

Tatyana Kleyn

Tatyana Kleyn premieres “Una Vida, Dos Países:Children and Youth (Back) in Mexico”

City College of New York Associate Professor Tatyana Kleyn, who directs the School of Education’s Programs in Bilingual Education and TESOL, directed and co-produced the documentary film, “Una Vida, Dos Países [One Life, Two Countries], ” which premieres at Aaron Davis Hall on Thursday, March 24 at 6 p.m. This film, Kleyn’s second after “ Living Undocumented,” shares the stories of the families who were undocumented in the U.S., and focuses on the children and youth. Her interest in this topic stemmed from media reports on the rising numbers of people being deported to Mexico and other nations
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Robert Paaswell

Mayor’s Office, CCNY, CUNY re-launch Benchmarking Help Center

The Mayor's Office of Sustainability (MOS) is partnering with the CUNY Building Performance Lab, an initiative of The City College of New York-based CUNY Institute for Urban Systems, to re-launch the NYC Benchmarking Help Center. The first of its kind in the nation, the Help Center ran in 2011-2013 through a partnership with CUNY BPL, MOS, Department of Buildings, the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, and the Institute for Market Transformation. It supported property owners in complying with Local Law 84 of 2009 (LL84), a legislative mandate requiring all buildings
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Ramona Hernandez

Sternberg lecture discusses challenges of disconnected Latino youth

The third annual Sternberg Family Lecture at The City College of New York on Wednesday, March 30, presents a discussion by three experts entitled “A disrupted Foundation: Employment, School Retention, and Social Ties among Disconnected Latino Youth." Hosted by the Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership, the lecture starts at 4:30 p.m. in City College’s Great Hall. The speakers are: Dr. Ramona Hernandez, director, the CUNY Dominican Studies Institute at CCNY, and professor of sociology at CCNY and doctoral faculty at the Graduate Center, CUNY. Hernandez is the author of pioneering
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Mahesh Lakshman research_acs cover

CCNY research team in molecular breakthrough

Reducing a barrier that generally hinders the easy generation of new molecules, a team led by City College of New York chemist Mahesh K. Lakshman has devised a method to cleave generally inert bonds to allow the formation of new ones. The study is the cover story in the journal ACS Catalysis published by the American Chemical Society. “Saturated carbon-hydrogen bonds in organic compounds are considered relatively inert and generally difficult to break in order to make other bonds, leading to new molecules,” explained Lakshman, professor of chemistry in City College’s Division of Science
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Václav Paris_2016_NEH award recipient

Václav Paris receives NEH award for book research

Thanks to a 2016 National Endowment for the Humanities award, Václav Paris, assistant professor of English at The City College of New York, is spending this semester working on a book on early 20th-century modernist prose. “Epic after Evolution: Modernism’s National Narratives,” is the title of Paris’ NEH funded project. It is the second NEH grant in a year to a City College faculty member. “The project involves research and writing leading to publication of a book on selected works of early 20th-century modernist prose,” said Paris, whose research will be conducted in the United States and
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$500K grant to CCNY educator Beverly Falk for pre-K study

City College of New York educator Dr. Beverly Falk is the recipient of a $475,000 grant from the Foundation for Child Development for a study aimed at benefitting pre-K children from high-need and diverse communities. Entitled "High Quality Culturally-Relevant UPK Practices across Communities,” Falk’s project will look at New York City prekindergarten classrooms across diverse communities that are part of the PreK for All initiative. Her goal will be to identify teaching practices in different settings that are effective with and supportive of children and families from high-need, immigrant
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Robert R. Alfano

Pioneering CCNY physicist Robert Alfano receives top honor

Dr. Robert R. Alfano, a pioneer in ultrafast optical science and engineering, is the 2016 recipient of the Optical Society of America’s Michael S. Feld Biophotonics Award. The award recognizes individuals for their innovative and influential contributions to the field of biophotonics. The OSA cites Alfano, a Distinguished Professor of Science and Engineering at The City College of New York, for his “leadership and pioneering contributions in the field of biophotonics, comprising the diverse use of label -free native fluorescence, Raman spectroscopy, and optical imaging for cancer detection in
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Melissa Julien 2016 MAIP fellow

Melissa Julien wins national advertising fellowship

Melissa Julien is the latest member of The City College of New York’s Branding + Integrated Communications program selected for the 4A’s elite Multicultural Advertising Internship Program. As a MAIP Fellow, she will intern this summer at DigitasLBi, a global marketing and technology agency. A Brooklyn resident, Julien is the third BIC student to receive the competitive national honor since 2013. “Working in advertising and communications is my dream, and I'm so excited to start this journey and learn more about the industry,” said Julien, who is on a Public Relations track. “My career goal is
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James Baldwin seminars at CCNY

CCNY presents “James Baldwin’s America”

“James Baldwin’s America,” is the title of a reading and discussion series at The City College of New York in March. It celebrates the work of the renowned writer and Harlem native. Four seminars, hosted by Dr. Gordon Thompson, professor of English, are scheduled for March 7, 14, 19 and 21. Co-sponsored by the New York Council for the Humanities and CCNY’s Division of the Humanities and the Arts and the English Department, they are free and open to the public. Register via email at or by calling (212) 650-5100. All events are in the North Academic Center, Room 6/316
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Maja Horn, women's history month speaker at cwe march 21_2015

Celebrating Women’s History Month at City College

Female empowerment, networking and book discussions highlight The City College of New York’s 2016 Women’s History Month observance. The schedule of events is as follows: Tuesday, March 1, Women’s History Month Kickoff. Guest speakers, networking and a free WHM appreciation lunch. 12 – 2 p.m., North Academic Center (NAC) ballroom. Thursday, March 3, “Contemporary Narratives: Gender and Resistance.” A discussion with Nimmi Gowrinathan, Visiting Professor, Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership; Meena Kandasamy, poet, author, activist; and Rafia Zakaria, attorney, political
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