

Womxn's Herstory Month (WHM) Kickoff takes place on March 4 at 12:30 p.m. Participate to partake in a chance for free giveaways.

CCNY celebrates Women’s History Month 2021

The City College of New York celebrates Women’s History Month 2021 with a plethora of events including a kickoff event discussing sorority life and leadership, presentations from women leaders in medicine as well as discussions of art and architecture. The schedule of virtual events is as follows: Womxn's Herstory Month (WHM) Kickoff is a discussion about leadership and sorority life presented by the Department of Student Life & Leadership Development in collaboration with Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. | Lambda Chapter on Thursday, March 4 from 12:30-1:30 p.m. Please RSVP at
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Marom Bikson NeuroCOVID reserch

Marom Bikson’s CCNY team explores new treatment for NeuroCOVID

While COVID’s often deadly outcome has resulted in the worst pandemic in a century, studies are unveiling a post-COVID phase for survivors during which neuropsychiatric symptoms, such as fatigue, anxiety and depression, can occur. How to treat this debilitating phase, called NeuroCOVID, is the challenge City College of New York biomedical engineer Marom Bikson and his team are tackling. The first stage of COVID is characterized by fever, heart or lung problems. NeuroCOVID is second stage, characterized by one or a combination of symptoms like vertigo, loss of smell, headaches, fatigue and
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Alexander Khanikaev

NSF presents rarely awarded ‘Special Creativity’ honor to CCNY’s Alexander Khanikaev

City College of New York physicist Alexander Khanikaev is the recipient of the National Science Foundation’s rarely given Special Creativity Award. The honor from the Division of Materials Research (DMR) recognizes what the NSF cites as Khanikaev’s “excellent research, productivity, and impact on topologically nontrivial photonic systems and nonlinear photonic nanostructures and plasmonic metamaterials, as well as the broader impacts emanating from a current NSF project.” Recipients of the award, who are considered the most creative of investigators, receive an automatic two-year extension of
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Leadership of the Architects' Renewal Committee in Harlem, which was recognized as one of the Nations first Community Design Centers. Co-Founder and Executive DirectorJ.Max Bond Jr. (left), ARCH 67'- 69', with architects Donald Ryder and Nathan Smith, ca. 1969.

CCNY’s J. Max Bond Center and Davis Brody Bond Architects launch innovation partnership

The Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture’s J. Max Bond Center for Urban Futures and the New York-based firm Davis Brody Bond (DBB) announce the formation of a research partnership focused on equitable design practices and urban research. DBB and the Bond Center, which was established in 2012, both represent the legacy and celebrated career of DBB partner, J. Max Bond, Jr., FAIA (1935 – 2009), who worked tirelessly for social and spatial justice. Regarded as American’s most prominent and accomplished African American architect, Bond, was also architecture dean at The City College of
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Faculty Publications Feb. 2021

CCNY School of Education celebrates centennial with new titles

As it celebrates its centennial, The City College of New York’s School of Education (SOE) welcomes a timely tome co-written by one of its experts, Megan Blumenreich, on how the nation can attract, prepare, and retain high-quality teachers for all students. “ Schooling Teachers: Teach For America and the Future of Teacher Education” rolls off the Teachers College Press this spring. The book draws on participant voices from the inaugural 1990 cohort of Teach For America. It situates their experiences within the larger context of teacher education and reform of the last three decades. “Schooling
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Tarek Saadawi

NSF awards $3M to CCNY and partners for next generation Internet research

As work on advancing the Internet progresses on different fronts globally, a $3 million National Science Foundation (NSF) grant to four partners, including Grove School of Engineering professor T arek N. Saadawi, is ensuring City College of New York participation in the effort. CCNY is collaborating with lead institution Columbia University, Rutgers and Arizona in a three-year project to establish a global Internet testbed for the next generation of Internet. According to the NSF abstract, the project enables the use of unique programmable wireless, optical, and edge-cloud network testbed
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Faculty advisor Sebastian Franco with CCNY Physics student chapter 2019

CCNY student chapter wins physics’ Blake Lilly Prize again

The City College of New York’s Society of Physics Students (SPS) chapter is the winner of the Blake Lilly Prize from the American Institute of Physics (AIP). The award recognizes SPS chapters and individuals who make a genuine effort to positively influence the attitudes of school children and the general public about physics. “Your chapter’s outreach efforts and dedication to physics education have visibly made a difference in your community and the SPS National Office is proud to present you with this prestigious award,” Brad R. Conrad, director, Society of Physics Students & Sigma Pi Sigma
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Lucas Parra Remote Learning Study

CCNY researchers demonstrate how to measure student attention during remote learning

The Covid-19 pandemic has made home offices, virtual meetings and remote learning the norm, and it is likely here to stay. But are people paying attention in online meetings? Are students paying attention in virtual classrooms? Researchers Jens Madsen and Lucas C. Parra from City College of New York, demonstrate how eye tracking can be used to measure the level of attention online using standard web cameras, without the need to transfer any data from peoples computers, thus preserving privacy. In a paper entitled “ Synchronized eye movements predict test scores in online video education,"
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Black History Month Kickoff—a time of celebration, fun games, prizes and acknowledgement of BHM honorees—begins Tuesday, Feb. 2 at 6 p.m.

CCNY celebrates Black History Month 2021

The City College of New York celebrates Black History Month with a variety of events including the Black Lives Matter at School’s “Week of Action,” a film screening and “Douglass Day” just to name a few. The full schedule of events is listed below. Black History Month Kickoff Feb. 2, 2021, 6-8 p.m. Department of Student Life & Leadership Development Starting in February, the Department of Student Life & Leadership Development will be celebrating Black History Month with a kickoff of virtual activities and prizes. They will reveal a virtual BHM Honoree Wall and games will center around
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CCNY a top research school for US undergraduates

CCNY a top research college for U.S. undergraduates

If you are an undergraduate seeking research options in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), look no further than The City College of New York. Using its unique and innovative InfluenceRanking Engine, lists City College among its 50 Best Research Universities in the U.S. for Undergraduates. CCNY shares top billing with universities such as American, Boston, Brandeis and Brown for their excellence as research institutions of note for undergraduates. Other top ranked schools include: California Institute of Technology Carnegie Mellon University
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