

Princeton Review: Colleges That Pay You Back 2017

Princeton Review names CCNY one of the “Colleges That Pay You Back” for third year running

Yet again, The City College of New York is named one of the nation’s outstanding colleges for the high-value return it offers students on their investment in higher education, according to the 2017 edition of The Princeton Review’s Colleges That Pay You Back: The 200 Schools That Give You the Best Bang for Your Tuition Buck. According to the Princeton Review, City College offers students a superb education with great career preparation at an affordable price. “City College stands out not only for its outstanding academics but also for its affordability via comparatively low sticker prices and
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Shepard Hall in spring

Spring courses heat up at CCNY

As winter session comes to an end, City College of New York’s finest are gearing up for the spring. From policy issues to technical courses on coding, City College students have an abundance of new and unique courses to choose from. A select list of spring courses follows: The Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture offers advanced studios, like Broadway: A Kind of Animated Mirror , to their M Arch II, third-year M Arch, and fourth- and fifth- year B Arch students. Immigration and the 2d Generation and Migration and the Law, from The Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership
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BHM 2017

Black History Month Events at CCNY

This year’s City College of New York Black History Month celebration includes a film festival with a question and answer portion, live entertainment, music and speakers, workshops as well as an ancestral history event. The events are presented by the Black History Month Committee. The Ava Duvernay Film Festival begins on Tuesday, January 31 in NAC 4/149 from 12-2 p.m. and will explore topics from “This Is the Life.” The Black History Month Kickoff begins on Tuesday, February 2 in the NAC Ballroom from 12-2 p.m. and will feature a panel discussion moderated by Jeffery Craft, cartoonist
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BIC UP Cohort 1

BIC launches international Spanish speaking certificate course

The City College of New York’s BIC Program, in association with the Office of Continuing and Professional Studies, welcomed students from the University of Palermo in Buenos Aires to partake in the inaugural BIC Mini Intensive, a 56-hour international certificate course. Seven Spanish-speaking students spent one and a half weeks in New York City soaking up branding, advertising and design. “This course is interesting, and it was a great opportunity to go to New York again. It’s professionally oriented and more hands on; it’s very different from courses in Argentina that are more theoretical, “
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City College is the American Dream Machine

A current New York Times report ranks CCNY Number 1 in the nation among 369 select public colleges for economic mobility: we have the highest percentage of graduates who move two or more quintiles up the income ladder. In fact, 36% of CCNY students who come from families whose income is in the bottom fifth rise to the top fifth as adults! Read more from this, and other associated reports, about the transformative power of a City College education.
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Jean, Ban, and Juan Celis

Colin Powell School receives Ban Ki-moon papers

As the eighth Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon oversaw major reforms on peacekeeping, pushed for action on global warming and tackled the Darfur conflict. Soon scholars, students and policy-makers studying his legacy will have access to his official papers on these and other actions, thanks to The City College of New York’s Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership. Jean Krasno, lecturer in the Colin Powell School, leads the project with colleague Jacques Fomerand, a former UN official, to organize, select and catalogue the collected papers of Ban. This will
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Dominican Studies NEH musci gran

NEH funds CUNY DSI study of Dominican music in the US

The CUNY Dominican Studies Institute at The City College of New York is embarking on another ground breaking digital project. A $100,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) will fund the first online study regarding the history of Dominican music in the United States. CUNY DSI Director Ramona Hernández, professor of sociology in City College’s Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership, heads the project. "This is a collective effort that brings together young researchers at CUNY DSI: John Bimbiras (music), Ruth Lizardi (art) and Jhensen Ortiz (librarian), along
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CCNY Celebrates Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service 2017

CCNY Celebrates MLK, Jr. with Harlem-based middle school

In celebration of the life of Martin Luther King, Jr., City College of New York students and staff honor the slain Civil Rights leader with CCNY’s annual MLK Day of Service. This year’s theme is “Why Do You Serve?” and partners CityServ with New York Cares and PS 194 for a day of community work. CityServ is a City College based program designed to connect students with community service organizations. For MLK 2017, volunteers gather at PS 194 for activities that include painting the school’s hallways, literacy tutorials with students and arts, craft and fitness classes. Volunteers can also
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Solar Roofpod bees

Solar Roofpod’s sweet grant

After a bountiful fall harvest from a garden extension to The City College of New York’s award-winning Solar Roofpod come the bees. The nationally recognized rooftop project designed by students in CCNY’s Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture,under the guidance of Professor Christian Volkmann, is the recipient of a Sponsor-A-Hive grant of honey bees from The Honeybee Conservancy. It is part of the conservancy’s mission to save bees. The grant to City College and its partner, the CCNY-based High School for Math, Science and Engineering, includes beehives, bees, a beekeeping suit and a
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Deep Imaging Alfano book cover

CCNY faculty authors tackle imaging techniques, stress and Brooklyn

A reference book on new deep tissue imaging techniques; a text on work, stress and health; and a guide to Brooklyn by a pioneering sociologist who has walked every block of the borough. These are some of the latest publications by City College of New York faculty members. Physicist Robert R. Alfano, a leader in the field of ultrafast laser spectroscopy, is the co-editor of the forthcoming " Deep Imaging in Tissue and Tissue-Like Media with Linear and Nonlinear Optics" (Pan Stanford). Lingyan Shi, who studied deep brain imaging while a research associate at the Alfano-led Institute for
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