Former Gov. Mario Cuomo to Speak at CCNY April 8

 The Hon. Mario M. Cuomo, former governor of New York, will deliver the Samuel Rudin Distinguished Visiting Scholars Lecture at The City College of New York (CCNY) 5:30 p.m. Thursday, April 8, in The Great Hall of Shepard Hall. The lecture is free and open to the public.

Mario Cuomo was the longest serving Democratic governor in the modern history of New York State, serving from 1983 to 1995. “The New York Times” called his tenure “one of the most celebrated governorships in history.” In his 12 years at the helm of the Empire State, Governor Cuomo steered New York through two recessions, balanced 12 consecutive budgets and created more than a half million jobs.  

As governor, he launched the largest economic development initiative in New York history and created an unparalleled network of high-tech research facilities. He also built the country’s most extensive drug treatment network, its largest program of housing assistance for the homeless and a nationally recognized plan for AIDS prevention and treatment.  

In addition, he is widely admired for his oratorical skills. Governor Cuomo’s keynote address at the Democratic National Convention and his speech on the relationship of religion and politics at Notre Dame, both in 1984, helped define the progressive political landscape for two decades.

Governor Cuomo is currently Of Counsel with the law firm of Willkie Farr & Gallagher, LLP. He continues to pursue his wide-ranging interest in public policy, writing and appearing as a guest commentator on radio.  

About the Samuel Rudin Distinguished Visiting Scholars Lecture
This lecture, a component of The Samuel Rudin Distinguished Visiting Scholars Program at The City College of New York, was initiated in 1996 and is supported by a grant from the May and Samuel Rudin Foundation. Named in memory of Samuel Rudin, Class of 1918, it provides an opportunity for members of the college community to interact with outstanding scholars, business leaders, and government officials, enriching the education experience on campus. The program is also intended to foster communication within the academic community of New York City.

Samuel Rudin, a civic and philanthropic leader, in New York City, was a member of the Class of 1918 at The City College and went on to a prominent real estate career. The Samuel Rudin Distinguished Scholars program is supported by a grant from the May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation, Inc.

Previous Rudin Scholars include Tom Brokaw, Susan Lacy, Ric Burns, Frank McCourt, the Hon. Patricia S. Schroeder, Walter Cronkite, and Nobel Laureate Dr. Harold E. Varmus.


Ellis Simon
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