Innovative technology co-inspired by physicist Elisa Riedo of The City College of New York for developing new magnetic microchips is raising hopes for the manufacture of nanosized sensors, memories and microprocessors.
The revolutionary technique entails magnetic microchips exploiting the electron spin in addition to its charge. This control of magnetism at the nanoscale is crucial for the development of new paradigms in optics, electronics and spintronics.
This is the work of Riedo, professor of physics at City College and at the CUNY-ASRC, and researchers at the Nanomagnetism group of Politecnico di Milano, headed by Riccardo Bertacco.
It is the cover story in the journal “Nature Nanotechnology.”
About The City College of New York
Since 1847, The City College of New York has provided low-cost, high-quality education for New Yorkers in a wide variety of disciplines. More than 15,000 students pursue undergraduate and graduate degrees in the College of Liberal Arts and Science; Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture; School of Education; Grove School of Engineering; Sophie Davis Biomedical Education/CUNY School of Medicine; and the Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership. U.S. News, Princeton Review and Forbes all rank City College among the best colleges and universities in the United States.