

Secret Lives of the Furred and Feathered

City College Grad Student Writes Tell-All Field Guide to Urban Animals Call her the tabloid journalist of the animal world. Julie Feinstein, a PhD student at The City College of New York, has the dirt on all creatures great and small – specifically – the wild animals that live among us. She lays it bare in a new tell-all book, “Field Guide to Urban Wildlife: Common Animals of Cities and Suburbs, How They Adapt and Thrive” (Stackpole Books, 2011). Ms. Feinstein’s book taps the untold stories of the birds, mammals and invertebrates she encounters daily in the New York metropolitan area. Her
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CCNY Hosts “Einsteins” International Student Research Conference

The City College of New York will host “Einsteins in the City 2011,” an international conference of top student researchers, April 13 through 15, in the Great Hall of Shepard Hall, 160 Convent Ave., New York. The theme for the event, “Transcending Boundaries; Communicating Across Disciplines,” promotes interdisciplinary cooperation in research and the cross-cultural exchange of ideas. "What we are hoping to do with this conference is promote the culture of true cross-disciplinary and global communication among scholars,” commented Dr. Maria Tamargo, chair of the conference organizing committee
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CCNY Sociology Symposia to Focus on Race

Two symposia presented by The City College of New York Department of Sociology, April 8 and April 15, will examine sociological and scientific perspectives on race. The first symposium, 2 p.m. Friday, April 8, titled, “Race and Science: New Findings and Challenges,” focuses on questions of race and science and how increasingly scientific views of race challenge the sociological notions of race as “non scientific.” The second meeting, “Race and Categorization: Changing Terrains,” 2 p.m. Friday, April 15, concentrates on the 2010 Census and the many questions it has raised about race. Both
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CCNY Senior Receives $100,000 Math Fellowship

Jian Liu, a graduating senior at The City College of New York, has won a Math for America Fellowship (M fA). The highly selective five-year program, for talented students committed to teaching math in public schools, provides a $100,000 stipend. Math for America is a nonprofit organization that aims to improve mathematics education in U.S. public secondary schools by recruiting, training and retaining outstanding mathematics teachers. "This is an incredible honor," said Mr. Liu, who will receive a BA in pure mathematics from CCNY on June 3, with minors in secondary math education and physics.
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CCNY Historian Documents Life in Wartime Sarajevo

Book By Professor Emily Greble Shows How Multiethnic City Tried to Maintain Normalcy Under Rule by Nazis, Croat Nationalists Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, was subjected to a brutal four-year siege in the 1990s at the hands of Bosnian Serbs seeking to control the new country's political future. It wasn’t the first time the city felt the brunt of war. A new book by Dr. Emily Greble, assistant professor of history at The City College of New York, explores how 50 years earlier its multiethnic communities tried to cope with occupation during World War II. In “Sarajevo, 1941 –
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Grove School Professor Leads New Metamaterials Center

NSF-Supported Center for Metamaterials Joins CUNY with 3 Other Institutions and 15 Corporations; Focuses on Renewable Energy and Sensors A new National Science Foundation-sponsored industry & university cooperative research center program (I/UCRC) will “provide a one-stop shop for the design, fabrication and testing of a wide range of metamaterials.“ Dr. David Crouse, associate professor of electrical engineering in the Grove School of Engineering at The City College of New York, serves as director of the new Center for Metamaterials. Participating institutions are The City University of New
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Two Events at CCNY Explore Public Health and Ethics

A conference April 8 and a public lecture April 11 at The City College of New York will examine public health issues from ethical perspectives. The April 8 conference, “Contemporary Issues in Public Health: Historical and Ethical Perspectives,” features speakers from Columbia University, University of California – Berkeley and CCNY. Monday, April 11, Dr. Daniel Wikler, a Harvard University ethicist, will talk on “Research Ethics: Did We Misunderstand the Lessons of Nuremberg?” Dr. Ronald Bayer, professor of sociomedical sciences in Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, is the
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CCNY Grad Student Receives 2 Green Chemistry Awards

Swapnil Jadhav, a graduate chemistry student at The City College of New York, has received two scholastic merit awards from the American Chemical Society (ACS) and the American Oil Chemists’ Society (AOCS). Both honor graduate-level research he has conducted on green chemistry using renewable resources. Mr. Jadhav is directing his graduate research on finding a way to reduce the usage of petroleum-based resources, which can prove to be harmful to the environment. Part of his research includes testing biodegradable natural resources, like sugar, to create more environment-friendly products. The
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Two CCNY Honor Students Named 2011 Truman Scholars

Ayodele Oti and Gareth Rhodes, honor students, Colin Powell Fellows and New York Life Scholars at The City College of New York enrolled in the CUNY Baccalaureate program, have been named 2011 Harry S. Truman Scholars. Ms. Oti, a junior in the Macaulay Honors College, and Mr. Rhodes, a third-year student who will graduate this May, are the fourth and fifth CCNY students and sixth and seventh CUNY students to receive Truman Scholarships in the last six years. “Having two Truman Scholars in one year puts City College in very elite company,” said CCNY President Lisa Staiano-Coico. “We are
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Diane Ravitch to Critique Testing in Speech at CCNY April 6

Dr. Diane Ravitch, education historian and assistant secretary of education under President George H.W. Bush, will critique the role of testing and choice in education in an address 5 p.m. Wednesday, April 6, at The City College of New York. Her speech is part of the Doyle and Alba Bortner Distinguished Speaker Series in Urban Education, which was begun in 2010. The talk is free and open to the public and will take place in the College’s faculty dining room, located on the third floor of the North Academic Center. Currently research professor of education at New York University and a
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