately, I hope to
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Vincent Boudreau_Offical Portrait

City & State names CCNY Pres. Vince Boudreau to top 50 Power list

Dr. Vincent Boudreau, the City College of New York president who blends scholarship with activism, has been named to City & State’s 2019 Higher Education Power 50 list. The list recognizes the 50 most influential people in academia statewide, including leaders of some of New York’s best-known colleges, universities and professional schools. Boudreau and his distinguished peers will be honored at a reception on April 17 at Battery Gardens in lower Manhattan. A political scientist, Boudreau was appointed City College’s 13th President in December 2017. He had previously served as Interim
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STEM institute Press Conference

CCNY’s STEM Institute receives $1M boost from Council Member Rodriguez with support from Mayor’s Office

Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez, with the support of Mayor Bill de Blasio and Speaker Corey Johnson, secured a $1 million grant to fund The City College of New York’s STEM Institute’s partnership with Northern Manhattan. The funding will be used to open an afterschool program at George Washington Educational Campus while expanding students’ opportunities to participate in summer and Saturday programs at CCNY’s campus. The goal of the Institute is to prepare high school students, particularly women and underrepresented minorities, to successfully pursue college majors in science, technology
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