CCNY Historian Judith Stein Awarded CUNY Distinguished Fellowship

One of 15 ‘exceptional national and international scholars’ selected for inaugural cohort

City College of New York historian Dr. Judith Stein is doubly distinguished. Professor Stein, who earlier this year became a CUNY Distinguished Professor, has been awarded a CUNY Distinguished Fellowship for the spring 2014 semester from the Advanced Research Collaborative (ARC) of the Graduate Center (GC) of the City University of New York. She one of 15 “exceptional national and international scholars” selected for the inaugural cohort of this GC initiative.

“The selection committee was unanimous in its judgment that the proposed research project of Dr. Stein was outstanding and provided a close fit with the theme of inequality that is central to our work this year,” wrote GC Provost Chase Robinson and ARC Director Don Robotham in a letter to CCNY Interim Provost Maurizio Trevisan.

Professor Stein will use the fellowship to conduct research on negotiations between 1995 and 2001 that led to China’s entry into the World Trade Organization. This is integral to a book she is writing to explain the ideological changes that led to the United States emerging as the world’s dominant economy by the end of the 1990s.

At the beginning of that decade, many historians had concluded that the U.S. economy was in decline and could no longer compete with Asian models. However, by 2000 the United States was experiencing strong growth while Japan and other Asian economies had become stagnant.

A neoliberal recipe for growth marked by market solutions, fiscal discipline, trade liberalization, foreign direct investment and deregulation supplanted Keynesian and statis models, Professor Stein noted. “I am writing a book that explains this change. It is often said that neoliberalism began in the late 1970s or 1980s, but I argue that it became dominant in the 1990s when the United States produced high levels of growth and low unemployment.”

ARC established the Distinguished Fellowship program last year to provide opportunities for academics with outstanding records of published research and scholarship to participate in GC’s intellectual and academic community. As a distinguished fellow, Professor Stein will be provided with an office, computer and other support services at the Graduate Center for the spring 2014 semester.

A former Fulbright Distinguished Chair, Professor Stein previously wrote three critically acclaimed monographs:
•   "The World of Marcus Garvey: Race and Class in Modern Society" (Louisiana State Univ. Press, 1986);
•  "Running Steel, Running America: Race, Economic Policy and the Decline of Liberalism" (The University of North Carolina Press, 1998), and
•   "Pivotal Decade: How the United States Traded Factories for Finance in the Seventies" (Yale University Press, 2011).  

More than 25 years after its publication, "The World of Marcus Garvey" is still considered the most important study of the leader of the largest mass movement in African-American history. 

Professor Stein is a graduate of Vassar College (BA) and earned her PhD at Yale University. She is a Fellow of the National Endowment for the Humanities and the American Council of Learned Societies. 

In 2005, she was one of 31 prominent scholars chosen as Fulbright Distinguished Chairs by the Council for International Exchange of Scholars, which administers the Fulbright Scholar Program. Under the award, she spent a semester in 2006 as the Nikolay V. Sivachev Distinguished Chair in American History at Moscow State University.

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