

Dr. Andreas H. Kottmann and Lauren Malave, graduate student Parkinson's Disease researchers

Sonic Hedgehog at the center of Parkinson’s research at CCNY

You may know Sonic Hedgehog as a Sega videogame character who saves us all from world domination. But within the realm of science, Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) is also helping to solve the mysteries of Parkinson’s Disease. Just ask Andreas Kottmann of The CUNY School of Medicine at The City College of New York. Kottmann and his team were recently awarded a research grant by the American Parkinson Disease Association (APDA) to validate their findings around SHH’s potential role in Parkinson’s. Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is caused by the degeneration of a certain type of neuron in the brain, so called
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CCNY’s_Team AutoRiza_2017

Student-designed CCNY chatbot places second in national Intuit contest

Using entrepreneurial skills nurtured at the school’s Zahn Innovation Center, a team of City College of New York undergraduates placed second nationally in Intuit QuickBooks’2017 Product Management Case Competition. The four-member “Team AutoRiza” conceptualized a machine learning chatbot to help service small business owners. Out of several hundred submissions, the City College concept was second to an app conceived by a Harvard University team. Team AutoRiza comprised: Mahmoud Khedr, junior, applied psychology & economics; Danny Tsoi, sophomore, computer science; Nashid Chowdhury, junior
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Mojados Portraits of Immigrants Event

“Mojados” immigrant photo exhibit opens at CWE

Immigrant inclusion is one of the biggest human rights challenges facing countries across the globe. The City College Division of Interdisciplinary Studies at the Center for Worker Education tackles this issue with the photo exhibit “Mojados: Portrait of Immigrants.” It opens Oct. 27 and runs through Dec. 20. The opening day includes a reception at 6 p.m. at 25 Broadway on the 7th floor. A conversation between photographer and exhibit creator Francisco Uceda, CWE human rights expert and Patai Postdoctoral Fellow Danielle A. Zach, and Susanna Rosenbaum, director of CWE’s MA Program in the Study
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Zadie Smith book cover

Langston Hughes Festival celebrates Zadie Smith’s literature

On the day that Zadie Smith receives City College of New York’s venerated Langston Hughes Medal, scholars and writers hold a symposium at CCNY on Nov. 16 to deconstruct the noted novelist’s work. Entitled “I am the sole author of the dictionary that defines me," the event runs 12:30 – 3 p.m. in City College’s Aaron Davis Hall, Theater B, located at 135th St. and Convent Ave. It is free and open to the public. Click here to register. Participants in the Langston Hughes Festival symposium include: Novelist Nicole Dennis-Benn; Writer Kaitlyn Greenidge; Scholar and writer Robert Higney (City
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Bones of Contention Film

Faculty films “Bones of Contention” and “Thy Father’s Chair” premiere in NYC

“ Bones of Contention,” a documentary by Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Andrea Weiss, premieres Saturday, Oct. 21 at Cinépolis Chelsea. This is one of latest releases by faculty in The City College of New York’s Department of Media and Communication Arts. The film focuses on the brutal Franco dictatorship, during whose reign up to 120,000 opponents of fascism were buried in unmarked graves all over Spain. A 2014 Fulbright Scholars award funded Weiss’ research. Legendary poet and playwright Federico Garcia-Lorca came to symbolize those that disappeared, and is called “the first LGBT victim of the
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CWE PR Panelists

CWE panel discusses Puerto Rico hurricane aftermath, Oct. 24

Attendees encouraged to bring disaster relief donations The aftermath of Hurricanes Irma and Maria in Puerto Rico is the focus of a panel discussion at the City College Division of Interdisciplinary Studies at the Center for Worker Education on October 24. Entitled “ State of Disaster: Puerto Rico and U.S. Relations in the Aftermath of Hurricanes,” the discussion highlights the historical relationship between P.R. and the United States and examines the social, economic and political conditions the Island faces as it struggles to recover from the hurricane devastation. The event, 6 – 8 p.m., is
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Novel MAS model linked emotion regulation

CCNY psychologists develop new model that links emotions and mental health

For decades psychologists have studied how people regulate emotions using a multitude of ways to conceptualize and assess emotion regulation. Now a recent study published this week in the journal PLOS ONE by Elliot Jurist and David M. Greenberg of The City College of New York, shows how a new assessment model can give clinicians an exciting new way to think about clinical diagnoses including anxiety, mood, and developmental disorders. The authors developed the Mentalized Affectivity Scale (MAS) – a novel assessment model which breaks emotion regulation into three elements: · Identifying: the
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World University Rankings 2017

CCNY scores highly on global & Chronicle of Higher ed. rankings

Two new rankings reflect The City College of New York’s impressive academic standing internationally and its ability to boost remarkably the social mobility of its students. In its 2017 appraisal of the top schools globally, the Center for World University Rankings places City College, whose student population represents 89.6% of the world’s 193 sovereign states, in the top 1.2%. CCNY ranked # 323 among the more than 27,000 degree-granting institutions of higher education worldwide according to the CWUR, which conducts the largest academic ranking of global universities. At home, The Chronicle
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Mike Holober

Jazz standout Mike Holober is inaugural Stuart Katz Professor at CCNY

Internationally renowned jazz pianist, composer and arranger Mike Holober is The City College of New York’s inaugural Stuart Z. Katz Professor in the Humanities & the Arts. The endowed professorship is supported by a $1 million gift to City College by distinguished alumnus Stuart Z. Katz, Esq., a 1964 graduate. Holober’s appointment is for one year. The selection committee cited Holober for “a long record of quality productivity as a jazz performer, composer, and arranger. His compositions and arrangements have been performed by leading jazz orchestras in North America and Europe.” The
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Monica Lavin_Catedra_Llosa_2017

Mexican author Mónica Lavín leads 2017 CCNY Cátedra Vargas Llosa

Acclaimed Mexican writer Mónica Lavín co-presents The City College of New York’s fifth Cátedra Vargas Llosa, Oct. 24 -27, an international academic project honoring Spanish-language literary giant and Nobel Laureate Mario Vargas Llosa. Lavín and Raquel Chang-Rodríguez, Distinguished Professor in City College’s Division of Humanities and the Arts, lead a one-credit seminar for both graduate and undergraduate students entitled “ Mario Vargas Llosa’s “La fiesta del Chivo” : History, Reality and Literature.” The discourse focuses on Vargas Llosa’s historical novel “ La fiesta del Chivo” (2000)
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