

Nicole Dennis Benn

Book of the year winner Nicole Dennis-Benn leads CCNY’s Achebe Series

Nicole Dennis-Benn, whose hugely successful debut novel " Here Comes the Sun" earned several best book of the year awards in 2016, is the Chinua Achebe Legacy Series speaker at The City College of New York on Wednesday, March 8. Her talk, from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the North Academic Center Ballroom, is free and open to the public. Click here to register. A native of Kingston, Jamaica, Dennis-Benn continues the tradition of distinguished writers and artists gracing the Achebe Legacy Series. It was launched by City College’s Black Studies Program in 2014 to honor the late Nigerian writer
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Film Blackness book Cover

New CCNY publications include Michael Gillespie film tome

Film historian and theorist Michael B. Gillespie’s launch of “ Film Blackness: American Cinema and the Idea of Black Film” (Duke University Press) tops the list of new publications by City College of New York faculty. An associate professor of film in the Division of Humanities and the Arts, in both the media and communication arts department and black studies program, Gillespie presents his book March 1 in a talk with author and film scholar Paula J. Masood, 6:30 p.m. in City College’s Shepard Hall room 250. Click here to RSVP. Following are some new and forthcoming books from CCNY: “ Account
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2017 India Study Abroad Last Day

CCNY students share Indian study abroad experience in the classroom

Back from the institution’s inaugural study abroad program to India, City College of New York education majors are wasting no time applying their new Asian experience in the classroom. “They are saying the transformative experience there has made them better teachers,” said Aminata Diop, a Phd candidate who was one of 13 students on the trip. “They’ve started implementing some of the things they saw in India in their classrooms because the practices were so good.” As part of the intensive two-week program, students immersed themselves in the culture and also got to visit several classrooms one
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Troy Blackwell and Obama

CCNY White House intern urges peers to consider public service

City College of New York senior Troy Blackwell spent the last months of the Obama administration in Washington, DC, as a White House intern. On Wednesday, Feb. 22, the Ad/PR and political science double major encourages his City College peers to consider public service careers in a public conversation with them. Entitled “The Value of Public Service,” the event is from 12: 45 to 2 p.m. in Shepard Hall room 290. It is co-sponsored by the CCNY chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America, the department of media and communications arts and the Colin Powell School for Civic and
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Sussana Rosenbaum

CCNY observes Social Justice Week with Mexican Coalition

The City College of New York and New York University co-host discussions during Social Justice Week, Feb. 20-24, to commemorate The World Day of Social Justice in conjunction with the Mexican Coalition and the Central American University of Nicaragua. “Act Out Social Justice” will present five days of activities aimed at engaging the larger community - in particular the Latino community – in developing realistic ways to achieve social justice at this time in our nation’s history. The week-long series of events includes an interfaith dialogue, youth activities and a resource fair to begin an on
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Cover for Pamela Laskin book_Ronit & Jamil

New twist to old tale aims to build bridges, dismantle walls

In a modern rendition of a Shakespeare classic, City College of New York poet and author Pamela Laskin presents “ Ronit & Jamil,” a Palestinian/Israeli “Romeo and Juliet” in verse for teenagers. The book appears from HarperCollins on Feb. 21 with a dramatic reading at the City College Center for the Arts Feb. 28 at 6 p.m. The event is free and open to the public. Critics hail Laskin’s work as “beautiful and lyrical,” delivering a fresh and captivating retelling of Romeo and Juliet that transports the star-crossed lovers to the modern day Israeli-Palestinian conflict. “This is a book about
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Vivek Tiwary

Vivek Tiwary delivers CCNY’s Rudin Lecture, March 7

Vivek J. Tiwary, the best-selling New York Times author and Tony Award-winning Broadway producer, delivers the 2017 Samuel Rudin Distinguished Visiting Scholar Lecture at the City College of New York on Tuesday, March 7. His talk, 5:30 p.m. in Shepard Hall - Room 95, is entitled “From Broadway to the Beatles: Achieving the Impossible with Historical Mentors.” It is free and open to the public. Click here for more information and here to RSVP. A New York native, Tiwary’s graphic novel, “ The Fifth Beatle: The Brian Epstein Story,” based on the untold life story of Beatles’ manager Brian Epstein
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Ru Freeman

Novelist Ru Freeman joins CCNY faculty

Ru Freeman, the Sri Lankan-born novelist, journalist and activist, whose work has been translated into numerous languages, is the latest high profile visiting professor in The City College of New York’s MFA Program in Creative Writing. The noted author of “ On Sal Mal Lane,” a New York Times Editor’s Choice Book, is teaching a course entitled “Turning the Personal into Fiction.” “We are lucky to have Freeman on board to inspire our MFA students this semester,” said Emily Raboteau, CCNY professor of English. “She's a fierce, award-winning writer and literary activist whose creative work engages
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Marco Castaldi

CCNY Engineering Professor Marco Castaldi discusses the impact of waste

The City College of New York’s Marco J. Castaldi, associate professor of chemical engineering and director of the Earth Engineering Center, presents "Sustainable Waste Management: Impacts of Our Trash on Society." Castaldi’s presentation is part of the Conversations in Engaged Scholarship series. The forum features City College faculty members sharing their research and creative scholarship that impact public policy, reform, and the civic, social, political or environmental landscape. Castaldi will discuss the impact of the waste or garbage, estimated at nearly four pounds per person
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Bradley Horn, director of the Master of Architecture Program

CCNY Spitzer School’s newly sponsored architectural studio

The Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture at The City College of New York partners with CetraRuddy, an award-winning architecture, planning and design firm for the development of a newly sponsored architectural studio for students in the Master of Architecture Program. The new initiative, titled “CetraRuddy Design Studio in Housing: Exploring New and Established Modes of Living and the Meanings of Home,” will focus on designs for sustainable, multifamily housing. Master’s students will research the history and contemporary field of housing design, which will help them propose
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