DSI Offers Mellon Fellowships to PhD Candidates

The CUNY Dominican Studies Institute (DSI) at The City College of New York has received a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to encourage more doctoral dissertations in Latino studies. The DSI is one of four institutions in the nation that will offer Inter-University Program for Latino Research (IUPLR) Mellon Fellowships to PhD candidates next spring.

The University of California, Los Angeles Chicano Studies Research Center; University of Texas at Austin and the Hunter College Center for Puerto Rican Studies are the other grant recipients.

"This is a three-year grant and is dedicated to encouraging people that are writing Latino-focused dissertations regardless of their ethnicity," said Dr. Ramona Hernández, director of the DSI. "It's an incredible opportunity to increase scholarship in Latino studies."

Applicants must be enrolled at a CUNY institution and should have completed their fifth- year of doctoral studies. Successful fellows will receive up to $25,000 yearly stipends and tuition waivers.

Dr. Eric D. Weitz, dean of humanities and arts at CCNY and Dr. Ashiwel Undieh, the college’s associate provost for research, worked with Dr. Hernández to secure the grant.

For more information about the grant, please call the Dominican Studies Institute at (212) 650.7496.

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Since 1847, The City College of New York has provided low-cost, high-quality education for New Yorkers in a wide variety of disciplines. More than 16,000 students pursue undergraduate and graduate degrees in: the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; the Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture; the School of Education; the Grove School of Engineering; the Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education, and the Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership. U.S. News, Princeton Review and Forbes all rank City College among the best colleges and universities in the United States.


Jay Mwamba
p: 212.650.7580
e: jmw%61mba@ccny.cuny .%65du" rel="nofollow"> jmwamba@ccny.cuny.edu