

Thomas J. Fararo (1933-2020), CCNY alum and benefactor

City College receives donation for Initiative with Stuyvesant High School

The City College of New York is pleased to announce a charitable donation from the Thomas J. Fararo Revocable Trust to fund the Stuyvesant-CCNY Initiative. The Initiative enables City College to expand its recruitment and retention of talented graduates of Stuyvesant High School. The scholarships funded by the Initiative can be used to support any major, and may be used for tuition, books, conferences and pre-professional development. Thomas J. Fararo (1933-2020) grew up in East Harlem and graduated from Stuyvesant in 1950. After four years in the U.S. Air Force, during which he served as a
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The Zahn Innovation Center at CCNY in collaboration with IN2NYC hosts Entrepreneur in Residence Ellie Li, co-founder of

Ellie Li is an Entrepreneur in Residence at CCNY’s Zahn Center

The Zahn Innovation Center at The City College of New York in collaboration with the International Innovators Initiative (IN2NYC)—the first municipal program in the nation designed to help international entrepreneurs access visas to create jobs in the United States—hosts Entrepreneur in Residence (EIR) Ellie Li, co-founder of, a viral consumer product that lets users clip moments from any video and was acquired by AppMonet in 2019. Li will be a resource for students, faculty and staff who are interested in commercializing innovation projects. IN2NYC is a partnership between the
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CCNY Campus

Grove School climbs on U.S. News & World Report list of elite engineering schools

The City College of New York’s Grove School of Engineering is now ranked #127 among U.S. News & World Report’s Best Graduate Schools. The only public school of engineering in the metropolitan area climbs two places this year on the list of 221 elite graduate engineering programs on the 2022 U.S. News rankings released today. U.S. News also ranks five other City College programs among the best nationally. The physician assistant program in the CUNY School of Medicine at City College remains at #46; fine arts in the Division of Humanities and the Arts is [#64]; and the Colin Powell School for
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Deccan Traps_Andres Hernandez Nava_Benjamin Black researchDeccan Traps_Andres Hernandez Nava_Benjamin Black research

Study reconciles role of Deccan Traps magmatism and climate record before last mass extinction event

There have been five mass extinctions during the last 500 million years of Earth’s history. The most recent, the End-Cretaceous extinction event, or Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary, occurred approximately 66 million years ago. It is most commonly associated with the disappearance of the dinosaurs. Numerous other land- and sea- dwelling species disappeared as well. Voluminous volcanism in the Deccan Traps in India occurred at the same time as the Chicxulub asteroid impact, and the contributions of both impact and volcanism to changes in climate around the time of the mass extinction have long
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Peter Delfyett_NAE

Physicist Peter Delfyett ’81, is elected to the National Academy of Engineering

City College of New York alumnus Peter J. Delfyett, Jr., a pre-eminent ultrafast photonics researcher from the Class of 1981, is one of 106 new members and 23 international members elected to the National Academy of Engineering (NAE). This brings the total U.S. membership to 2,355 and the number of international members to 298, NAE President John L. Anderson announced. Election to the NAE is among the highest professional distinctions accorded to an engineer. Academy membership honors those who have made outstanding contributions to "engineering research, practice, or education, including
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Karen Hubbard, CCNY cancer expert

CCNY & SU2C teammates seek to increase diversity in cancer clinical trials

The City College of New York is partnering with three other institutions in an innovative effort to address the low participation of Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) in cancer clinical trials. Dubbed the SU2C Health Equity Breakthrough Team; CCNY, lead institute Mount Sinai Hospital, the Albert Einstein Cancer Center and Columbia University’s Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center, begin the project with $6 million in support from Stand Up To Cancer® (SU2C), which funds new and promising cancer research treatments. “Cancer research has made tremendous progress but has not
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SOE Centennial: Linda Darling-Hammond & Interim Dean Edwin Lamboy

A producer of top earners, CCNY’s School of Education celebrates centennial

The year was 1921, and the world was still reeling from the Spanish flu that had claimed 50 million lives, including nearly 700,000 Americans, in the previous three years. At The City College of New York, the nation’s first tuition-free college when it was founded in 1847, two major events occurred in 1921. In April of that year, the great physicist Albert Einstein stood before an enthusiastic audience at City College and delivered his first-ever lecture in the United States. Later that year, the School of Education (SOE) was established, opening a new chapter in pedagogy at CCNY. The SOE was
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"Ninety Minutes with Michael" takes place on March 26 and is sponsored jointly by the Architectural League of New York, CCNY's Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture, Terreform and the Urban Design Forum.

CCNY’s Spitzer School celebrates the life of Michael Sorkin on March 26

On March 26, The City College of New York’s Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture presents “Ninety Minutes with Michael” celebrating the life of Michael Sorkin, a distinguished professor and director emeritus of the Graduate Program in Urban Design. The virtual event is free and open to the public and looks back at Sorkin’s life as an urbanist, critic and mentor. On the first anniversary of his passing, due to Covid-19, Sorkin’s comrades—Trevor Boddy, Teddy Cruz, Fonna Forman, Eyal Weizman, Sharon Zukin and his wife Joan Copjec—will gather to consider: What would Michael call on us
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Angelo Lampousis and Sharon Mackey-McGee_EPA training grant

New EPA-funded City College program prepares South Bronx residents for environmental careers

Unemployed and underemployed residents of the South Bronx can soon look forward to receiving training and seeking full-time job opportunities in the environmental field, thanks to a City College of New York program funded by the Environmental Protection Agency [EPA]. CCNY is the recipient of a three-year $200,000 Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training (EWDJT) grant from the EPA to create a skilled workforce in communities where brownfields assessment and cleanup activities are taking place. Working in conjunction with the Office of Continuing and Professional Studies on campus
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David Bendich, Caleb Garard, Cameron Morales_Bendich Fellows

Med students Caleb Garard & Cameron Morales earn inaugural Bendich research fellowships

Caleb Garard and Cameron E. Morales, second-year students in the CUNY School of Medicine (CSOM) at The City College of New York, are the first recipients of the Dorothy and Max Bendich Student Research Fellowship. The award has been established by pediatric specialist and CCNY Class of 1971 alumnus David Bendich, MD, in honor of his parents. It will support exceptional students showing an interest in science education and clinical research. Fellows will receive $3,000 per semester each for expenses incurred while engaged in assigned research. Bendich, who initially studied music at CCNY before
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