Six undergraduates awarded Mellon Fellowships

City College of New York anthropology major Chayanne Marcano will spend her summer researching the relationship public spaces have with local communities. The Bronx resident is one of six City College students awarded two-year Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowships (MMUF) by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

The MMUF program is designed to encourage the most talented students from groups traditionally underrepresented in graduate education to enter PhD programs and pursue careers in research and college teaching. 

“As a Mellon Mays Fellow, I want to analyze and critique the relationship public spaces have with the communities they are located in versus their intended audience,” said Marcano, who is in CCNY’s Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership. “As of now, I'm most interested in looking at museums, particularly those situated in communities of color.”

Marcano will participate in a research training program at the University of Chicago with the other CCNY Mellon Fellows.

CCNY’s other 2015 Mellon Fellows and their research topics are: 

  •  Dilenny Cisnero (third-year, BA/MA program in history), race and gender in 19th century Dominican Republic; 
  • Christopher Colon (junior, sociology), gentrification in Brooklyn and East Harlem; 
  • Bilha Njuguna (senior, English), post-colonial literacy in East Africa;
  •  Vanessa Velez (junior, history), consequences of U.S. actions and policies in the Middle East on American society since the Cold War.

Rebecca Wellington, a philosophy senior and the other CCNY Mellon Fellowship recipient, has opted to participate in another summer program.

About The City College of New York
Since 1847, The City College of New York has provided low-cost, high-quality education for New Yorkers in a wide variety of disciplines. More than 16,000 students pursue undergraduate and graduate degrees in: the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; the Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture; the School of Education; the Grove School of Engineering; the Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education, and the Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership. U.S. News, Princeton Review and Forbes all rank City College among the best colleges and universities in the United States


Jay Mwamba
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