

CCNY's CUNY-Mellon Fellows

Nine CCNY faculty members named CUNY Mellon diversity fellows

Nine City College of New York professors are recipients of Mellon Faculty fellowships designed to increase diversity and the retention rate of CUNY faculty. They will participate in the new CUNY Mellon Faculty Diversity Career Enhancement Initiative funded by a $500,000 grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Launched by Chancellor James B. Milliken, the CUNY Mellon initiative offers research/writing seminars, mentoring sessions and professionalization workshops. Eighteen other faculty members from Brooklyn, Hunter and Queens colleges will take part in the program. “The next generation of
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Tashrique Khandaker

City College undergrads lead development of chemical method

Credit goes to a team of chemistry and biochemistry students at The City College of New York for enabling the identification of a new chemical “deprotection” technique. Undergraduates Fatou Tine, Michael Benavidez, and Marikone Gaši from Professor Barbara Zajc’s laboratory, along with Tashrique Khandaker and Lisa Guerrera from Professor Mahesh Lakshman’s group, collaborated with Dr. Vikram Basava and graduate student Nana Agyemang on the research. In the process of chemically manipulating organic molecules, prevention of reactions at undesired sites necessitates the use of “protecting groups”
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Marina Santos

CCNY architecture student Marina Santos wins AIA honor

Marina Santos of The City College of New York’s Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture is the winner of a 2016 American Institute of Architects New York State (AIANYS) Student Award. The honor is for her project “Reach,” a design proposal for an art gallery at Brooklyn College. Santos’ project was nominated by the Spitzer School for the AIANYS award, whose 2016 theme is focused on the role of design in transforming communities. She created the design as part of her first-year M Arch studio project. In addition, she had to present her design to Brooklyn College and won first place for
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Mikhal Dekel

CCNY’s Mikhal Dekel receives NEH faculty award

City College of New York English professor Mikhal Dekel, is the recipient of a National Endowment for the Humanities faculty award for her book in progress “Tehran Children: On the Trail of WWII Refugees in Uzbekistan and Iran." Dekel, who heads City College’s Rifkind Center for the Humanities and the Arts, will spend the fall 2017 semester working on "Tehran Children," which is forthcoming from W.W. Norton. Based on testimony, travel narrative, and extensive archival research that was conducted in Poland, Russia, Uzbekistan, Iran, Israel and the United States, the book recounts the long and
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Team Ethix AdPR competition

CCNY AD/PR seniors shine in client pitch competition

Seniors from The City College of New York’s Advertising/PR Program excelled in The Ad/PR Workshop Client Pitch, where three teams pitched their integrated marketing campaigns on behalf of The City College Fund, a non-profit fundraising organization established in 1946 to support CCNY. Team Ethix won for their “City Moments Campaign .” The Ad/PR Workshop is the senior capstone course for the major and is the culmination of four semesters in the program. Each team developed separate campaigns after conducting extensive primary research about the CCNY student body and secondary research about the
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CCNY Students_Study Abroad

13 India-bound on inaugural CCNY study abroad program

Thirteen students, a mix of undergraduates, graduate and Phd candidates from three institutions, make up the first cohort of participants in the new City College of New York-India Study Abroad program starting on January 1 in New Delhi. Ten of the group are from City College, two from The Graduate Center, CUNY; and one from Lehman College. The students were selected from a list of applicants and represent various disciplines, including early childhood education, bilingual education and TESOL, urban education, anthropology, electrical engineering, liberal studies and international studies. They
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Emily Raboteau

Emily Raboteau receives elite writing fellowship

Emily Raboteau, the American Book Award-winning author and Professor of English in The City College of New York’s MFA Program in Creative Writing, is the recipient of a writing residency fellowship from the Lannan Foundation. The elite honor, which is unsolicited, is presented to outstanding creative writers whose work deals with themes of social activism. Past residents have included National Book Award winner Nikky Finney and National Book Critic Circle Award winner Claudia Rankine. Raboteau will spend two weeks next spring in the Lannan residency program in Marfa, Texas, working on her
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Gilman Winter Scholars 2017

Four Gilman scholars journey overseas for winter session

Four City College of New York students are traveling to Asia and Europe this winter 2017 semester on Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarships. The quartet are recipients of the competitive national scholarships that provide support for overseas travel and research. Junior Ivan De Luce, sociology major, will study at Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. His research project for the scholarship involves visiting Syrian refugee shelters to photograph and interview subjects, which he hopes to turn into an exhibit upon his return to City College. The Washington Heights resident will study courses
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Six CCNY students win national recognition for biomedical research

Six City College of New York participants were winners at the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students in Tampa, Fla. Each received awards in the poster presentation category. The students and their topics are: Kevin Gonzalez, developmental biology; Candice Forrester, engineering, physics, math; Svetlana Markova, engineering, physics, math; Elizabeth T. Yim, social and behavioral sciences; Chrissy Cherenfant, cell biology; Michael Obadina, cancer biology. Another CCNY student, biology major Emmanuel Dwomoh, took first place for his poster presentation at the Meharry
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Beatuy and the Beast-PS 161

Educational theatre program presents Beauty and the Beast, Jr.

The City College of New York’s Graduate Program in Educational Theatre is collaborating with PS 161 for a presentation of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, Jr. This is the sixth co-production with the Harlem-based school. Sixteen City College graduate student directors are rehearsing with 40 middle school students from PS 161’s drama club to prepare for the performance. The showcase is part of the Fundamentals in Teaching Theatre course taught by Jennifer Katona, lecturer and director of the Graduate Program in Educational Theatre. The PS 161 middle school students have been preparing since
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