

Benjamin Black Space Research

Experts explain origins of topographic relief on Earth, Mars and Titan

The surfaces of Earth, Mars, and Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, have all been scoured by rivers. Yet despite this similarity and the amazingly Earth-like landscapes of Titan complete with valleys, lakes, and mountains, researchers led by City College of New York geologist Benjamin Black report new evidence that the origins of the topography there and on Mars are different from on Earth. In their paper “Global drainage patterns and the origins of topographic relief on Earth, Mars, and Titan,” published in the latest issue of “Science,” the team identifies plate tectonics on Earth as one key
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BIC Team VIDEALL at One Show

BIC team wins Gold Pencil again at One Show

For the second year in a row, a team from City College of New York’s Master’s Program in Branding + Integrated Communications (BIC) is a GOLD Pencil Winner at The ONE Show’s 2017 Young Ones Competition, one of the most prestigious student advertising, interactive and design competitions in the industry. Enmanuel Vargas, Yulia Lesnichaya, Surabhi Govindarajan and Tung-Han Lin won for their partnership proposal “ VIDEALL.” A plug-in, VIDEALL is the product of the partnership between Google’s Chrome browser and Microsoft’s Sign Language Translator. It converts audio, subtitles or closed
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Vivek Tiwary

City College announces 2017 commencement speaker

Vivek Tiwary, the Tony Award-winning Broadway producer and New York Times best-selling author, is the guest speaker at The City College of New York’s 171st Commencement Exercises on Friday, June 2. The ceremony starts at 9 a.m. on CCNY’s South Campus Great Lawn, 135th St. and Convent Ave., Manhattan. The Class of 2017 comprises approximately 3,820 students. Of these 2,894 are receiving undergraduate degrees and 926 graduate degrees. Tiwary returns to City College after delivering its 2017 Samuel Rudin Distinguished Visiting Scholar Lecture in March. He founded the multiplatform arts and
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Rausan Borujerdi_Pickering Fellow

Grad Rausan Borujerdi wins top foreign service fellowship

Rausan Borujerdi, a 2016 graduate of the Macaulay Honors College at The City College of New York, is the recipient of a Thomas R. Pickering Graduate Foreign Affairs Fellowship. The political science major is one of 20 stellar graduates nationwide selected for the program, which prepares candidates to become members of the U.S. Foreign Service. Hundreds of applicants from over 270 colleges and universities competed for the fellowship managed and funded by the U.S. Department of State and administered by The Washington Center. Fellows receive up to $37,500 in annual financial support toward a
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Announcing Cityvisions Film Festival, June 2, 2017

The City College of New York presents the nineteenth edition of Cityvisions, the annual showcase of new thesis films from its MFA Program in Film. This year, Cityvisions will be held at the Auditorium on Broadway, 1871 Broadway (between 61st and 62nd) in New York City, on Friday, June 2. The festival begins at 5:00 PM and ends with an award ceremony at 9 pm. “The MFA program at the City College of New York is one of the most diverse and international film schools in the world, which makes Cityvisions a truly international film festival, showcasing innovative work by promising filmmakers from
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Big Data Analysis Hernan Makse

CCNY-led team breaks down social networking behavior

New big-data analytics by a City College of New York-led team suggests that both an individual’s economic status and how they are likely to react to issues and policies can be inferred by their position in social networks. The study could be useful in maximizing the effects of large-scale economic stimulus policies. A team led by City College physicist Hernan A. Makse was legally granted access to two massive big datasets: all the phone calls of the entire population of Mexico for three months and the banking information of a subset of people. All the data, approximately 110 million phone
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Ruth Nervig

Landscape architecture student is Olmsted Scholar finalist

Ruth Nervig, an Master of Landscape Architecture major at The Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture at The City College of New York, is a 2017 National Olmsted Scholars Program finalist. The honor is for her thesis project on drinking water and hydraulic infrastructure in southern Senegal. The Olmsted Program is the premier national award and recognition program for landscape architecture students. Nervig first became interested in landscape architecture as a Peace Corps Volunteer teaching sustainable agriculture techniques in rural Senegal. For her thesis project, Nervig walked an
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Candace Brakewood Bikesharing Study

Bikesharing affecting bus ridership in NYC, says CCNY-Columbia study

Bus riders in New York City may now be opting to use bikeshare, according to a new study co-written by City College of New York Assistant Professor Candace Brakewood. This is the key finding of her peer-reviewed research study with Columbia University’s Kayleigh Campbell that was recently featured on the Atlantic’s CityLab website. Brakewood and Campbell studied trips made in New York City between May 2012 and July 2014 to assess how bus ridership changed after the introduction of the city’s bikesharing system, called Citi Bike. Bus routes were divided into control and treatment groups based
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Paul Gottlieb Zika research

CCNY, TechnoVax translational research leads to potential Zika virus vaccine

Preclinical results of research by City College of New York scientists and TechnoVax, Inc. in animal models demonstrate favorable outcomes in developing a vaccine against the mosquito-borne Zika virus. The results were announced by Tarrytown, New York-based TechnoVax, a biotechnology developer of novel vaccines whose proprietary virus-like particle (VLP) is the center of the research. CUNY School of Medicine at City College faculty, Paul Gottlieb and Linda Spatz, and Al Katz of the CCNY Physics Department, are collaborating with TechnoVax. The VLP vaccine formulations tested in animals not
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CCNY Early 20th Century  Site Plan Drawing

Academic Architecture at CCNY: The Post Legacy

The Lost World of CCNY: Architectural Gems of our Past “Adspice” – look to the Past. “Respice” – look to the Present. “Prospice” – look to the Future. The motto of the great seal of The City College of New York comes to life in a stroll down the Lincoln corridor in Shepard Hall, where the City College Archives presents a never-before assembled visual history of CCNY, from our origins on 23 rd Street to the magnificent new advanced research buildings that opened on our campus in 2015. The exhibition of material from the City College Archives runs through June 2, 2017. The images presented here
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