

Architecture Newsletter Praises CCNY Faculty Book

“Research & Design: Faculty Work, The City College of New York - Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture,” by George Ranalli, (Oscar Riera Ojeda Publications, 2010), the catalog accompanying the school’s opening exhibit, was chosen one of the ten best architecture books for 2010 by ArchNewsNow, an architecture online newsletter. “From the over-the-top Hotel Jellyfish for Tianjin, China, by Michael Sorkin that straddles a line between zoomorphic and dadamorphic design, all to way to the dignified apollonian civility of Dean George Ranalli’s Saratoga Community Center in Brooklyn, NY, the
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CCNY Professor Gets Grant to Develop ‘Artificial Blood’

Ron Koder’s Biological Design Work Could Someday Reduce Combat Deaths As a post-doc at The University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Ron Koder, assistant professor of physics at The City College of New York, was part of a team that devised a novel method for producing an artificial protein capable of transporting oxygen, similar to human neuroglobin. He was recently awarded a three-year $1.3 million grant from the U.S. Department of Defense to develop an artificial blood that can be administered to injured troops on the battlefield. “Engineered blood substitutes have a lot of attractive properties
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December 2010 Science Events at The City College of New York

The City College of New York Division of Science announces eight events for December featuring prominent scientists from across the United States speaking on their research. All are free and open to the public and held in the Marshak Science Building, unless otherwise noted. Listings of event times, speakers, topics and room numbers follow, along with contact information at the bottom of the list. December 1 , 12 noon: Biochem Seminar, Dr. Diana Bratu, associate professor of biology, Hunter College, “In vivo fluorescence imaging of oskar mRNP transport during drosophila oogenesis," Room 1027
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Service-Learning Science Course Targets Harlem Health Issues

A new service-learning course offered by The City College of New York’s Division of Science gives CCNY undergraduates the opportunity to apply their scientific knowledge to community projects that address critical health issues in the Harlem community. The course began as “Focus on Obesity” in spring 2010 and targeted the issue of obesity that has reached epidemic proportions in Harlem with 48 percent of children living in its zip codes considered to be overweight or obese. It is funded by the City College Academy for Professional Preparation , which is partnering in a Learn and Serve America
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CCNY Chemists Design Molecule that Responds to Stimuli

The venus flytrap plant captures its prey when it senses the presence of an insect on the tips of its leaves. An amphiphilic molecule designed by chemists at The City College of New York acts in a similar manner by changing its structure when heated slightly and, then, reverting to its original form when cooled. The finding, reported in the journal “Angewandte Chemie,” points toward the possibility of designing adaptive soft materials in the lab that take their cues from how nature responds to stimuli, said Dr. George John , associate professor and corresponding author. Professor John and
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Professor Emeritus Bernard Sohmer Passes Away at 81

Dr. Bernard Sohmer, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at The City College of New York and a former chair of the City College Faculty Senate and CUNY Faculty Senate, passed away Friday, November 19, following a lengthy illness. He was 81. Professor Sohmer, who joined the math department in 1953, was a fixture at City College for more than a half century, serving in numerous administrative, faculty and union roles. Throughout his career, he was a tireless advocate for City College faculty and students and the institution’s mission. In addition to being a faculty member, he served in the
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CCNY Alumnus Harvey Kaylie, ’60, Endows Entrepreneurship Contest

$3 Million Gift From Mini-Circuits Founder Will Provide Stipends, Housing to Create Silicon Valley-like Environment for Student Start-up Ventures Helping students to bridge the academic and real worlds, the Grove School of Engineering at The City College of New York is launching an entrepreneurship contest supported by a new $3 million gift from CCNY alumnus Harvey Kaylie, ’60. Winners of the Kaylie Prize for Entrepreneurship will receive financial support and housing while they work over the summer in a Silicon Valley garage-like environment to turn their ideas into a successful business
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CCNY Alumna Wins ‘Project Runway’ Modeling Contest

City College of New York alumna Millana Williams, ’10, is a prime example of how hard work, perseverance and dedication can help anyone succeed. Just months after graduating from CCNY with a BA in advertising and public relations, she has won the model segment of Lifetime’s reality series “Project Runway.” Originally from Houston, Millana moved to New York on a leap of faith; her goal was to obtain a college degree and break into the fashion business. “I moved to New York when I was 19,” she said. “It was definitely very hard financially. Yet, I knew that I wanted to live in Manhattan and that
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Dr. Jeffrey Gordon Delivers 2010 Cosloy-Blank Lecture

Human Gut Microbiome Will Be Topic for December 8 Address Dr. Jeffrey I. Gordon, M.D., will deliver the 5th Annual Sharon Cosloy-Edward Blank Lecture at The City College of New York 4 p.m. Wednesday, December 8. His topic will be “The human gut microbiome: dining in with trillions of friends.” The lecture, which is free and open to the public, will take place in Room 250, Shepard Hall, and will be followed by a reception in Room 150, Shepard Hall. Dr. Gordon is the Dr. Robert J. Glaser Distinguished University Professor at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and director of
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U.S. Department of Education Awards $5.7 Million to CCNY

Two Grants Targeting Hispanic-Serving Institutions Aim to Improve Retention and Graduation Rates and Prepare Graduate Students for Careers in Green Economy Two grants totaling $5.7 million over five years from the U.S. Department of Education will help The City College of New York improve undergraduate retention and graduation rates and prepare graduate students for careers in the green economy. CCNY was the only mainland institution east of the Mississippi River to receive awards through the Department’s Title V programs for Hispanic-serving institutions at both the undergraduate and graduate
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