

CCNY #1 for Return on Investment in 2023_Degreechoices

CCNY ranks #1 nationally for ROI

Degree Choices, a team of education researchers working to provide valuable financial advice and guide prospective students to find schools and careers that best suit their needs, ranks The City College of New York #1 of all national universities in the United States for economic return on investment (ROI). In addition, CCNY placed highly in other Degreechoices categories for ROI, namely: #1 of all national universities in NY; #4 of all colleges in NY; #4 of all Hispanic-serving Institutions (HSIs) in the US; and #4 of all HSIs in NY. “These outstanding achievements see CCNY beat leading
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Ana Carnaval_Amazon deforestation research

CCNY biologist Ana Carnaval sounds alarm about accelerated deforestation in the Amazon

The global climate crisis has altered every ecosystem on planet Earth. In the Amazon, the rate of change is accelerating. The Amazon is home to more than 10% of all named and plant and vertebrate species. It is the core of biogeographic realm that is home to about one-third of all known species. Habitat conversion – driven by logging, forest fires, and canopy clearing, threaten this biodiversity. Global warming, climate variability, and extreme weather events amplify these threats. City College of New York biologist Ana Carnaval along with collaborators from multiple institutions in North
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Ramona Hernandez CUNY DSI Director

Mellon Foundation launches new CUNY DSI program for threatened Dominican scholars

In a blow against intellectual oppression, the Mellon Foundation is funding a three-year $750,000 fellowship program at The City College of New York-based CUNY Dominican Studies Institute (DSI) for threatened Dominican scholars globally. Beginning in the fall, the program will enable intellectuals ranging from scholars, artists, writers, and journalists to continue their work in safety at The City College. In addition, the program aims to substantially broaden and deepen current discussions about the precarious state of intellectual freedom—including freedom of thought and expression—in the
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Mark Anthony Neal & Lynn Nottage_Black History Month_2023

Langston Hughes Festival, “Black Ephemera” event, mark CCNY Black History Month observance

A celebration of two-time Pulitzer Prize winner Lynn Nottage, and a conversation with noted author and academic Mark Anthony Neal, highlight The City College of New York’s Black History Month observance this February. Nottage will receive the Langston Hughes Medal at The City College’s 44th Annual Langston Hughes Festival on Feb. 9. On Feb. 17, Neal, who is the James B. Duke Distinguished Professor of African & African American Studies and Chair of the Department of African & African American Studies at Duke University, will visit CCNY for an event entitled: “Mark Anthony Neal and Black
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Daniel Moynihan_former US Senator from NY

Colin Powell School launches Moynihan Center to cultivate new public voices and prepare diverse leaders for public service

In 2023, the Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership at The City College of New York will launch the Daniel Patrick Moynihan Center with the purpose of supporting new leaders to make a difference in public affairs. Through two signature fellowship programs and a rich slate of public events, the Moynihan Center will ensure that the next generation of public scholars and public servants reflects the diversity of viewpoints and lived experiences represented at The City College. The Moynihan Center takes inspiration from the late Senator for New York’s celebrated career, which began
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Ahmed Helal wins international Vectorworks competition with wood combatting climate change

CCNY's Ahmed Helal wins international Vectorworks competition using wood to combat climate change

Ahmed Helal, a recent graduate of The City College of New York’s Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture, is the winner of an international award from the Vectorworks Design Scholarship. Helal’s project, “Mass Timber,” is one of 22 projects from 11 countries in the fields of architecture, landscape architecture, interior design and entertainment, that was chosen out of a field of more than 1,000 submissions. “Mass Timber” takes on climate change through use of materials to create change in the construction industry. “Currently, Mass Timber is being situated in a discussion of material
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Green Potassium Channel_Michael Green research

CCNY physical chemist Michael Green receives environmental molecular sciences laboratory award

City College of New York chemist Michael Green and his colleague Alisher M Kariev have received a research award from The Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL) for research to be carried out in 2023. Twenty awards were granted to research teams across the country. Awardees will study resources for carbon storage, model water systems, and examine biological systems as bioenergy sources, among other projects. EMSL, at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, is run by the Department of Energy and is one of 28 U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science user facilities. EMSL
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Actor Judd Hirsch, CCNY Class of 1960

Hollywood great & CCNY alum Judd Hirsch earns Golden Globe plaudits

CCNY Class of 1960 alumnus Judd Hirsch is celebrating another major Hollywood honor. The legendary actor’s latest film, “The Fabelmans” won Best Motion Picture in the drama category at the 2023 Golden Globes awards. Steven Spielberg also won best director for a motion picture (Drama) for the semi-autobiographical film loosely based on his adolescence and first years as a filmmaker. Click here for a full list of the winners. In “The Fabelmans,” Hirsch is hailed by critics for his scene stealing performance and making an outsized impact playing a character loosely based on Spielberg’s eccentric
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Jeffrey S. Garanich

City College receives $1.325 million for convergent research and training

The City College of New York’s Grove School of Engineering, along with four partner institutions, has received a $1.325 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for talent and workforce development, and research training, as part of a collaborative project to prevent infections in tissue-engineered organs, implants, and other medical devices. The study, “Collaborative Research: GCR: Infection-Resisting Resorbable Scaffolds for Engineering Human Tissue,” is being carried out by cross-disciplinary partners at Stevens Institute of Technology (the lead institution), Syracuse
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CCNY computer scientist Jie Wei [left] and Haibin Ling of SUNY Stony Brook

CCNY computer scientist Jie Wei leads USAF-funded project to improve situational assessment and awareness

Jie Wei, professor of computer science at The City College of New York, is the recipient of a $299,000 grant from the United States Air Force Office of Scientific Research to improve situational assessment and awareness (SAAW), which is critical to military operations, humanitarian assistance and disaster response (HADR) applications. The three-year project, in collaboration with Professor Haibin Ling of SUNY Stony Brook’s Department of Computer Sci-ence, is entitled “Efficient, Robust and Explainable Situational Assessment and Awareness AI/ML System Using Multi-Modal Sensing and Deep Learning
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