

Group Military Friendly Photo

City College is America’s #1 Military Friendly School

The City College of New York is the #1 Military Friendly School among public universities with more than 10,000 students. This is according to Victory Media, which awarded City College its Top 10 Gold award for 2017. The honor is based on public information gathered from a Military Friendly® survey and personal data from CCNY veteran students about how they feel about the college. “Veterans are looking for a hand up, not a hand out, and so organizations like yours provide that opportunity for them to take that military service—where they learn team-work, discipline and leadership—and bring it
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Marom Bikson Brain Stimulation Research

CCNY’s Marom Bikson receives more than $4M for brain research

Biomedical engineer Marom Bikson’s internationally recognized contributions in medical device innovation include research on noninvasive electrical brain stimulation to treat brain disorders such as depression, chronic pain, and stroke. The City College of New York professor is now the recipient of a $1.8 million grant from the National Institutes of Health aimed at revolutionizing the treatment of brain diseases using brain stimulation that is personalized to each patient. Eighteen medical centers around the country and Google are also partners in this research. Bikson’s medical device design
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Mariana Osorio

International students triumph in visual arts contests

One is a dreamlike film sequence about journeying from poverty in Mexico to a City College of New York classroom. The other is a stunning campus photo. Both earned CCNY undergraduates Mariana Osorio (art and music) and Suha Sultan (biomedical engineering) top prizes in two international competitions. An international student from Mexico, Osorio took the $4000 top prize at the 2016 International Student Travel Video Contest for her entry “ This Magic World.” It tells her story about leaving one of the most impoverished and dangerous states in Mexico to study music and art in the United States.
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CUNY DSI First Blacks Platform Launch

CCNY-based DSI launches unique site on early Blacks in the Americas

The first digital platform in academia presenting a comprehensive history of the Americas’ earliest African inhabitants is now live. “ First Blacks in the Americas/ Los Primeros Negros en las Américas,” a bilingual archival resource in English and Spanish, is the product of The City College of New York- based CUNY Dominican Studies Institute. Led by Ramona Hernández, professor of sociology in City College’s Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership, CUNY DSI is the nation's first university-based research institute devoted to the study of people of Dominican descent around the world
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CCNY Presidential search begins

Since its founding in 1847 as the Free Academy, The City College of New York has provided a world-class higher education to an increasingly diverse student body--serving as one of the single most important avenues to upward mobility in the nation. Access to excellence remains the vision of the College today. City College is the founding institution of The City University of New York and the first public urban institution of higher education in the United States. Vice Chairman of the CUNY Board of Trustees Barry Schwartz will chair this search committee which includes trustees, faculty
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Thanksgiving Message 2016

A Thanksgiving Message to the CCNY Community

Dear Friends and Colleagues, I'd like to take this opportunity to wish each of you a happy and safe thanksgiving. I hope that this Thursday, and over the course of the holidays to come, you have the opportunity to spend time with people you love and who love you, enjoy the bounty of the season, and reflect on all that is good in your life. When I take that pause myself, I'll spend time thinking about all of you, and the work we do together on this campus. I'm so grateful to call CCNY my home institution, and to number each of you among the members of my community. I also hope that as we move
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Statement on City College Values

At City College, our values demand that whatever the rhetoric in the larger society, our campus will be a place where all people are welcome, protected, and celebrated. Wherever you were born, whatever you believe, and however you came here: if you have the requisite talent, City College is a place where your experiences, perspectives and identity will be respected. We embrace our differences as virtues rather than threats. We have worked, for over 160 years, to nurture an academic community dedicated to the idea that a democratic and stable society needs the talents of each person, and the
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Md Shamiul Kabir

Md Kabir wins national medical student oral presentation award

City College of New York Biochemistry major Md Shamiul Kabir is this year’s best oral presentation winner among premedical and medical students at the Student National Medical Association’s Region IX Research Education Conference. The Bronx resident, a senior who arrived in the United States ten years ago from Bangladesh speaking no English, was one of four finalists in the category at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the East Bronx. His topic was entitled “Effects of Cladribine Derivatives and 5’ Azacytidine on Redifferentiation of SV40-transformed Human Epidermal Keratinocytes.” It
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Ilona Kretzschmar_chemical engineering

CCNY chemical engineer Ilona Kretzschmar receives top AAAS honor

Ilona Kretzschmar, chair of chemical engineering in The Grove School of Engineering at The City College of New York, is one of the American Association for the Advancement of Science’s new 2016 Fellows. Dating back to 1874, the honor is bestowed upon AAAS members by their peers because of their scientifically or socially distinguished efforts to advance science or its applications. Kretzschmar was elected as a fellow in the engineering section for her distinguished contributions to the field of colloid and interface science, particularly in terms of fabricating and understanding heterogeneous
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CCNY Gives 2016

CCNY participates in Giving Tuesday on November 29

The City College of New York is joining the global day of giving with #CCNYGives, a 24-hour campaign to raise funds in support of student scholarships. On Tuesday, November 29, every $5,000 raised will provide a student with a scholarship for one year. #CCNYGives is part of #CUNYTUESDAY’s initiative to raise a total of $1 million to benefit students at all 24 CUNY colleges. Students can support City College’s efforts as social media ambassadors or by attending Giving Tuesday festivities on campus the day of. For more information about #CCNYGives or to make a donation, please click here. The
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