

Fast facts about the Class of 2019

Did you know…? There are approximately 1,450 students entering the freshman class! The freshman class represents more than 450 high schools! Of the high schools represented in the freshman class, a large number come from Brooklyn Technical High School and the Manhattan Center for Science and Math! Other well-represented high schools include the Bronx High School of Science, Stuyvesant High School, Al Noor School Upper School, Aquinas High School and Yeshiva of Flatbush Joel Braverman High School! The largest number of incoming out-of-state freshman comes from New Jersey, followed by
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Foreign Fulbright students pursue CCNY degrees

City College's fall semester intake includes Ukrainian journalist, activist and art lover Asia Bazdyrieva. She is one of four Fulbright Foreign Student Program recipients accepted at City College for graduate studies and research. Bazdyrieva will use her Fulbright to earn an MA in art history from CCNY's Division of the Humanities and the arts . "I want to teach art history in future and the degree will come in useful," she said. She selected CCNY over other schools in the city and New Jersey because of its art course offerings. "I looked at the program and saw courses on 20th century art, the
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Foreign Fulbright students pursue CCNY degrees

City College's fall semester intake includes Ukrainian journalist, activist and art lover Asia Bazdyrieva. She is one of four Fulbright Foreign Student Program recipients accepted at City College for graduate studies and research.Bazdyrieva will use her Fulbright to earn an MA in art history from CCNY's Division of the Humanities and the arts. "I want to teach art history in future and the degree will come in useful," she said.She selected CCNY over other schools in the city and New Jersey because of its art course offerings. "I looked at the program and saw courses on 20th century art, the
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Francesca Lingo’s summer NASA experience

Less than two weeks before the start of the fall semester, Francesca Lingo put an impressive freshman year at City College behind her with a NASA presentation on "Earth's Past as a Window on Exoplanet Habitability." The prospective physics major was a participant in the Summer 2015 NASA New York City Research Initiative (NYCRI) Internship program at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in Manhattan.“I investigated the Neoproterozoic Era specifically the Sturtian ice age when scientists believe multicellular life came to rise. The idea was to understand the conditions Earth
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Francesca Lingo’s summer NASA experience

Less than two weeks before the start of the fall semester, Francesca Lingo put an impressive freshman year at City College behind her with a NASA presentation on "Earth's Past as a Window on Exoplanet Habitability." The prospective physics major was a participant in the Summer 2015 NASA New York City Research Initiative (NYCRI) Internship program at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in Manhattan. “I investigated the Neoproterozoic Era specifically the Sturtian ice age when scientists believe multicellular life came to rise. The idea was to understand the conditions Earth
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Grove School’s Biomedical Engineering Department to be honored for commitment to diversity

The City College of New York Grove School of Engineering ’s Department of Biomedical Engineering has been chosen as the recipient of the 2015 Biomedical Engineering Society Diversity Award . The BMES chose City College for its “outstanding impact on diversity among their faculty and students and continued commitment to diversity efforts through their NIH Minority Scholars program.” CUNY and Wallace H. Coulter Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering Mitchell B. Schaffler, chairman of the Grove School’s Department of Biomedical Engineering, will accept the award on behalf of the
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Grove School’s Biomedical Engineering Department to be honored for commitment to diversity

The City College of New York Grove School of Engineering’s Department of Biomedical Engineering has been chosen as the recipient of the 2015 Biomedical Engineering Society Diversity Award. The BMES chose City College for its “outstanding impact on diversity among their faculty and students and continued commitment to diversity efforts through their NIH Minority Scholars program.” CUNY and Wallace H. Coulter Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering John M. Tarbell, former chairman of the Grove School’s Department of Biomedical Engineering, will accept the award on behalf of the
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Colin Powell School to offer pro-seminar on Immigration in American Life

Immigration is such a vital part of the history of this country and this city, and the City College of New York has traditionally been a pathway for immigrants to educational, personal and professional achievement. With this history in mind, Dean Vincent Boudreau of City College's Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership – named for a famous son of Jamaican immigrants – created the Dean's Pro-Seminar on Immigration in American Life. Intended as an intensive exploration of the role that immigration has played in American life, the Dean’s Pro-Seminar will focus on three broad themes
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Visiting Japanese students land at CCNY

Twenty students from Japan's Nagoya University of Foreign Studies arrived at the City College of New York earlier this week for a whirlwind two-week visit that includes a full program of educational and cultural activities. Coordinated by Associate Professor Catherine Franklin of the School of Education's Department of Teaching, Learning, and Culture, the visit is the first trip outside of Japan for some of the students, all of whom are undergraduates in the NUFS's Department of World Liberal Arts. Led by Professor Toshikazu Kikuchi, the group will visit a number of sites around the city
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Dominican math education professors strengthen their skills with help from CCNY

Sixteen mathematics education professors from the Dominican Republic recently completed a two-week program, co-sponsored by the City College of New York’s School of Education and the Study Abroad and International Programs , designed to improve the D.R.’s educational system. The visiting professors, accompanied by two administrators, were from Instituto Superior de Formación Docente Salomé Ureña (Salome Urena Higher Teacher Training Institute), known informally as Isfodosu. The professors came to City College to strengthen their content knowledge and to learn new teaching strategies. Over the
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