

Two Professors’ Programs Receive Nine Emmy Nominations

Three programs produced by Jerry Carlson and Andrzej Krakowski, professors in the Media Arts Production Program at The City College of New York (CCNY), are vying for nine prizes in the 53rd Annual New York Emmy® Awards. The winners will be announced April 18. “Nueva York,” a series for CUNY-TV produced by Professor Carlson, was nominated in four categories: Arts: Program Feature/Segment; Politics/Government: Program Feature/Segment; Magazine Program, and Promotion: Program Promo – Campaign. Another program produced by Professor Carlson for CUNY-TV, “Canapé,” was nominated in the Historical
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Breast Cancer Pioneer Delivers Genetics Lecture March 16 at CCNY

Dr. Mary-Claire King, American Cancer Society Professor in the Departments of Genome Sciences and Medicine at the University of Washington, will deliver the annual Louis Levine-Gabriella de Beer Lecture in Genetics at The City College of New York (CCNY), 5 p.m. Tuesday, March 16, in The Great Hall. Her topic will be “Every Unhappy Family is Unhappy in Its Own Way: Genetic Heterogeneity in Human Disease.” The lecture, which is presented by CCNY Interim President Robert E. Paaswell and The City College Fund, is free and open to the public. Dr. King was the first to prove that breast cancer is
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CCNY Web Director Builds Site for Teaching with Technology

Online Resource Provides Tools for Strategic Languages Strategic languages such as Arabic, Chinese, Hindi and Farsi that are important to national security and competitiveness are not commonly taught in elementary or secondary schools. In addition, teaching resources for them are limited. A new instructional website designed by Angela Gunder, Director for Web-based Communications at The City College of New York (CCNY), is providing educators across America with access to instructional technology that can support learning of these and other languages. The site, called NOVASTARTALK Online, http
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Professor Ina Saltz’ ‘Body Type’ Sequel Released

“My life is type,” says Ina Saltz, Associate Professor and Director of CCNY’s Electronic Design and Multimedia program. That’s not surprising, given that she has been an art director for some of America’s best-known magazines, including “Time” and “Golf.” Of late, her fascination with type has expanded beyond type on paper or the computer screen to type on skin. Her 2006 book, “Body Type: Intimate Messages Etched in Flesh,” (Abrams) became a cult hit in typography and design circles. Last month, a sequel, “Body Type: More Typographic Tattoos,” (Abrams) came off the press. Both volumes are
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MIT Professor to Deliver Katz Chemical Engineering Lecture March 15

Dr. Arup Chakraborty, Robert T. Haslam Professor of Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, and Biological Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will deliver the Annual Katz Lecture in Chemical Engineering at The City College of New York (CCNY) 2 p.m. Monday, March 15, in the Steinman Hall auditorium. His topic will be “Understanding Adaptive Immunity: A Crossroad of the Physical, Life, and Engineering Sciences.” A faculty member at MIT since 2005, Professor Chakraborty was previously at the University of California at Berkeley. He holds a Ph.D. in chemical engineering from the
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CCNY-Led Team Wins One Club Creative Boot Camp Competition

A creative group of students from The City College of New York (CCNY) and Brooklyn College teamed to win The One Club’s “Creative Boot Camp” competition in January. The team, Nadine Charles, Sherifa Gayle, and Ricardo Paredes from CCNY, and Chanie Kaminker from Brooklyn College, worked on an advertising campaign for a new laptop developed by Hewlett Packard. They will attend The One Show in May in New York City in honor of their win. “Winning the competition gave me a feeling of pride and a ‘can do’ attitude,” said Boot Camp winner Nadine Charles, a CCNY senior from Brooklyn who is a BFA
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Honors Senior Sam Glickman Presents at Ornithology Meeting

Sam Glickman, a senior biology major in the Macaulay Honors College at The City College of New York (CCNY), presented a poster at the joint meeting of the American Ornithologists Union, Cooper Ornithological Society and Society of Canadian Ornithologists, held last month in San Diego. He was one of only eight undergraduates nationwide to win a travel award from the societies. His poster, “Molecular phylogeny of the Motmots (Coraciiformes; Momotidae) based on complete sequencing of the ND5 mitochondrial gene,” was based on work done for his undergraduate honors thesis in collaboration with Jeff
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Three from CCNY Win in CUNY Nobel Science Challenge

Three undergraduate students at The City College of New York (CCNY) earned prizes in the 2009 CUNY Nobel Science Challenge. Freshman Hyeondo Hwang took first place in the Chemistry category. Sidra Javed, a fourth-year student in The Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education, and Elaine Cheng, a fifth-year Sophie Davis student, took second and third prize, respectively in the Physiology or Medicine category. The awards were presented at a ceremony Thursday, February 25. The CUNY Nobel Science Challenge invites CUNY undergraduate students to submit essays of 1,000 – 1,500 words that described
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CUNY Dominican Studies Institute Announces 2010-2011 Fellows and Visiting Scholars

The CUNY Dominican Studies Institute (CUNY DSI) at The City College of New York (CCNY) has announced 2010-2011 doctoral fellows and visiting scholars in Dominican Studies. Representing diverse academic disciplines, the fellows and scholars will advance a wide range of scholarly research projects, from the colonial history of the Dominican Republic to housing patterns of people of Dominican ancestry in New York City. They will work directly with CUNY DSI Director and Professor of Sociology Ramona Hernández. “This is the largest, and most diverse group of scholars in residence at the Dominican
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CCNY Student Entrepreneurs Develop Social Network Site for CUNY Students

A group of students at The City College of New York (CCNY) have developed a social networking website that its founder describes as a combination of “Craigslist and a more sociable Blackboard for CUNY students.” Called “,” the site combines the features of online bulletin boards with mini social networks for 20 of the 23 colleges and professional schools in the CUNY system. A preliminary version of the site launched February 2. “We wanted to create a social platform for CUNY students, faculty and staff,” said InYourClass founder Arber Ruci. “The CUNY community has more than 480
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